What does Sup Forums think of our new family member?
What the shit is this?
Doesn't appeal to me. I don't see why this was made over /l/ or Sup Forums.
Looks like they tried to merge Sup Forums and Sup Forums but failed horribly
Reminds me of yololair.
Why does Sup Forums need two boards
It's Sup Forums.
Newfags don't use Sup Forums as their entryboard anymore. They use Sup Forums. And now they need a new random board, because Sup Forums isn't cool enough anymore for the new generation.
Why don't the mods reset Sup Forums and give it back to Sup Forums by making it Anime/Random again?
There is no real demand for it.
I just want /l/
but we already have s4s and Sup Forums why do we need another board dedicated to shitposting?
Looking at the name (/bant/ - International/Random) I was hoping it was kind of a weird round about way of making a cancer containment board for Sup Forumsfags but its just Sup Forums with flags and no porn
They should have brought back the text boards instead.
Those are only interesting to oldfags. But no one needs to please oldfags. They are not only a minority, but they are also eternally grumpy and proud of it.
>but we already have s4s and Sup Forums
And /r8k/ and /trash/ and Sup Forums.
>mods make another garbage board instead of a blue /t/
Wendy is anime
Canada is also anime
What? Sup Forums already exists.
The old Sup Forums.
>being this new
Though I disagree with bringing Sup Forums back. Sicknasty shit.
not the Sup Forums he wants
Oh. "That" kind of Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is IMPORTANT.
Pointless, Sup Forums, /trash/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums cover all of it's topics.
I'd rather a /cel/ board so the celeb spam/generals in /hr/ can fuck off and youtuber stuff has a place to go.
Everyone that was there for that is over 25 and too busy hating themselves to deal with that again. t. too oldfag.
It's fucking trash. Was it just too much for me to expect some quality bants? It could've been a fun board, but nope.
>Pointless, Sup Forums, /trash/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums cover all of it's topics.
This, pretty much.
It's really just Sup Forums with flags and no porn. I'm disgusted.
There are eight random boards: Sup Forums, /trash/, /vip/, /s4s/, /r9k/, /qa/, Sup Forums and now /bant/. Nine if you want to be honest and include Sup Forums. This is some 7chan level shit right here. All of these (Sup Forums included) should be merged back into Sup Forums, but it'll never happen.
It is, but it's because the mods use Sup Forums more than anything else. They want their safe space, so they keep making extra boards to shunt out the fun.
Or they could just go back to /s/ like they're supposed to be.
Sup Forums is already Anime/Random.
Couldn't care less about it.