After backing him during the presidential, they're now not happy at all with his migrants policy and painting him as as a bad man.
There have been lot of articles regarding it. Like this last one in pic related
After backing him during the presidential, they're now not happy at all with his migrants policy and painting him as as a bad man.
There have been lot of articles regarding it. Like this last one in pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
When did everything go so right?
What the fuck is wrong with Europe? Why do your countries WANT to take in a bunch of low IQ Africans?
Follow the money
It's because of debt. Europe and the US are too debt saturated to keep the financial system afloat. They need more people who haven't taken on debt to start taking on debt in order to perpetuate this system.
To be “better than America”
I really hate Macron so much. I'm having a very, very hard time coming round to this meme
mfw the country will deteriorate to the quality of shitskin countries due to shitskins and niggers, their debtless shitskin and nigger relatives won't want to come anymore, gooks like their own countries and the system collapses anyways
Trump gave him the eternal redpill.
yfw Trump and the rest of the world leaders he's befriended simultaneously shut down their central banks.
Kalergi plan. How new are you?
>French media are only happy with a cock up their ass
What red pilled him? Isn't his wife a Satanist?
Somebody needs a basic gestalt
>They need more people who haven't taken on debt to start taking on debt in order to perpetuate this system
that's what they (the western leaders) were hoping with the "new rocket scientist engineers" they were hoping to import were going to solve.
>remember all those news articles about the engineers, mathematicians, and shit?
instead they only ended up with the reprobates that simply refuse to work and have regular "sexual emergencies".
This is fucking disgusting, the guy promises to be a wee bit tougher on illegals (and we all know he's just posturing) and these fucking retards start crying about Hitler and stuff
Fuck your human rights, if these cunts aren't happy they can go in a more humanist non western country... Oh that's right, THOSE DON'T EXIST.
>Trump gave him the eternal redpill.
it wasn't Trump.
Still, he's hard to ignore the fact that he's married to a barren skank who is old enough to be his mother.
Sorry, fren. I didn't realise you posted the same picture as me.
He's the one who took to Trump. The guy was all over Trump.
They had dinner on the eiffel tower. Where Plus Ultra was founded.
>that cover
How autistic can socialists be?
I'm convinced Macron is in cahoot with the crying leftists, I cannot explain it otherwise. The guy gets more popular everytime he bashes niggers, so the leftist rags make him look like Hitler reincarnate so morons would like him when he'll do absolutely fuck all about migrants (he reduced the budget for alien deportation, there will in fact be even less niggers getting deported with him)
At the very least those smug virtue signalling Leftists aren't grinning any more, like they did when Le Pen lost
Macron will soon abolish the failed French Republic
Marrying infertile women is considered “alpha” in France
The virgin salute vs the Chad handshake
God, if he abolishes the republic and goes full Bonaparte, I'm moving and joining the foreign legion. It'd be the closest thing to joining the Freikorps we'll get.
Napoleons empire 2.0?
Trump must be really likeable. Both Abe and Macron left his side as staunchly pro-American when he visited them.
excuse me ???
he's still the biggest eurocuck in the EU, he serves Brussels, not the French people
these policies are either only here because they're feeling Frexit breathing down their neck or because the welfare state is finally becoming unsustainable
Who's that guy on the left? Can you give me a quick rundown of that situation?
Trump was the only President EVER to be invited into the Forbidden City in China.
>-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>-In contact with aliens
>-Possess psychic-like abilities
>-Control france with an iron but fair fist
>-Own castles & banks globally
>-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>-They learned fluent French in under a week
>-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
Can someone explain to me how Jewish media can even remotely pretend migrants are a positive thing, at this point? Paris is ruined. The whole of Sweden is ruined. London is 30% white. they've killed hundreds of native Europeans in terrorist attacks. They've robbed and stabbed probably a million more. German cities are going majority non-white for the first time in history. They're single-handedly behind the rape surge continent-wide. They're uneducated. They don't work and don't intend to. They drain the public coffers. They don't assimilate. They take up all available housing. They're placed above the law with no punishment for any crime. They don't speak the native language and rarely even know how to write in their own. The list is endless.
Jewish press saying "OH YOU DON'T LIKE MIGRANTS?! YOU'RE A RACIST!" is like a quack doctor yelling "OH YOU DON'T LIKE CANCER? HERE, WE'RE GOING TO SHOOT YOU UP WITH LOTS MORE CANCER." People have every fucking reason to not like migrants and absolutely zero positive reasons to think otherwise.
When I look at what's happening in the US with Trump and the medias I realize that if Le Pen had been our president a day wouldn't last without 95% of the medias lashing at her. She couldn't say the smallest thing without those words being analyzed for days to conclude she's unfit, she couldn't do anything without threats of civil unrest.
Meanwhile Macron can say negresses breed like rabbits, joke about niggers drowning while reaching our coasts, investigate jewish expats for tax fraud, toughen immigration restrictions more than Sarkozy did, repeatedly insult the press and appear as Trump's best european buddy.... without causing too much hostility from the medias due to the simple fact they wholeheartedly supported him before the election.
Good to see that someone gets it.
Western adults are already too saturated with debt to take on more, so we have to import people with clean credit sheets and no understanding of debt, all so we can fuel the unceasing hunger of the capitalist system.
The right yearns for protectionism while worshiping capitalism, and the left yearns for socialism while worshiping immigration. This keeps them locked in a perpetual argument that will never actually address the issues of the combination of capitalism and immigration. The public is pinned right where you know who wants them.
He is the most French man I have ever seen
>Trump was the only President EVER to be invited into the Forbidden City in China.
He jewed the jews. That's very jewy of him.
I like that!
