#FusionCollusion 12th and Onwards

The ENTIRE SYSTEM of FISA-702 surveillance and data collection was weaponized against a political campaign. The DOJ and FBI used the FISA Court to gain access to Trump data, and simultaneously justify earlier FISA “queries” by their contractor, Fusion GPS. FISA-702 queries were used to gather information on the Trump campaign which later became FBI counterintelligence surveillance on the officials therein.


The hashtag we're posting is #FusionCollusion

Previous threads:
(You) (Cross-thread)
(You) (Cross-thread)
okay, here is the pastebin. add it to the bottom of the OP so others can simply save the link and start a general if we dont have one up. we can keep adding to it as we go along. also, archive links (the ones you can anyway) to save space


Other urls found in this thread:


Previous Bread


God's work, op.


Asked in last bread, but no response- how will today's federal holiday in observance of white guilt impact OIG report release timeline?
Either way bumping til my nose bleeds.

Wondering this, too.


Also wondering

drumpf is literally nixon. help spread the shill memes!

The IG documents are released to the congressional committee. Not to the public. I believe that started on Friday. We will only get leaks from them until the actual IG report comes out. Maybe in March. It’s government, so they all move at a snails pace.

I can't quit wondering about this guy. Judge Rudolph Contreras. Why did he recuse himself from the Flynn case?

Also, the documents are being slow-rolled to congress. This will take years unless Paul Ryan and McTurtle decide to support President Trump and the American people.

Does a great job of explaining:




Jason Goodman

George Webb

Jordan Sather

David Seaman

David Wilcock

Corey Goode

Lift The Veil

Tracey Beanz

Laura Loomer


no.. not March. Report is to be completed today. There will be a summary / public version as the IG for the DoJ has a good record of making public statements

Keep sweating nigger

drumpf is finished. this meme will take down the entire republican party according to my sources

The shills have been waiting to dogpile this thread. Must be over the target.

Lots of people need to recuse themselves from stuff.
Two main agents that were used to entrap George Papadopoulos and create part of the RussiaGate operation also have connections to the UraniumOne sale, along with Robert Mueller: Alexander Downer and Ivan Timofeev
>Timelines: imgur.com/a/8Iuy1

They're trying to drag everything out until Mueller knows if he'll have an Anti-Trump majority from midterms, so he can recommend impeachment on his fabricated Jenga case and it'll go through if there's enough RINOs & Dems.

who dat

his name was seth rich

Seth Rich, the one which got killed at the start of all this

The formal report isn’t out until March. The documents used to create the report are due today but were handed over Friday. Nothing has leaked yet so you can probably gather from that they are taking it seriously and it doesn’t have any ammo for Democrats.

No, they aren’t dragging it out beyond normal government BS. The IG started this under Obama’s. Obama kept him from doing his job and he has a lot of pent up work to do as a result.


Any day now arrests will happen.


Updated Peter Strzok.

>Why did he recuse himself from the Flynn case?
He didn't get a choice.

Seth Rich American Hero






Some of the documents were. Not all.And yes, this is being slow-rolled.

So this is the thread im supposed to bump.



You all have been shilled so hard you can't see shills are shilling on behalf of the shilled shillers that initially shilled you. Sad.

the documents are getting slow rolled to congress, but they are being funnelled through the DOJ first. Hopefully to draw up the appropriate indictments.

do you think they'll ever do a duet?

bump for justice

These are cool. Nice spreadable info

I like it, except for referring to Lisa Page as his "mistress". Why say that and not just lover? As an attorney for the DOJ, Lisa probably gets paid more than Peter. They both cheated on their spouses, so to me, they should be shamed equally.

Drumph and his whole treasonous cabal of Russian stooges will pay


grumpf is FINISHED

I can't tell anymore

I have a theory, I think that certain people thought they had rigged the election, and had done it so well that they didn't need to cover anything up they would just clean it up when Hillary got in, leaving most of the same people, in the same jobs. Something went wrong, It didn't happen she lost, so now they had to try to get rid of a SITTING president. Or else? They tried to throw it, steal it, have the results questioned, but it seems NOW they all have gone quiet lately...


reddit tier meme, needs more edge. i am a connoisseur of only the dankest of le maymays. i swear im not reddit xdd

Idk if that's accurate, if they were colluding together on this then they might not be in an actual sexual relationship and it could have been more of just a "relationship" they had as cover to get together and work against Trump all the time while pretending to be non-biased in front of other FBI agents that weren't in on McCabe's insurance policy.
But yeah it could also be an actual affair and they should be shamed equally either way.

Really? Darn! I was going for an "OBEY" style!



It’s an affair.

Keep up the work anons!
This is a beautiful timeline to be alive for.

