Why did Aryans create high culture, literature and civilization everywhere expect in their northern homelands?
Why did Aryans create high culture, literature and civilization everywhere expect in their northern homelands?
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and you obviously haven't discovered autocorrect, faggot
Uhm, what is the last 1000 years of history?
Before that though
The moved N-European history forward, while the move 'ancient' history backwards in time.
Short story is that the church fucked with history, so their Bible was the original one, while the others were later heretical forgeries.
Because Northern Europe is not their homeland it's just where niggers wouldn't follow them because it was too cold. The mountains they came from were cold too probably but when they went down to the vallies niggers had access to them.
Operation: Pre Operation Scatenburg AKA CLEANING HOUSE commencing. Jump in or miss the fuck out.
generally soporific effect of the eternal anglo making Europe depressed simply by existing
Dude their homeland is Ukraine.
Because they were horse niggers from the Pontic Steppe. As soon as you "win" at horse-nigging on the Pontic Steppe, you've raped everyone there is to rape, pillaged all the cities there were to pillage, stolen all the wine and beer and grain there is to steal, you have to settle down and starting making agricultural settlements. Once your formerly horsenigger civilization gets to the point where you start being successful at it, a new group of horseniggers rides in and destroys everything.
I'm not sure what you mean by Northern homeland unless you are talking about Hyperborea or something. Nobody actually knows where the "homeland" of the aryans is, it seems as though they may have had a global civilization that got flooded after the ice age, according to Indian mythology which is quite vague. If so, then the north would be the last place they would go due to ice sheets.
I think the last remnants of the Aryan traditions are in Hinduism, because they moved to Mediterranean and Egyptian areas (and much evidence suggests Peru and parts of central/south America) but eventually got subsumed by other tribes and, at least in the case of south America, killed off in a revolution against them. Much of this stuff is lost, however, so many records destroyed by primitives.
I do believe that the north was similar to the USA in the sense that many people fled there seeking freedom and a new society as soon as it thawed out enough. The Northern European cultures are very interesting because it seems they place very little value on the material world, which could be explained by the struggle to survive but I like to think it was a reaction to the Aryan culture falling apart due to climate catastrophe -- they became a more ephemeral and spiritual people because they saw all the civilizations and monuments built during the ice age get subsumed by wter and destroyed.
Because the ancients they’re talking about were from Atlantis and ended up in the places nearest to Atlantis - also the Nordic lands were still covered in ice 12k years ago. You didn’t know the Aryan myth is really Atlantans. Even the Egyptians say the people that gave them civilization were whities
Atlantis isn't some mystic place, it was a city described pretty pragmatically by Plato. The mystery around it is exaggerated because accepting its existence forces you to accept that human civilizations are much older than the current narrative allows for. The tall whites with red beards that gave civilization to everybody were certainly remnants of an ancient civilization who had their cities and civilizations destroyed by floods during the end of the ice age and the gifting of civilization to surviving tribes was their only option.
I use the term Atlantis in a mythical way - the real name for it we don’t know yet. I personally think Atlantis has been covered up as the connections between the New World Order and Khemet are uncanny. The missing puzzle piece to unravel all religions and political belief systems is Atlantis.
it was erased by a comet strike that hit a 2km deep ice sheet covering ontario over 11,500 years ago.
Shit's been fucked ever since
Atlantis’ belief system transferred over to Khemet (pre Egypt) where they believed all the insane interdimensional shit they talk about on X. Khemet believed all abrahamic religions were satanic and then the Catholics went and Masscred them. So basically the truth is Khemetic teachings but even those are not what they seem as the devil worshippers hijacked it (as I suspected) and use the Jews as their scapegoat
> pol is in the midddle of solving about 15 thousand years of societal turmoil
>Why did Aryans create
I think you mean "steal".
Anyone w the tiniest amount of knowledge of Proto history knows that it was blue eyed blonde/red who gave civilization to the world. It’s no coincidence.
>everywhere expect in their northern homelands?
Because those lands only became livable much much later. Like 1000BC
Also, Christians destroyed all European culture and the Meds culture hid within Persian Islam and Egypt was just in giant graves.
Cold as balls. Hard to work frozen shit, priorities change.
>Nobody actually knows where the "homeland" of the aryans is
Because white people’s homelands didn’t always used to be northern lands and shitskins keep migrating to where whites live.
See India, Egypt, and Europe today.
brain drain. all of their best were too busy ruling over sw*rthoid regions.
because their northern homelands were underneath a 50 mile wall of ice lmao
>Christians destroyed all European culture
>Christians destroyed all European culture
You rabbi god is the reason Jews exist and have demonized our native swastika you fucking traitor.
No, in India and China they were a pest, meds aside europe wasn't shit until the they just happened to go on the crusades during the muslim golden age when knowledge from the rest of the world reached you.
.t the eternal Mutt
>shitty idols and human sacrfices
>high culture
The cold weather really slowed down European development but ironically this proved advantageous as it later skyrocketed in a short span to what we have now
>You rabbi god is the reason Jews exist and have demonized our native swastika you fucking traitor.
and what? do you need a swastika to fight for your beliefs? or you just want to be edgy and say "look my swastika i'm a proud nazi", it's not our fault that you believed in false idols and gods.
>ID: weab
why do you do this to me my lord? please have mercy on me
High culture did exist in Northern Europe, they just didn't build shitty roads and buildings everywhere.
