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so much for the ankle bracelet theory qfaggots btfo
The missile threat was Clinton's schlong going into Humas' butthole.
Does this have anything to do with the (((false alarm))) thing
Why hasn't someone killed the whole inbred Clinton clan yet?
A plane crash would be great.
What if Huma and Bill both ratted out their spouses to get leniency?
tfw bill clinton rats out Hillary and George Bush and Obama
Let's hope the perverts had the room cams going.
Still doubting that she is going to divorce Wiener due to spousal privilege, unless they have all collectively thrown Hillary under the bus.
There are no deals
There are always deals.
yah so much for muh ankle bracelets
Little rock mafia is usually the ones orchestrating such events.
>can't hire a hitman to kill himself.
who sent da bomb doe?
>huma and hilldawg are gallivanting around jet set free while based patriot general flynn is getting fucked
Fake news, anons. Qwho and Gwhorege Webb assured me that mueller is /our guy/ and that these treasonous pieces of shit were arrested twenty one times and that their planes were diverted to Gitmo dozens and dozens of times over the past months.
Go fuck yourself shill. Q and George Webb are a ZIONIST DISINFO OPERATION.
They mix 1/10 truth with 9/10 bullshit.
Mueller is still /ourguy/.
No, he isn’t.
i honestly think something like that is the only way to get liberals to wake up. much like that lost soldier on an island who got found 30 years after Vietnam, who wouldn't surrender unless his general told him the war was actually over. They need to make Hillary go on live TV and admit everything she did.
Yes, he is. Fuck off phoneposting faggot.
Is yiur pic supposed to prove something, schizoid faggot? Explain General Flynn having his life ruined. Explain the fact that Mueller has always been a faggot piece of shit rat. There is zero tangible evidence of Mueller being a good guy. Zero. Explain.
General Flynn got indicted on purpose so he could testify against Obama and others.
Bill is fucking Huma, they're both going to rat out the entire Clinton operation!
>goes back to watchign Matlock
>indicted on purpose
>so he could testify
oh brother. he wouldn’t have pled guilty, then.
Yes, he would have. Fuck off George Webb.
He pled guilty to lying. Ergo, his testimony is automatically impeached.
Oh, it’s (((you))).
He plead guilty to lying to the FBI. The FBI knew he was lying because they illegally wiretapped him. Ergo, you're a faggot.
So this is what is being slid today.
Maybe they legitimately tried to nuke hawaii to get rid of them????
Which means his testimony is automatically rendered impeachible.
>Which means his testimony is automatically rendered impeachible.
First learn how to spell impeach before you try and claim a monopoly on having the answers to what's going on.
Bill is pumping Huma for information to see what she knows and evidence she has
She will commit suicide after the evidence is all destroyed
You know that by you trying so hard to make your opinion the only possibility in this thread you're exposing yourself as a shill right? Surely you're not this stupid?
What if they keep pumping though
I’ve provided actual evidence that refutes your fee-fee hunch, you fool.
Where is your evidence that backs your assertion. Look user, I would LOVE for Mueller to be /our guy/, but there’s simply no proof that it’s true.
Of course he's not.
The faggot was neck deep in hillcunts U1 shit, he was mentor to James "Hillary dindu" Comey, he hired hard core antitrump faggots on his team.
There is literally nothing honest or good about Muller.
Those saying otherwise are larp twats.
>The faggot was neck deep in hillcunts U1 shit,
why would it btfo that theory?
it's a tracker not a chain. plus we dont know the terms she agreed to.
>who filed it
Sessions’ DOJ. You do realize the ONLY court (((mueller))) files in is 99.999999% nigger D.C., no?
Not Muller.
He's too busy trying to get dirt on Baron, or get bank records from Trump's 3rd cousins mother's dry cleaner, who might have watched Rocky 3...and prove Russian collusion.
Q and George Webb also weren't the people to come up with that theory, they hijack everything and claim it as their own to tarnish the believability of it.
And who is working on Sessions' DOJ? MUELLER AS A SPECIAL COUNSEL.
Wednesday is gonna roll around and you're gonna be shitting bricks faggot.
He picked the literal most antitrump district to file in...
Coincidence I'm sure. 98% pro Hillary.
This. And this: You do know that SC does its own GJ’s and filings, don’t you?
>And who is working on Sessions' DOJ? MUELLER AS A SPECIAL COUNSEL.
Wrong. Sessions isn't involved with Muller...
The guy is apparently crazy, although he seems to mean well.