"Insurance policy"
They had multiple plans.
Papadopoulos was talking to & setting up meeting with Clinton friends & UraniumOne related people
Veselnitskaya was previous friends with Glenn Simpson
FusionGPS is involved in everything, dossier was central to their operation (even if they deny it, their info came from Downer & plants inside Trump Campaign)
They tried to entrap Flynn with Russian "ties" to go with the rest of their story

It was all set up so that IF they failed to correctly rig the election, they could trigger all the plans to get him out. I believe that Trump also won the popular vote, thus their rigging attempts were not as skewed as they needed to be (and this is from people with the ACTUAL polling data!)

kek i was borrowing a lot from the vaporwave aesthetic. despite popular opinion im not a master maymayer

>Fusion GPS fabricated an excuse to spy on a candidates political rival

Fucking A, lads. Why is OP using this topic to slide all the /Blacked/ and /E-celeb drama/ and /based communism/ threads???!

Shut it down NOW!!!!!! Call the (((mods))) RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Those are already done 2 doors down, we're just talking about potential information about the Dossier and suspects.


dont forget we're all a bunch of larping boomers. this is a nothingburger!

When I hear the word "mistress" I associate it with a polite version of the word "slut." Which also implies an extramarital affair. I'm using a phone to make these and hit a paywall every time I try to make multiple edits. So, I have to take a screenshot, save, crop, then get back into ps and repeat. They're kind of a pain in the ass.

My question is... did Lisa Page work for the DOJ or the FBI? I think she was a lawyer for the FBI which means I will need to go back in and make the change.

Bollocks? Never heard of 'em.

i think he meant sandra bollocks

Thanks I missed this somehow.

She did not age well


Lisa Page is an attorney for the DOJ. I'm 100% sure of that.

The problem with using the word "mistress" is that there doesn't seem to be a male equivalent of the word. You don't know if she is any more slutty than Peter. These two married people were having an affair. I think you could easily re-work the meme to just say an "affair".

Why were the Redcoats spying on trump while he was being spied on by the Demos?

> the guardian

oh ok.

Big bump

I'm working on Lisa's graphic now. I'll call out Strzok as her lover.

Checked, kek likes the fatties.

Four 7's

its hard to explain without writing a short book but basically GB is of great civilizational significance. lots of stuff has come out of there and is centered there
t. queen elizabeth II

could i politely ask that you please articulate yourself in any other way rather than using the word "weaponized"? it's so, what the french call, les imcompetents

..... That's a weird complaint

fuck off, fag

it won't impact it at all. why do you think trumps delaying the fakeys till wednesday, we're not gonna disrespect my man MLK

Threadly reminder that animoo is a niggerfaggot shill who is here to undermine meme quality with his retarded Nixon memes. Pic related.

he has the possible pedo demeanor.

hahaha nice i already have my own jonestown tier looney. are you the FIRST THREAD faggot? probably


I’ll be in every thread reminding people that Reddit tier “memelords” like yourself with hand on the DOTR

no anti-trump majority. economy suaded public opinion. they can't contain the populism beast. the working man is rising up

I'll give you one better

all your memes suck

Those are actual info cards though? You ok user?

Are you just here to bitch about that one picture? You are seriously one focused retard.

We shouldn't be so quick to write off any mention to Watergate. Watergate has been used as the yardstick of scandals for over 40 years. When people ask how big is this current shit show, use this user's post:

>It's Watergate if Nixon had used the FBI to break into Watergate Hotel, then the Washington Post published front page headlines saying it was George McGovern who had hired foreign agents to break into the Watergate Hotel in an effort to discredit Nixon, and a special prosecutor was appointed to investigate McGovern for treason.
>If you think what happened was no big deal, you had better be prepared to dig up the corpse of Richard Nixon and livestream yourself sucking his rotting dick while chanting that he was the greatest President to ever live.

see how everyone can see through your cheap character assassination attempts? you come off as incredibly desperate, my dude. that's why i haven't stopped you.

>never correct your enemy when they are making a mistake

Bumpity bump bum jigga

i'm tired of these political hot words. first it was "divisive" and "divisive rhetoric" now everything is politicized and weaponized. its bs. i haven't read the infographics except for 2 , but as a internet nerd, and graphic designer i can tell you they are not visually pleasing. i did learn something interesting about weisman, abotu shutting that company down then getting reversed years later by S.C. , thats pretty shitty. but need to source documented conversations on the mccabe, normies won't buy this stuff at face value just like we don't buy theirs. also, the espionage whatever machine party is over reaching.

Nice, thanks.

lol six captcha screens

You just came here, we've been doing this for years and years..

You have no power here.

Judicial Watch

JW President Tom Fitton: Hillary Clinton Was Hiding EVERYTHING on Her Private Email Server


For those that mention Watergate! Some people don't have any clue about it!! They will have to do research which they won't do! People are lazy....I'm tired.