You know Rome was basically an inner city ghetto before all the temples got built?
Take away the fancy temples, and you've basically got a horrible primitive city, Germanic tribesmen built Gothic Cathedrals eventually anyway, and now we've built Capitol buildings in every American state with huge Domes and classical architecture.
Just because they got comfy in their cabins with their board games, ale, beef soup and wool blankets for a few centuries just means that they minded their own business for a few centuries. Farming, hunting, training in combat, etc.
They had an extremely well developed legal system, complex language, their marriage practices were the least degenerate in the world, they ate well lots of meat and fish, they just didn't write much down except for Chronicles and Sagas. But we have enough archeaologica evidence to show they took part in bronze and iron age metallurgy, expert carpentry in both cabin, long house, chariot, cart and seafaring ships, the production of medicines and salves, their textile cloth was very advanced for what materials were available to them, they basically spent all their time arguing about Indo-European mythology, how to negate deceptive shitbags, recognize chaotic or evil people, channel inspiration in order to surpass obstacles. They weren't savages, they were jut barbarians (refused to learn anyone else's language).
Your whiteness... GIVE IT TO US.
Egyptians were not niggers you fucking retard
Look up the electric universe theory. From the "Symbols from an alien sky" documentary.
Because you can't travel and be at home at the same time.
Go forth and multiply, Nazi.
nice, also, trips checked
>ITT : Nordcucks have second identity crisis
You're just like fucking niggers
sometimes you WE WUZ MEDS
Go back to Alger you sandnigger.
The term Aryan comes from Iran, Iran literally means Land of Arya
It's we wuz indo-europeans
get it right
lol, Fench aren't Nordcucks you bunch of ignorant cucks
keep telling lies to yourself to fell better
Iranians were Indo-europeans, just a different tribe from the Germanics that Nords descended from.
Too cold.
Were, but now very few look like Europeans, they got fucked by Arabs
Their homeland is East Europe
>It's we wuz indo-europeans
>get it right
y'all bunch of fucking retards
That's right.
Pure white Germanics and Celts are the primary Indo-Europeans (Aryans) of the modern day.
>t. someone who's idea of Nordic culture consists of a 20 word Wikipedia summery.
>Pure white Germanics and Celts are the primary Indo-Europeans (Aryans) of the modern day.
Genetics don't point towards Germanics and especially not towards Celts.
For the lurkers that may be reading this: the strongest and most shocking "red pills" you will ever find are in the field or archeology, history, ancient civilizations and etc. You will find many shocking things.
Investigate this and you will have your mind blown.
I suggest you start looking up Graham Hancock.
Don't stop, lurker reporting
Friendly reminder that "Anglos" and "Saxons" originated from the Danish peninsula of Jutland.
They did
Well memed.
Real talk, though: giant mummies were exposed in museums all over Europe before WW2. They disappeared shortly thereafter.
Why is your pic about Atlanteans
Got anything on the more mainstream cultures? Such as blonde/redhead meds/romans/greeks and maybe especially the north african regions? Love the stuff so far
they did look again at the stone everything below ground is white while everything above ground has been eroded by time meaning the entire stone was once much lighter then it is currently
fuck happened 14k years ago?
just a coincidence
ice age you noglet
Climate was garbage, Indo-Europeans were able to spread out into the perfect climates for farming and civilization starting and so they started earlier.
All the early dynasty egyptian ruling class paintings are not just asskissing?
that shit looks too sudden for an ice age
Probably some sort of geological cataclysm. Look up the spot at 10,600 years ago though, it is perfectly coincident with the time Plato said Atlantis was destroyed.
Watch the video mentioned here for more information. The topic of Atlantis alone is deserving of a thread only for it. There's plenty of geological proof of it, plus many lost cities and structures found underwater.
I dont think you understand how haplogroups work.
here is the entry redpill
Atlantis was seafaring Semitic civilization on the island of Crete that was devastated by a tsunami from the Santoroni eruption. Their civilization ended during the late Bronze age collapse. The Phoenicians were their closest successor. Red hair and light eye variants are found in small but detectable numbers of Minoan remains thay have been sequenced. Phoenician merchants were stereotypically described as having red hair and light eyes.
The Minoans invented phonetic alphabets; the Phoenician alphabet is the precursor to most modern alphabets. Both spread literacy, mathematics, architecture, metallurgy, and so forth along maritime trade routes.
i watched the podcast with randall carlson and found it very interesting
also that spot isn't as drastic as the one at 14k
already watched it
The Aryan Race originated from the Alps and in Western Asia.
well it was. The most recent one was around that time and it was sort of a mini ice age sort of thing
Agriculture and societies didnt last long enough like they did with the Indo-Iranics. The Indo-Europeans went into separate tribes and slowly became a version of Easter Islands or very limited, yet different branch of lineages.
Northern India to China was a rich area for farming and goes back 10,000+ years. It still a great place to farm rice
I remember hearing about giants in Native American folklore.
Something to do with them being cannibals that would eat regular sized people and that they had six fingers instead of 5.
The reasons why Native Americans raise their hands at each others is to signify how many fingers they have.
Nigger please. Egyptians, summerians and early romans all painted their own females white and their own males red. If this one has different colors it's because it has been (((refreshed)))
Nubians were black, asians were grey and the semites were longnosed, as we see in this pic commemorating a war by showing pharao tut ank ahmon holding some shitskins by their hair
>seafaring civilization
hmm really makes you think