Why does Sup Forums worship Hitler considering the fact he ruined Europe?
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because he was right.
because he knew whats happening
because he attempted to fix europe. once and for all.
no war, only peace.
imagine how far Technology and Society could have been when Pic related happend.
Colonies on Mars.
Because pissing people off is funny, cunt.
I don’t much care for Hitler’s policies.
Is killing millions of ethnic Europeans really so funny?
Operation: Pre Operation Scatenburg AKA CLEANING HOUSE commencing. Jump in or miss the fuck out.
Hitler literally did nothing wrong. In fact, had he not attacked Russia, the soviets probably would have overran the entire continent. You should be thanking him for preventing pan-eurasian communism.
Thanks to hitler we are what we are today
>a shithole
>the soviets probably would have overran the entire continent
At no point have the Soviets had enough man power or resources to overrun the entirety of continental Europe you mong
incorrect but the soviets wouldnt have been able to maintain said population and the point would have been mute hence the reason why they didnt try...that and two nukes kinda warded them off a bit
>It's this kike again.
You know what goes in the options field.
but he was anti science - he labeled all the real science that today gives us space travel and GPS and wireless networking "jewish science" and snubbed it.
Also Sup Forums does not worship Hitler, only a few idiots and larpers pretend to
Poland and Finland single-handedly won against the Soviets. Hitler was not needed.
Because Sup Forums is largely populated by societal rejects and failiures, so they being weak as individuals cling to an ideology that appears strong and authoritarian fantasising of getting back at the (from their view) unjust world.
>"globalism is ok when we do it"
And that map is also incorrect. The Nazis would have abolished east European nations and their borders, and redrawn them into reichcommissariats.
Nope it is entirely correct. Even after WW2 the Soviets could not have overran the continent. Implying otherwise is just larper delusion in order to justify Barbarossa and the killing of millions of ethnic Europeans
Careful Kraut I could have you arrested for such talk
Hey man, not all of us look up to that meth addicted, parkinsons diseased, vegan soyboy with terrible bloating and gas because of it faglord.
>considering the fact
The fact is you're a mutt
Do you have to do the same thread everyday?
I'm a Euro who migrated to the U.S leaf
Every other day, it triggers the larpers
>Thanks to hitler we are what we are today
Thanks to the Allies we are what we are today
>but he was anti science - he labeled all the real science that today gives us space travel and GPS and wireless networking "jewish science" and snubbed it.
>Also Sup Forums does not worship Hitler, only a few idiots and larpers pretend to
yeah, explaines His interest in V2 Rockets and Television alot.
also the whole Wunderwaffe-Program was more Science than weapon tech.
You just played yourself, Its not Globalism when its 1 State.
1 Gouverment.
1 Führer.
1 Gouverment.
1 Reich.
and only 1 Race on the Planet
>yeah, explaines His interest in V2 Rockets and Television alot.
Yea this does not change the fact that the Nazis condemned things like atomic phsyics as "Jewish Science". Yes, they made advancements in certain fields but that does change their anti science stance towards a number of fields
>Yea this does not change the fact that the Nazis condemned things like atomic phsyics as "Jewish Science". Yes, they made advancements in certain fields but that does change their anti science stance towards a number of fields
>What is the German Atomic Bomb Project
>Who is Werner Heisenberg
>Who is Niels Bohr
low effort counter post.
i rate 1 of 10 burned Jews
you are a lying nigger
they were trying to make the bomb you dip
>The reorganization was done under the initiative of Minister Albert Speer of the RMBM; it was necessary as the RFR under Bernhard Rust the Minister of Science, Education and National Culture was ineffective and was not achieving its purpose.[24] It was the hope that Göring would manage the RFR with the same discipline and efficiency as he had in the aviation sector. A meeting was held on 6 July 1942 to discuss the function of the RFR and set its agenda. The meeting was a turning point in National Socialism's attitude towards science, as well as recognition that its policies which drove Jewish scientists out of Germany were a mistake, as the Reich needed their expertise
>>as well as recognition that its policies which drove Jewish scientists out of Germany were a mistake, as the Reich needed their expertise
The Germans themselves recognized their anti-Jewish stance in regards to academia hurt them you mongs
The EU, Islamists, Israel seem to think so.
You're a faggot who travelled from Israel. What an utterly retarded thread. Why can't you just admit to yourself that you're a massive pussy and you can't think for yourself? Wouldn't it be better than trying to virtue signal because you're too intellectually dishonest to look at the truth
Hitler was retarded. It started off noble enough but he got stuck on retarded shit like jews and fighting Russia
He didn't ruin Europe, he extended her life by 70 years.
>Wouldn't it be better than trying to virtue signal
How the fuck am I virtue signaling? Do you even know what the term means cuck boy?
>but he was anti science - he labeled all the real science that today gives us space travel and GPS and wireless networking "jewish science" and snubbed it.
V2 rockets entering space in 1944, anyone?
Thanks to Hitler , 80% of world is free of Britain's cruel rule of centuries.
So, man up , tight your titties and start defending your country, jew puppet.
> There are millions around waiting for the right thing to do, but what anyone can do if "german" itself is sleeping and being a coward.
No that was the US and UK excluding Ireland. Look up the Jewish influence as well as the major bank holders Hence the international clique. He was facing Bolshevism from and then Stalin. If you were in the middle of that shit you wouldn't be able to do half as well. Only thing is he lost.
>"Hitler was anti Atomic science"
>gets arguements against it
>H-Hitler was against Jews and this was a Mistake!!!"
>"L-Look what jewish Wikipedia says about it!"
t. Shlomo Damage Control
Sage this shit. This guy has made the same thread every day for the last week
The Argument still stands kraut the anti-Jewish stance of the Nazis was directly the reason for their anti-Science stance in regards to atomic physics in particular. They admit as such themselves
And yet you keep replying
He did not want a war.
>Sign treaty
>Break it
>Sign treaty
>Break it
>Sign Treaty
>Break it
But he totally didn't want war right? What a bunch of wank
>Treaty of Versailles.
was cruel to Germany.
>Treaty with Stalin
You trust Stalin?
Only because he lost is he the villain. Hell Bolshavics kill 10 million Russians and you don't hear about it because...........Jews.
Enjoy your usury contract.
Are you implying that was the only two he broke? He broke way more than that dude
Fighting for your life tends to do that when the first few were shit based.
Great source