Ergo Proxy

Should I watch Ergo Proxy? Is it good?

I've never watched an anime. I tried watching the first episode but I got bored. Is it one of those shows where I have to force myself to watch it and wait for it to get interesting? I saw the one scene where the robot was chasing someone and the mall was empty. I stopped watching after then.

Does the protagonist ever show emotion? She seems completely static.

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Based on what you said, don't watch it, you won't like it.

>Is it good?
Yeah, but it's not for everyone

>I've never watched an anime.

>I tried watching the first episode but I got bored. Is it one of those shows where I have to force myself to watch it and wait for it to get interesting?
Kinda but just from that, this show isn't for you. A big part of the aesthetic is that brooding mystery. You'd be better off watching GitS SAC.

Nah, it's not worth it. Shit loses any and all mystique after Vincent gets out of the dome, then it just becomes plain boring.
If you want to see something with a similar theme and "feel" that stays great all the way through and is much more impressive visually, read BLAME.

I tried watching it once because it was supposedly a philosophical show. Couldn't make it past 3 episodes. I might have been interested if all the "philosophy" in the show hadn't been like following someone's notes on an intro philosophy class in high school.

I want to fuck pino

>I've never watched an anime.
>can't form any opinions of his own so he has to have Sup Forums spoonfeed them to him
Just get a rope and hang yourself.

It's not a philosophical show.

this fucking guy

Pino is not for fuck, only for pats.

well considering the fact she's ageless, I say that I am in good taste my good sir

Does this need a second season to conclude things? I remember seeing post like ''s2 never'', well manglobe is fucking dead anyway.

As your first anime you must watch Evangelion.

The "evangelion effect" will kick in and you will be set free. Don't make the same mistakes we all have. You have a chance to truly live.

There is literally an episode where they sit you down at a game show and basically ask you if you understand what is happening and if you're getting mindfucked yet.

They're trying too hard.

It's an ending that happens abruptly. But it's an ending. It needed closure though and it was all set up like it was able to have a second season that would be very diverging from the original season.

Pretty much all the episodes are designed that way. It's just that each episode just ramps up the crazy each time so it's seemingly bonkers by the end of it. Personally I thought that episode was okay. It was mostly just an info dump for the setting's history and it isn't that seemingly impossible a place like it could exist considering everything else going on.

>then it just becomes plain boring.
HAHAha no

actually its when this shit get good and you get such gems like disneyworld dome.

It may be the most pretentious anime ever created.

Given I'm a jock, I'm instantaneously put off by goth girls. Then I seen Re-l. For a girl like her, I'd make an exception.

It's objectively an exceptional show, there is only one problem. The dialogue is pants on head retarded when they try to be philosophical.

Other than that yeah immaculate. Re-l is love etc.

Ergo Proxy is shit. watch Juno. fuck juno. i hate it.

>Bitchy girl learns to be nice
>Wants the dick hard by the end

Yes, it's unique and interesting. The co-protagonist, Re-l, develops immensely as a character. Character development is Ergo Proxy's strong suit.

If the first ep bored you, then, like it prolly ain't for you. It's my favorite anime, but it's a very love-it-or-hate-it kinda thing.

It made me sad as hell

Earth becomes uninhabitable after most of humanity gets wiped out through nuclear war and a major environmental disaster. The remnants leave for space and create the proxies, pseudo humans, domed cities, and autoreivs to restart the ecosystem. The human remnants planned for most of the inhabitants inside the domes to have been destroyed/killed once life outside became possible, and to make way for their return, but proxy one (Vincent) turns out to not have the weakness the other proxies do.(sunlight) In the end, many of the domes end up being destroyed, and the last shot we see is human ships arriving as Vincent proclaims, with a smile on his face, "I am Ergo Proxy, the agent of death"

>Turning your waifu into literal Queen

Vincent has a ridiculous spread in his Harem.

Did they have something planned for s2?

it has an unexpectedly funny death

I didn't think so

I have a soft spot for it, but Ergo Proxy might be the only show that I found much more enjoyable on a second viewing because I a actually started to understand some more of the bizarre foreshadowing that comes up out of nowhere the second time around.

So I think it's decent, but not above throwing in some pretentious monologues and awkward fake-out episodes.

I actually thought that whole arc was pretty depressing.
