I know this thread is going to attract lots of shills, from the "are they identitarians" photo to the "my ancestor" image, but I want to share a small happening with pol: stamfordadvocate.com
Basically one member of the Lega Nord said that massive immigration threaten the white race and "if we decide that our society should still exist" then we need to stop it, basically this created a shitstorm, with Jewish activists getting assblasted and one of their leader said "the white race doesn't exist".
Any thoughts? how to counter an "argument" like that? leftists don't even hide it anymore, to them native Europeans don't exist.
Italian candidate for premier defends the "white race" remark
Why would italians care about the white race?
He's a stupid fuck for showing his power level this cluelessy
Meme or not, Italians caring about the white race means actual protection against the invasion from the south, a pro-native Italy should be of major interest for all Europeans.
Shameless bump, I thought it could be of interest to Europeans in general, the political climate in Italy seems to be changing and some people really can't hide their powerlevel anymore.
It's terrible remarks like this, which are very healthy from a biological/societal point of view, create so much controversy.
But remember that saying things like that as a public figure will make it easier to say similar things as a regular citizen.
Always remember leftists are literally biologically defective and are a minority.
Btw did the "ius soli" law pass or not?
>Btw did the "ius soli" law pass or not?
not for now but they will still push for it in the future
Ius soli did not pass. At the moment he is the leading candidate for the Lombardy region and is dropping red pills left and right.
He is breking the PC conditioning, normies are forced to reflect on ethnic substitution
Is he genuine or is he a way to bleed moderate voters away from the right?
Attilio Fontana, candidate president of the Italian region of Lombardy for the center-right party and former mayor of Varese, said in a radio interview:
"A real government should make plans and say:" we want and we think that it is right to accept 1, 100 thousand, 10 million immigrants" say how we want to help them, what houses, works and schools we want to provide to them. And at this point ask the citizens if they are ok with this plan. It is demagogic and unacceptable to say that we must accept them. It is a logic we must react against: we can't accept everyone. That would mean we would not exist anymore as a society and as an ethnicity, because there is a lot more of them than of us, because they are more determined than us to occupy this land. We must revolt against this logic, we can't accept it, because this is not about being xenophobic and racist, but logical and rational, we can't because there is not space for everyone, we must choose, decide if our ethnicity, white race, society should continue existing or be deleted. It is a choice, should the majority of Italians decide to disappear we, who do not want to disappear, we will go elsewhere.
You Italians need to kick the foreigners the fuck OUT.
Aren't Italians quite racist and nationalistic by default?
Not yet ,we can still avoid it if,as I hope,the left looses badly in the next elections
depends on the region, some are based other are San Francisco tier degeneracy
Just leave glorious Sicily alone
we arent white nor ever wanted to be, why should we give a shit?
not wanting to be niggered is good tho
The pro-EU crowd i.e leftists are viciously communist and anti-white like in the rest of Europe, they are just a tinier minority than other countries, even if the people are quite identitarian our establishment is anti-white like everywhere else, that's why the right is gaining so much.
Ask if the Jewish race exists.
>The white race doesn't exist
Yet here we are
pick one, guido
They will be African and arab occasionally soon enough
>posting Facebook memes
You are one of the shills OP mentioned, pic related
Did you hear about this in Germany? how are things over there? could one of your politicians say something like this and get away with it?
spoken like a true shill
We know that we aren't white as nordic countries, but alas we don't really want to be EXACTLY like nordic countries.
Here being white is more like being "western"
You don't need to like other European countries, just realise that some problems are common and require cooperation to solve.
>Here being white is more like being "western"
go "be western" somewhere else, you mediterrean filth
we have high iq and western culture who cares what shade of white we are
said like a true mutt
Usually yes, not if you come from Tuscany which is historically PD (basically u.s. democrats) and Bologna, which everyday keeps getting closer to becoming a Soviet/communist enclave.
