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colito colato huehehue oh garitolado mierda uma jabez
Que estas haciendo aqui maricon?
>30 years
>didn't apply for citizenship
What the fuck? I get that it's a long process, but come on.
The system works
>Here for 30 years
>Can't be bothered to get citizenship at any point
100% his fault
Deport the rest of the family.
>break law
>gets punished
Why did the man leave his home country? Was it a shit-hole?
I can't believe they managed to deport this long time illegal alien...
This desu
why does the left keep trying to intentionally conflate the words "illegal alien" with "immigrant" ?
30 years to become a citizen. Never did. Over the wall.
Such an unjust country, we only let illegals live here for 30 years then deport them!?! The application process for citizenship is TEN YEARS. It's too long to wait!!!!!
stop being racist you fucking nazi
Good work ICE
100% this
In the end it's doesn't matter a nigger is a nigger.
If you care about your family and your home you would attempt to legitimize yourself
Bye Bye
They have to back
Time Expired
Illegal Immigrant
Because that's how you win a cultural war. Haven't you seen 1984? It's just newspeak
This make me hard!
Nice to see laws being followed.
>30 years
>does nothing to acquire citizenship
>30 years
Siesta niggers everyone
Because they are liars and propagandists.
To make it sound like no brown person, even legal, is safe with GRUMPF in charge.
LOL you're going to have to deport all of america to get rid of the mexicans! they're not even white lol
Illegally! Its not trump it is us law.
>>does nothing to acquire citizenship
This exactly
It's damn near a miracle that they don't flat out call them "voters" at this point.
How the fuck does a person stay 30 years in a country without anyone ever questioning his legal status?
this, base capitalist
>The Clinton, Bush, Obama free ride finally comes to an end
He should be taking them with him.
This. I know the process can take a very long time, but not 30 fucking years. You have nobody to blame but yourself for not even making the attempt to gain proper citizenship. No sympathy.
>LOL lol LOL
At least post with the kekistani flag you nigger leave the nazi flag alone.
And he never bothered to become a citizen. Fuck him.
I only feel bad for him because the criminal niggers are still in America. They chose a family man first.
and couldn't bother to apply for citizenship.
To pretend they are not criminals for being illegals its very simple.
Press S to spit on grave.
Shut up you disgusting nigger, you Mexicans are abominations, a direct afront to god. I curse the spanish for creating you subhumans every day.
You are the most disgusting POC (piece of crap) that has ever soiled the earth. You belong back in hell where monstrosities are kept and burned forever, even then it wouldn't effect your ugly brown skin.
Go fuck a donkey you subhuman, I can't wait until the wall is up and we trap you disgusting fucks in your hellhole. You leech off of our success because you have none, such is the nature of subhumans. You are truly ugly, inside and out.
My parents came to the US from Vietnam during the war as refugees.
My dad told me about his struggle and how we have life so easy here, when he finally got his citizenship in 2006 he shed a tear and said "I finally made it."
Then we have these Mexicans who come here for a long ass time and still can't afford anything nice, my dad managed to buy a house in a nice part of LA county working crazy overtime doing shitty jobs.
>pay for education
>no paid leave
>pay for doctor
>full of niggers
>literally a joke to the world
>bozo president
le system werks
top kek
>30 images that will make you say, wow fuck having borders and laws and shit
30 years, Paco.
He must've been protected by traitors the entire time.
You're kinda right. They do the same here they deport young european and chinese but they keep the worthless niggers.
wtf. Does this mean we can impeach now?
Feels proud to be an American citizen doesn't it.
lmao packi defending the american niggers
I bet you're not white either
>get citizenship
>get registered for draft
>get taxed
pretty sure paco didn't want any of that
>30 years
in 30 years this fucking taco didn't get citizenship. He deserves to go back, especially because of retardness.
Only 29,999,999 to go.
Post your hand nigger.
Great news! Let deportations proceed.
>2 kids
the damage is already done. pointless deportation.
Wow that pics. They don't want equality now that they have the chance of dying in war along side us men. Theirs your equality bitches. Take it and smile
>30 years to get his fucking legal status in order.
He has to come back!
forged identity.
>being a beaner
>immigrating to America illegally
>not moving to a sanctuary city
>not trying to hurt innocent animals in a crowded tourist spot
>not murdering roasties
>not getting acquitted because the jury wanted to stick it to drumpf
Nice try faggot, maybe next time he hops the border he'll learn from his mistakes and do it right.
It really does.
I keep telling my dad to retire since me and my brothers make a pretty good amount of money but he enjoys his job as a cook.
lol bootlicking faggot you're just upset because you know im whiter than you, and you'll never be better than a stupid nigger paki
Look, he's crying! Burn the Constitution!
>29 years to apply for citizenship
I thought i was like 59,999,999 plus meztizos.
This guy had 3 presidents that were easy as fuck on immigration and he didn't get his shit together
>I- I'm white, I swear!
>Look at my edgy nadsi flagg!
Did he ever once pay income tax? Or did he just work under the table for 2 decades and then probably claim welfare for his kids because he had no documented source of income?
>the 56% rage builds
>apply for citizenship after working for 8 years (making him 18)
>life gets uprooted and ruined for the chance of being a citizen 20 years later
>hiding for 30 years
Hmmmm I wonder why he never applied....
Wait...his wife is an American citizen, which means automatic green card. You mean to tell me this lazy beaner had 30 fucking years to apply for an automatic green card and couldn't be assed to do the 10 minutes of paperwork?
Good, get out you lazy fucking parasite. Don't let the door hit your almost certainly welfare using ass on the way out.
but why wife and children didn't go with him to mexico? Is mexico so fucking bad that better destoy the family?
Cannot into math
>Came here when 10
>is now 39 years old
>but living here for 30 years
Lord and saviour 2018
>no spelling errors
that I can spot
only graduates can join the gang
Then you need special training.
>Life gets uprooted and ruined for the chance of being a citizen 20 years later
Nigger I've worked with people who have done that. You can get it done fast if you find a friend with citizenship to marry you for citizenship, then you get a divorce.
It's 110% his fault. Bye bye, Paco
Lmaoing at the daughter not even putting away her phone to hug her dad goodbye.
>criminals who break law finally getting punished after 8 years of Obama
Thank you President Trump for Making America Great Again.
That's 30 years of unpaid tax
problem is here boy, is that you're still a nigger, and you will never not be a nigger the future of your 'white' race is mexico
Pinche joto
>could have applied for a fiance visa after-the-fact of getting married at literally any point and just paid a lawyer $1000 to help push the applications through
It's hilarious actually. There's almost no Mexicans in Michigan save for the Mexican Village in Detroit and a stupidly high amount of them are here illegally for no reason.
and stay out
>Deporting a parasite that drained YOUR economic resources for 30 YEARS, along with his family
How about he fucking pays for all he has taken and used THEN deported?
Now the US will have to take care of his 3 mexcrement 1 wife and 2 kids with YOUR money, dumb fucks.
Make them pay before leaving.
This story warms my soul.
Are you so ashamed of your shithole """country""" that you hide your ugly flag? lmao
You cannot apply for citizenship if you are in the country illegally
Yes you can so long as you have a cause for acquiring a legal visa such as marriage.
Let's play him out, anons
How INCREDIBLY irresponsible to have children in a country where you live illegally and make no attempt to gain legal citizenship. And if Mexico is not a shithole, why don't they just go with him?
He had a metric fuck ton of time. Lazy spic's fault he didn't apply for citizenship