>I'm moving and joining the foreign legion.
You will not do anything since you're an ameriwhite virgin cretin.
The "French foreign legion" is 90% maghrebis, negroids, south-east asians, 10% is east-europeans (russians, moldovans, croatians, romanians, etc) and the odd western white here and there.
It's a disgusting heap of thrash nowadays, all the talent moved away or doesn't join at all, shit tier pay too.
A pussy ass white boy like you would collapse from the smell alone in "da legion", they are unwashed subhumans that eat flies while stationed in Morroco or training in Paris.
Maybe what we're all projecting into this situation is exactly how we should proceed: Infiltrate all these (((banking institutions))), pretend for a decade or two to be good shabbos goys, run for office on a libshit platform with the Jewish media's full endorsement, and the moment we take office, go full-fash and reap the blood harvest.
I love the irony that they complain about refusing illegal migrants, but don't notice shit like the removal of vote at the parliament, and the "omg someone on twitter is mad let's force a new law without reading the acutal current texts before" policy.
Or the total control the state has on the media.
But nope, we need more muslim child beggars in the street, surely that will benefits everyone
t. Gypsy who tried to join and failed
Diversity is our greatest strength.
I'm so fucking ashamed that my country invented this utter cuckery "human rights" bullshit.
Imagine having the Ancien Regime and selling it down the river for muh rights, poor show that lads
t. indian colony calling others "indian"
An Emperor needs an heir (unless he does what four of the Five Good Emperors did)
The shitskins will never pay it back. Look at their countries they have bad credit ratings and have defaulted on loans many times. Do the banks honestly expect any difference if they bring them here? White people will not bail them out anymore.
Wait, you seriously believe these debts are supposed to be payed back and not just a mechanism to keep modern flawed system going?
This. It just doesn't add up.
Bienvenue au pays des droits des francophonies.
France pours les francais
That's the point of debt. It's not supposed to be payed back, the point is to essentially enslave the debtor with rates or to legally rob him if he doesn't pay.
>husband and wife situated across from each other (most comfortable position for speaking face to face)
Why? Shouldn't they be facing who they are meeting with?
So Melania can touch Macron
like most things there isn't a single reason but I've known a few people who are involved in the multikult and this is the gist of what they believe:
>an unshakeable belief in an impending change of demographics that they also aim to help bring (self-fulfilling prophecy)
>anti-white sentiment or anti-homogeneity (friend of mine said "too many white people" when entering a party once)
>a disdain for familiar surroundings, local culture, and a consequent adoption of very foreign practices like chinese medicine, reiki, buddhism, islam (oikophobia)
>or on the other hand, being christian but taking kindness to an unreasonable extreme, throwing away their pearls to the pigs
>a pseudoscientific view of society like feminism which leads to weak people (women) holding control over things that require a firm hand
>being virulently anti-fascist but not anti-totalitarian
>ashamed of national past misgivings despite not being their fault, or even exaggerating past misgivings
>apologist for criminals, overzealous believer in redemption but only of minorities and protected classes (if I stole something I'd be evil but a nigger is simply disenfranchised)
>blind equality over meritocracy
>robin hood syndrome, false belief in virtuousness of poverty, hatred of the successful
sauce on last one
He is gay and needs an excuse for not having any kids of his own
We live in a truly insane world.
These people are genocidal and mad and must be stopped by any means.
I will second this
I'm actually surprised how close this is to my own experiences
fuck did i missed something? the media hate macron? what the fuck did he do to give france a break from the shitskin?
as far as i can see it, he didnt do any anti migrant police?! just a little bit real life shitposting about africa ...
one thing i also forgot to mention is drugs and porn
it affects people in the sense that it makes them feel like bottom rung individuals and therefore more accepting of what they see as lowly undeserving people as well.
This is why the west is collapsing, it was being led by retarded liberals who couldnt see race as an economic factor, so they imported a bunch of people with no work ethic just to fill in the numbers on the monthly quota to "make the plan work". And then you have our ever friendly jews, who did their utmost to help in this holy endeavor of browning europe and america, promising our "wise" race-blind leaders that everything would be honky dory. Now the west is falling apart, white demographics are fucked beyond belief, and the jews are orgasming just thinking about the incoming bloodshed and the profits they will make from selling weapons for all sides in all the upcoming wars, and weapons they will need, since these very same jews have pushed for civil disarmament for the past 4 decades.
Always remember kids, with jews, you lose.
Is this disinformation or real?
We must stop Le Pen the literal female Hitler
Elect Macron
Declares himself a Jupiter.
>le spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on makeup man
In the beginning they were sucking his dick and now they complain france is not leftist enough..
The common trait of all the people I have met with this type of thinking is yes their drug use
Didn't y'all legalize drugs??
too late, France is done, France will be the first to fall to the shitskins.
this will become reality. read it and weep. Macron is the LAST president of France, after him a caliph will come.
the worst thing about the future of France is that the muslims who will be majority there soon will take the nuclear weapons the French left.
I know how you feel user, i started laughing alone in my room when i realized what macron was doing and how poorly the media understood what was happening. Its no wonder he routinely humiliates journalists and calls them brainlets.
No idea user.
I'll support this if he banished niggers, muslims and jews.
>that face
oh ho ho ho ho
this is what the immigrant crisis is all about. flood places with new low IQ people, give them access to cheap debt (credit cars etc) and they will buy stupid shit and produce economic growth. That is the only reason (((they))) are pushing for immigrants. Brown people buy stupid shit and don't invest
(((they))) don't care if they pay it back, they care about growth in each quarter. long term has nothing to do with it.
Exactly this. Europe is sacrificed on the altar of MUH 2% ANNUAL GROWTH FOR EVER