In the north everyone is quite racist but not on the gas kikes and niggers tier, we are pretty much against mudslime immigration and against terroni, the southerners, because they brought mafia, government corruption and socially are like Italian niggers (at least the uncivilized part of terroni, which are a lot nonetheless. You can think of them basically as american rednecks). In the south I think they are racists toward mudslimes because there is a sort of patriotism and strong traditional values especially in Naples and Palermo.
Then there are the Venetians, which are basically Bavarian-tier, want to secede from Italy to reform the old Venetian/San Marco's Republic, are incredibly racists towards terroni and incredibly angry towards the government because it wastes their taxpayer in gibs for terroni and niggers (Lombardy, where I live, is starting to keep up with them tho, there's been a lot of redpilling here because of niggers flooding the country and money wasted on gibs. And also because we are the wealthiest region in Italy, so the government takes all the money not to go in the negatives because most other regions, especially in the south, produce nothing and are in the negatives, so basically we have to back their asses otherwise they would default and without our gibs they'd die)
North is racist towards the south and nigger because both leech off of their money, South is racist towards niggers
el mustru...
Well man, at least we house the HQ of the religion you like to pray for the most, and a lot of of other things.
Even the literal name of your country/continent has the name of an Italian, so please, while I can understand you feel good because you've got your own continent for yourself, never forget where you really came from.
No, I didn't hear about this. Currently, Merkel is still trying to form a government with soc dems this time. There's a small chance of reelections should the coalition fail, which would mean that Merkel is done and the AfD may get a few % more.
> could one of your politicians say something like this and get away with it?
There was a AfD politician who rightfully tweeted "Germany for the Germans" a few months ago. Needless to say there was a shitstorm and lots of kvetching, but many people were also like 'So? Who else's country should this be'. Finally it calmed down and nothing bad came from it. I'd say these provocative statements do a good job at making normalfags think and get redpilled as long it's not GASTHEKIKESRACEWARNOW.
Godspeed to this man. Hope people start waking up.
>Any thoughts? how to counter an "argument" like that?
Tell them that Jews don't exist either and Israel is stolen land founded on the blood of the Palestinians. Then they'll have a kikechimp and you win because they are silly.
It's great that a politician anywhere in Europe has the balls to say this.
>Any thoughts? how to counter an "argument" like that?
There are the scientific arguments which prove that race is real, infographs are posted on Sup Forums frequently.
I can’t take Italy seriously until you stop rescuing boatloads of niggers in the Mediterranean. Seriously, what were you guys thinking?
Good, let the national awakening continue.
Only thing that matters for politicians are votes/power/money, hit them where it hurts.
This won't have any affect. Normie Italians are anti-fascist and are brainwashed by the false prophet Pope.
He got insulted but doing things like this in public slowly starts to break conditioning, it's very good actually and means the tides are changing.
I read Repubblica's comments the amount of ignorace is incredible, people think unironically that race does not exist and that if their dna was to be tested they would come from all over the world it's incredible and sad thinking the jews actually washed their brain so much.
>Well man, at least we house the HQ of the religion you like to pray for the most
because your country is so good that the Vatican had to remain an independent nation
also, what's protestantism? do you think i pray to you catholic pedo popes?
kys, you are a shitole - italians are just like albanians, spaniards, turks, and northen africans, ew.
no one ever gave a shit meine negro, it's no brainwashing
I guarantee your non white
Also if normies say race doesn’t Exist and you wish to Counter their argument be ready, polite and calm to explain why they’re wrong and show them redpills like pic related. Always remember Not to be Angry they Are your Brothers it’s Not their fault they got brainwashed by kike’s propaganda
Will you be the next nation to leave the EU?
That`s great, the italians are among the less cucked westerners, i love it when footbal suporters make the leftists start a chimpout.