>you will never fuck Huma's asshole
It hurts bros
Muller will lose. No doubt on that.
But he sure as fuck ain't a good guy.
He is the embodiment of deep state swamp.
Do yourself a favor and check the filings. It might disabuse you of your flawed assumptions.
Mueller is a marine veteran who is getting pardoned for being the special prosecutor on this case.
You know who else is talking?
Your buddy Priestap.
The doj that told sessions to recuse, and hasn't fired ohr? The doj that obstructed congressional oversight? The doj that swears Muller is unbiased?
That doj?
I think that's the implication here
Yep, haven’t you learned that (((they))) are untouchable and beyond reproach?
That is retardation.
You might get a pardon, but you don't get to be a special pro, afterwards.
C'mon man.. don't be dumb.
My buddy? You sound unhinged. By the way, it’s Strzok who is spilling his guts. Not Priestap. Not yet.
>That is retardation.
>You might get a pardon, but you don't get to be a special pro, afterwards.
>C'mon man.. don't be dumb.
Your opinion is worthless.
How do you know? Oh yeah, that's right, because you're working for Israel.
This doesn't have to do with the OP. Stop sidetracking the thread faggo
Where is the evidence of this pie-in-the-sky pipe dream?
stop sidetracking the thread like a shill
I don't know who's shilling who anymore
>stop sidetracking the thread like a shill
>Calling me a shill.
>doesn't realize I'm OP.
You and your buddy are the people derailing this thread. It's your job after all.
He does this every time. Sadly, I don’t think he’s a shill.
So quit being a faggot and stay on point
>stay on point
You haven't made a single point in this thread you imbecile.
Hey, Bill... wanna scoot the fuck over?!
Look, none of us know for sure the answer to whether or not mueller is /our guy/, but surely you must concede that the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of him being a bad guy. I concede i would be ABSOLUTELY THRILLED if your theory were true, but there’s zero evidence of it.
>but surely you must concede that the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of him being a bad guy
No, I can't concede that.
Podesta group got shut down. Bad actors were fired back in July from his team.
He's /ourguy/
Fucking Huma is probably as close that Bill has gotten to HRC snatch. Getting the used leftovers
>He pled guilty to lying. Ergo, his testimony is automatically impeached.
Checkmate for the always ludicrous Flynn-pled-guilty-in-order-to-testify theory.
Have you ever noticed that any thread involving the Clinton Crime Family automatically brings out the most shills?
What are they so afraid of on this site? It’s amazing they’re still on the payroll a year after the election.
Clearly the Clinton shills are afraid we have the power to sway public opinion and force her long overdue criminal prosecution.
Its because Uranium One was used to funnel Uranium to Israel. Not to Russia.
He oet Podesta file retroactively, but nailed based patriot General Flynn to the wall. Explain that.
>nailed him to a wall
1 count of lying to the FBI is not being nailed to the wall. Youre using buzzwords to fill the void from your lack of evidence.
Hi RegreSsive slime
Regressive slime brings grammar lessons to Sup Forums
Everyone give teacher the claps
>pick a target, personalize it.
You shills are losing your grip on the narrative and it's probably exhausting trying to cover all the holes in the sinking ship.
Isn't the 4 seasons the Saudi owned outfit? From the vegas shooting
Kike detected. It's so funny how you jews try to blame Saudi for everything.
You don't have much time left.
>entire thread of retards arguing /our guy/ Mueller shill post faggotry
I sware to god I hope someone shoots you cunts in the face and rapes your mom. Fucking worthless
You might want to read this:
“Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn is planning to sell his Northern Virginia home to offset mounting legal costs associated with special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe.
Flynn has been increasingly concerned over crippling legal costs the case has brought and is now planning to sell his house to offset the costs, according to a source who spoke to ABC News. He pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI about his contact with Russian officials during the presidential transition.”
and this
“After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of 'treason' and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions."
That's what happens when you bring up threads shills don't like. They derail it into bullshit that's insignificant. I think that Israel used one of their subs to legitimately try and nuke Hawaii. Possibly to try and kill Bill and Huma.
Also see:
“Flynn has been increasingly concerned over crippling legal costs the case has brought and is now planning to sell his house to offset the costs, according to a source who spoke to ABC News. He pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI about his contact with Russian officials during the presidential transition.”
and this
“After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of 'treason' and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions."
Stop derailing the thread. This is about Israel trying to nuke hawaii.
you haven’t presented any factual evidence. i have.