Does Sup Forums have a girlfriend who's ok with your "fringe" views?
Does Sup Forums have a girlfriend who's ok with your "fringe" views?
I keep it to myself because she's a bisexual Latina and I love her
Obviously yes.
Unable to find any whites willing to date so no. People are taking on my views in my life because I am the richest person in my life
My girl is a fucking lefty retard. I redpilled her on the holohoax and she's still fuvked in the head
she's worse than I am
I would've done the Nazi shit last. I just try to start out with the easy stuff like immigrants.
Mine too, in some aspects at least...
my gf is trad and we're getting married and going to have lots of babies
>fringe views
Women like a leader capable of thinking independently.
Gamma4lyfe muh nigga'
My gf is more extreme than I am. I just see them as hostile tribes and animal people, but she absolutely hates Jews and niggers. We’re both young, white urbanites.
Married 9 years. We were typical city liberals, and in some ways I still am, but I've changed. She doesn't always agree, but she loves and respects me. I love and respect her too. She knows that what I want is what's best for us, even if I fuck up sometimes. So yes, she's okay with my views because I still make us happy.
Tl;Dr I'm a cuck.
I've transcended the need for vagina.
You’re economically insulated. I’m sorry, but experience is the teacher of fools, and that’s what most people require. It took a week of mine working in downtown in a blacked city to send her down the rabbit hole.
My blue-eyed girlfriend was mostly apolitical, but now she's very racially conscious. I'm not quite sure she's a WN, but she's 100% racially conscious, and she's completely fine with my views.
Pic related will replace the need for girlfriends
>faggot detected
My wife gets annoyed with my rants on the Jews, but she agrees. She just doesn't like when I say that all niggers and Jews need to be purged from this Earth.
She hates Asians. Men and Women. Thinks they're insect-people
Yes, economically insulated because I'm not retarded enough to live in a nigger pit. Kys faggot
My GF didn't know what taxes are
My gf stays out of politics bc she knows she has very little knowledge of it. She doesn't care that I voted trump, and she laughs at merchant memes. I have red pilled her on joos and the (((EU))). She is honorary Aryan.
>inb4 race mixers get the rope
I already have a blonde blue eyes son
A womb devoid of human love.
Those things are going to create monsters.
Yes. I only bring it up though when I'm drunk. I painted a swastika on her butt one night. It was fun.
>Thinks they're insect-people
Marry her, user. Marry her.
Married. She better be.....
>Fucking a girl rn who keeps making "the holocaust is a lie" jokes, so I think she may be a subtle redpill but unsure.
>Talking to a very cute girl from Pennsylvania, I think she's lefty but I'm unsure.
>Another girl from Texas is kind of in the middle, leaning Red
>Ex was full liberal and her new boyfriend made her a commie
I'd say its alright right now.
My transguy bf agrees completely with my ideological views, and we plan on raising a large family out innawoods. FtM are the true redpill, and the future of the white race.
if she hates asians more than niggers then your wife might have a problem
Also ignore the flag I'm visiting family.
This Too much tooo soon mate. Try redpilling her on feminism first
You think a fetus is capable of emotion and love?
What kinda question is this?
We're on here for a reason.
No. It's not that. She doesn't like black people, but she hasn't had as much exposure as I have. There are, like, 4 niggers here in Poland.
She doesn't like them, but she's seen more Indians and Chinks in her life, and doesn't like them either.
When we were dating she mentioned having white children because the world it too brown.
No, I have a husband that doesn't give two shits about politics, and never will.
They're unborn children...and yes...they're mentally capable of a lot more than most people like to give them credit for.
twinks dont give a shit about anything other than wanting for you to fuck their ass
Fortunately I do, I am also from Southern Texas though so maybe that is why.
Wife, and yes, she's sitting next to me
My wife is Korean and she thinks I'm too soft.
Mine has Latina heritage but still agrees that America is for white people.
She had the "fringe" views before me. One day randomly said to me "I think I'm racist" then we had a conversation about how her family hated black people because they're violent.
Blonde hair, blue eyes too. Feels good man.
My girlfriend's like that too, but I told her all about Hitler being the good guy and whites being superior. She looked at me and asked why I'm with her if she'd only downgrade my genes. I said because I love you. We're gonna get married soon.
>Does Sup Forums have a girlfriend who's ok with your "fringe" views?
