Are rodeos inhumane and should be ban them?
Are rodeos inhumane and should be ban them?
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ban mexicans instead
That's sad as fuck.
Not a bad solution.
Not ban them no, but we should not unnecessarily kill horses. That's why the ethnostate will need niggers. To replace horses in situations like this.
White man must have his sport.
Jesus fucking christ.
Fucking mexicans.
what why
Rodeo bulls have great lives, its just theire last hour that is bad.
Man that just makes me sad.
That horse never asked to be put in that ring with an angry bull. Could you imagine being that horse while it was being gored like that?
>Could you imagine being that horse
What did he mean by this
fuck, that's really sad.
I meant exactly what I said. Imagine having a couple horns inside your guts for such a prolonged period of time like that.
The wall should have been up 15years ago. It might be too late and brazil is an indication of our future.
Is the horse ok?
Why didn't they just shoot the poor fucker on the spot when the bull caught him?
>Imagine having a couple horns inside your guts for such a prolonged period of time like that.
Apparently they are even responsible for the bedbug epidemic. I've heard it really took off near the border in the early 2000's.
Needless violence is barbaric and should be banned. Same goes for MMA and that shit
It's called empathy. It's a white concept, sorry if you don't understand.
Did you just compare a rodeo to a combat sport with consenting adults?
>defending furries
america was never white to begin with, nigger shit
You're never going to be like europe, ever
not in a million fucking years, 'white boy'
spotted the nigger/asian
Bull uses Gore. It's super effective.
Shame, those would've made good sausages.
>Same goes for MMA and that shit
take it down a notch pussy. why do you wanna stop people from slapping each other around in a cage?
lol fuck you.
Natures brutal man. That bull understands things that are more complex than anyone in the audience ever had the capacity to understand up until they witnessed this probably. I would have done the same thing if I was that bull.
>You're never going to be like europe
Whats wrong with mma?
just imagine Sup Forums responses if this was a nigger """sport"""
what a slimy pack of hypocritical low-IQ trailer trash homos
I don't think anyone is blaming the bull.
They yank on their nuts and all sorts of cruel shit to piss them off before releasing them. Then they get stabbed by spears, making sure to miss vital areas to keep it going for a long time.
brutal, that's nature though.
sucks for the horse, but cowboys get gored like that all the time too
You know who deserved a bullet in the head?
That rider. Asshole should have never gotten his horse cornered like that.
>meme flag
arab detected
Did the bitch kill herself yet?
LOL american 'whites' upset?
This is the future of Gondor, and it's beautiful.
This is what Stormwind will look like in 50 years and it's beautiful!
yup.. you got me user
>Then they get stabbed by spears
surely you're thinking of bullfighting, not rodeo as it exists today
>trapping a horse in a small enclosed area with an angry bull is nature
I wouldn't miss them but I am not really in favor of letting the state handle things.
I didn't see the dudes on horses had lassos until now. Thought it was bull fighting.
They still do all sorts of nasty shit to the bull to make it fear for its life.
I know those dirty nigger tears must be rough
you'll never be an ubermench LOL
We should use bronies instead of actual horses for this sport.
You're living in the wrong country, then.
>outlaw donkey shows
>make abuse exceptions for bullfighting
south america has weird priorities
LOL I bet you're a salty libertarian nigger who sticks dildos up your naval just because all the other orifices are taken up
What the fuck are you talking about?
The bulls are well treated, a good bull will make more money for the owners than many of us make a year.
>Just another ordinary day in dad land
>Kids on their phones all day
>Constantly playing violent video games
>Or watching autistic chinese men in fullbody spandex online
>Just want us to be a family, go out and make some memories together
>See the rodeos in town
>Daughter and the wife love horses
>Son is a real action nut, he'll love it
>Everyone's real excited
>As the animals, and cowboys, and midgets are rolled out into the ring, the smiles of my family make me feel as though I've finally succeeded as a parent
>Suddenly a bull knocks a horse down, I see it jamming its horns in over and over, it's guts popping out
>The audience is horrified, my daughter starts to cry, "D-daddy!"