Honestly, you sound like some breed of mestizos or mulatto
*immigrates to Italy*
it's true, no one gives a shit about race beside autists pol posters which are turbovirgins anyway
Half italian here, Italians definitely have more fighting spirit and national pride than we have here in England. Mediterraneans are Europe's final hope
t. Selim the hashish dealer at the local porchetto
No he is a political martyr, don't let his sacrifices be in vain, assemble your people.
It is about Europe.
Stop this D&C
Average Italian
>saying things like that as a public figure will make it easier to say similar things as a regular citizen
this, KEEP PUSHING FORWARD the truth will not be censored
oh my did i hurt your 0.418351581% of italian heritage? sorry about that
Pls tell me this is real this is funny AF
Saviano is a turbocuck, napolefags GTFO
I hate this faggot so fucking much. Mafia is generally shit, but they should have finished the job with this guy.
Also he is unironically a jew, so go figure
Saviano is also a jew,unironically.
sephardic if i remember correctly.
La creatura.
El Goblino.
> Jewish activists getting assblasted and one of their leader said "the white race doesn't exist".
"Do Jews exist?".
Remember, there's no biological and scientific basis for the existence of the White race than there is of there being a "Jewish" people, especially if you consider the Ashkenazi.
If White's don't exist then neither do Jews and Israel has no reason to exist.
Italians desperately want to be white
The president of Sicily is a gay communist
not anymore.he got btfo
>"Do Jews exist?".
They will tell you "It's just a religion!". The best counter argument is do Chinese deserve to become a minority in their country? Do blacks deserve to be a minority in Africa? Their brains will stop working and just call you racist
They should. It's fucking pathetic the way that you (italians) get robbed. No one will speak against their suicidal tedencies because labour in italy is easy and pays good, practically gibs. Alzzati Duce!
Reminder that Italians are not alt-right and would be kicked out in any ethnic state. According to alt-right leader Spencer, only Northern Europeans made the United States.
They elected a right wing guy a few months ago IIRC
lol no, who would want to be a subhuman
just because you see a couple posters here you shouldnt believe they represent a country
Really meditteranean people should stop caling themselves white and start to embrace med routes
Sure ahahahahahahahahah
We shouldn't, most retards here don't get that concepts like "white race" are going to give ground to the left and ruin our country as well.
>Bashing about drug dealing.
*Holding cross against LaCreatura*
Sorry Carlos, didn't mean it esse. The gringo goes away now ok?
Because people who are not "white" care the most,mainly because you are a bunch of retards.
How did the average Italian reaction to these comments?
You've actually got a fascist party (unlike the UK).
Says the turk.
the way these politicians use it is just as a synonym for European(as Hitler did)
it's a secondary concept for us anyway, if they were to actually know how it's used in the anglo/atlantic world they'd probably stop using it
Didn't know this
The Mafia also tried to assassinate him several time lol
"med" is as meaningless as white, if not more. Med can be anyone from north Africa to the Levant, Spain, France, the Balkans, Greece, Turkey, etc.
We are Italians and to an extent Europeans, that's it
As if that is the deciding factor in whether they want to ruin your country or not.
Implying they still couldn't classify you as white even if you don't want it.
Northern Italy is cucked just like the rest of Europe. Only South Italy is 100% right, well except that shithole called Naples.
The man under this post has 3x IQ of every american in this thread.
Bump for the white race. Italians are as attached to european civilization as the Spanish/Portuguese and willl be affected by its destruction
Northern Italians (Lombards) are Germanic, retard.
Immagine how much cuck brits would cry (literally cry) if we had a fascist party
one of the very few times I agree with the mafia. Too bad they didn't succeed (yet)
Says the Spainiard Slave that swims through the Mediterranean to escape his problems.
Euromediterranean is definitely much more specific than "white", at least the people around the northern shores of the med do actually resemble each other and share cultural/linguistic/genetic links
it's obvious when we use "med" we refer to northern Meds
>albozerg subhhuman talking about amerimutts