No, I have a wife you agrees whole-heartedly with my logical, pro-white views.
>Does Sup Forums have a girlfriend
Yes, she thinks our race is cursed. And the smartest among us are living a nightmare and should be spared but the rest deserve to be drag out the street and beaten to dead with clubs in the middle of night.
She either thinks I'm serious and on-board with my views or that I'm just a very good comedian.
>Either way I'm glad shes in my life.
sous vide veal?
Both La Raza I take it?
She's a big city liberal who has long believed that I'm a racist asshole.
She doesn't talk politics with me any more.
my girlfriend is a jewish nyc communist who gets off on the fact that i'm a fascist and loves being dominated
so yes
Is she a staunch liberal?
He's 6'3" 240, he's probably lanklet now since deployment, though.
Fuck you user.
I'm slowly redpilling her. She's already pretty trad. She just needs a push.
As leftist as your girlfriend is, how is she still with a far right nut job?
You should be ashamed of yourselves
My gf is Cubana, hates commies, but is too trad to even discuss politics. Only masculinized white women concern themselves with politics.
I don't know. She wasn't a huge Hillary supporter but hates Trump. I told her if we ever had kids that this gender neutral shit is wrong to bring kids up in and that it's a social experiment id never put my kids through and she agreed so that's something
Is she your typical boomer cuckservative?
Yeah she occasionally drops the N bomb too we live in a city.
my wife voted communist party three years ago and after three years of my big fascist dick she's more redpilled than I am, sometimes I wonder if I went too far and created a monster desu
women, like water, take the shape of their container
gf is full blown nazbol
No wonder America is 56% and falling.
What race is she?
I am fucking a bit of a fucked up in the head girl, but im also pretty much mentally unstable. Doesnt seem to have politicsl views. Just a gamer girl who has a rocking ass and some mental trauma
What's your guy's political orientations?
What's your political orientation?
One of the first things we bonded over was our mutual dislike of niggers...
I'm more politically minded, I see the potential futures and it bothers me. She is the more overt racist out of the two of us.
How white does she look?
yes, she's russian and she hates niggers and shitskins and that kind of subhuman scum. She thinks feminism is bs promoted by fat chicks with purple hair and jews, hates thots and chads, and was a virgin when we met at 24.
Why do you retards call politics fringe when fringe is the esoteric study of magic
What's her political orientation?
>tfw no gf now
Why should we be ashamed? Because we found happiness outside our race? I'll make sure my kids have higher IQ than than the average white kid.
Why is she still with you?
My gf is literally a Nazi, her Dad is from a semi-noble East Prussian family who all had to flee the Soviets. Her Great-Uncle was a very early supporter of the NSDAP (part of the Conservative contingent who hated German "conservatives" at the time for cucking out, sounds familiar).
All this came out when I got drunk one night at a friend's party and started ranting about Jews and I thought I'd offended her until we were alone. Jackpot
Yes you can find girls out there that are not brainwashed by are politically correct marxist beast system. Also gf's that are red pillied on the "jewish" problem are the best type of fringe
She's probably a nazbol
She believes in lowering taxes as much as possible.
Nope, but my wife is.
Esoteric consular technocratic meritocracy
absolutely based
My trad gf is further right than I am.
Stop posting here
fancy name for Libertarianism
>dating a bisexual mestizo
You don’t belong here
Most people, even liberals to a large extent, agree that this gender neutral thing is stupid. Only crazed faggots are pushing this shit on sane people, so I'll assume your gf is just your standard liberal.
Somehow I doubt that you will, you are obviously a bottom of the barrel type to have to stoop so low. Lol, such an embarrassment, this country is well passed fucked.
Think Andrew Jackson's parrot.
Whether or not you’re a cuck depends on how many children you have with her. After 9 years of marriage you better have at least 4.
Enjoy your butch white roastie gf who accuses you of rape if you don't wash her dishes. I'll take my sweet, loving, trad latina gf any day.
The largest intermarraige couples are whites with wetbacks. It's pathetic.
I don't need nor will I change if my gf approves of my political opinions or not.
Frankly, if anybody agrees or not.
A man stands up for what believes and faces any consequences might come. Nobody trusts a fickle little bitch or likes one.
Confidence and wit is all you need to prove your point, logical arguments are a meme nobody cares to listen or think
Yes. Its great. Last few were kinda left.
You’ll regret this decision when your kids IQ reverts back to her family mean.