>Damage control, "All part of the show sweetie, its a magic trick, those are ribbons!"
>Daughter screams, "No they're not!!!"
>Stupid fucking horse stands up
>What are very clearly not ribbons spill out of the gaping holes in its undercarriage all over the arena sand
>Wife and daughter get up to leave as I try to explain its just an optical effect, they've got mirrors off stage
>They don't even look at me
>My son comes up to me, "Dad, can we come to the rodeo everyday?"
>I notice he has a full erection like me and can't help but smile
>I pat his head laughing, "Sure thing son!"
>salty libertarian nigger who sticks dildos up your naval
good one user. I concede
How do you think they get so pissed off? Look it up. Backstage they are nice and friendly, then before they go into the ring they are basically tortured.
I grew up around cows, they are not inherently violent animals, they dindunuffin, seriously.
That was one tough horse. RIP.
finally an american admits that in the end they're just another worthless nigger
I bet you couldn't even define what it means to be 'white,' fucking american
why are you so angry, user?
It's not that its inhuman user. Its just that its retarded.
Why did nobody react? Why is there no one with a gun (or at the least a tranquilizer gun) standing in the wings in preparation for something like this? Fucking sad.
Yeah, lets ban everything fun
Theyre animals.
They teach true morality.
We should have human gladiators too. And slaves. To show the true price of weakness and cowardice.
angry? lol you're just getting really defensive over the fact that you're a black babbie boot licker to the jews
no wonder you take me mocking you as aggression, otherwise you'd have nowhere to shove that angry rage of your country's failure
You're not a nazi. Are you that jordanian?
It was over for the horse as soon as the horns pierced its gut. Nobody is going to be shooting a firearm when spectators are around all sides, and it would have been pointless anyway to kill the bull at that point, then you just have two dead animals instead of one. A tranquilizer takes forever to work.
spotted the angry ubermench
Yeah, that's terrible. People have no empathy for animals.
*eats meat*
I bet you must be proud of your country LOL
80 IQ mongrels are the future of western civilization!
I don't eat meat.
That's besides the point anyway, if you can't see the difference between meat production and entertainment you're braindead from years of pilpul.
Why do you deflect so much?
But yea, where will the fun go
>Gladiator arenas
>Hunting for sport
>Russian Roulette
>Hot gernado
Where did all the manly fun go?
>wh*toid horse BTFO by black Turkish bull
Bring back the Colosseum but this time with modern technology.
Also russian roulette would be a great casino game. The audience should be able to bet for the players.
because what im saying is true, and you're just a fat nigglet scrambling away at the keyboard
It's fine when a human gets mauled like that, but man seeing a horse run around with its guts ripped out is a sorry sight indeed.
Except the only one angry in this rekt thread is you. What is your country? It's okay, you're among friends.
This is the evil wh*Tes are capable of
LOL im getting wrecked? sorry pal but you're a stupid nigger and im sure you couldn't even figure out how to twist a doorknob if you tried
I think you need to re read my post, friend.
why dont you check yourself before you wreck yourself, stupid fatass mixacan american
>caring for animals
>suddenly is a furry
Yes, it's retarded and subhuman and should definitely be banned.
I thought I was a nigger? Now I'm a spic?
If you think this is inhumane then you're gay and probably a woman anyway.
>Gladiator arenas
I personally know way too many people who would willingly participate.
shipping chickens should be banned too
fucking subhuman anglos
Horses have been ennemies of the europeans. they helped muslims in their conquests, they helped mongols in their conquests, mongols are responsible for the bubonic plague that killed 1/3 of europeans
fuck horses
You will never be white like us Aryan American God's we are the masters of wars and the also have the biggest ARAYN COCKS. *laughs*
considering your a mixed race fuck up, really you're both
and what gives you that idea at all, friend?
No, they are honorble sports and only degenerates and kikes think otherwise.
This. I've rode bulls several times.
Back into the oven subhuman