



Let's see who the company is.

Pepsi sucks
Nestle chocolate tastes like chalk
Beats by Dre are overpriced crap
I'll never buy Sony again
Apple is overpriced shit




Apple may be pricey, but you get a quality product for your money.

Hello, H.A.N.K.!






what is this from?

huge leak on Sup Forums last yeasterday

Is someone gonna explain something

Finnish autists at F-Secure leaked this surveillance tool used by a company that promotes brand awareness and provides tracking of product usage for their clients.


Soon HANK will be sig heil Hank


I, for one, look forward to our robot overlords. They can't possibly be worse than what we have now.

>AI won't realize what a shitheap this is and exterminate all homo sapiens on earth ushering in a new age of machines within your life time

feels bad man

Just the jews, so H.A.N.K. can supplant them as our economic overlords.