>Be me
>Liberian immigrant.
>I've been living in the US for 15 years.
>Doing well for myself.
> Currently, I'm a department manager in a retail chain.
>Before I came here, I took part in the Liberian Civil war.
>As a child soldier.
>I saw some shit.
>Took part in ritualistic cannibalism because my 'commander' made us.
>Anyone who refused was eaten next.
>Human flesh taste horrible btw.
>Jump to now, Trump called African countries shitholes.
>All my white friends use me as a example.
>I've been a living talking point since he said it.
>I pretend to be offended because that's what expected of me.
>Deep down,. I know he's right. Liberia is a shithole and will always be a shithole.
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you know de wei bruddah?
Liberia more like gay lmao
Why did you choose to work in retail or why are you still considering it’s collapsing???
You have to go back. How dare you disrespect President Monroe like that you ungrateful fucking nigger.
user... I... Don't know how to tell you this...
You have to go back.
>Liberian immigrant
manumitted slave takes free boat ride back to mother africa.
descendent of manumitted slave comes back to america
You're not black post BBC proofs!!!!!
It is the niggers "human right" to follow around white people like a lost puppy looking for table scraps.
God I hate niggers so fucking much. I want them all dead!
Giving your flesh to da brudaz is de wei.
My first job in the US was with this retail chain. I climbed the ladder and they've treated me right. I also don't have a western education and this line of work is all I know.
so you are a cannibalistic coward? 0/10 larp. kys either way
>Do you know de wei bruddah
Im glad you turned it around, user. You were lucky, make sure you appreciate that; but don't feel like you need to play into their pity party.
>Patient 0 of the zombie apocalypse
Tell your friends that you aren't a talking point, that you aren't offended and that liberia IS a shithole.
How will those retards ever learn unless they hear it from the source.
What the fuck, we established your country to ship you niggers there, you ain't supposed to come back.
>I pretend to be offended because that's what expected of me.
Break the conditioning. Let them know how bad the place is. That it's a complete waste of land, and that the country would be better off if it were glassed and turned into a cheap parking lot.
Cool story, rabbi
sounds like gibs me pity
i have no pity.
Sucks... YOu're not the first one putting on face in this world.
Tell me about the ritual.