I pray these sorts of people die in the most painful and agonizing way possible. Anyone who would vote for a racist doesn't deserve to be alive.
Evangelical Drumpfcucks
You should stop listening to kikes
Angry you can't manipulate everyone?
I'm just here to see if any of you retards still believed death panels are gonna happen
>kills millions of babies
>says mean things
I can see how latter is so much worse.
Because Trump doesn't mock them and laugh how they cling to guns and religion, as if they're a dying people. Who would vote for that?
Evangelicals are pretty much the ones behind the "Israel first" movement.
Obama wasn't as good of a goy as Trump.
I would to kidnap cucks like OP and drop them in a diverse area of town at 2am when all the backalley bars are closing.
Redpill suppository delivered all night with a side dish of AIDS..
I'm so glad Chaver Krassenstein is around to straighten us goyim out, ethically.
You guys are so bad at this
no one ever discusses the fact thqt half of that came from Mike Pence in light of the pussygate thing
My Pastor came out to the pulpit the sunday before the election and said to vote trump in front of thousands of people, in Los Angeles
Hello, Sharblue! Enjoying your stay ?
Meanwhile (((Stein)))'s pet niggers voted in larger percentages for an evil white bitch that would have done nothing good for their communities.
Oh right, she carried hot sauce in her purse at all times
>Fetuses are babies
There you right wingers go putting your feelings above facts again
This guy is so triggered by Trump that he has spent the last few months commenting multiple times in every Trump tweet.
Ranging from meltdowns to snide lecturing to visible e-hopelessness. People broken by Trump are a beautiful thing.
Damn, I don't have the fetus webms. Would have shown them to you if I had them.
Also, >>>reddit
Also, Obama had subtle disdain for Evangelicals and Christians in general as well as the country.
He put policies in place to undermine these groups, it is any wonder they don't vote Democrat when they are shunned and ruled against by them?
at what point it becomes a human then
>filthy jew's kikebird
Leaf is correct
You vote based on your feelings though.
Obama was waging a war of deciet on the American people.
I wonder (((why))) the media never reported on it. You know the reason they have those special constitutional protections.
Jews need to be banned from owning or participating in media.
DOn't waste your time, I'm not falling for that emotional imagery bullshit lol
you don't pray for God to do things for you. That is childish. You pray for the ability to see God's plan, or for strength to endure hardship
Makes me proud to be a protestant
Sure thing, Shlomo Coinblatt
We know where Ed and Brian live. It would be a shame if something caught fire on accident
If I had to hazard a guess I'd say when it's viable outside the womb. But I don't need to hazard that guess, we have experts and scientists who are qualified to determine those things we can listen to when writing laws. Or at least could, if ya'll didn't keep trying to make science politically incorrect to listen to
Votes and other law decisions should be made base don facts. About the only feeling that has any sway is "freedom is good," and even that has a shit ton of support for it from a rational standpoint.
>(((le play by your own rules face)))
>Funds terrorists
>Based on facts
The general public doesn't get any facts, they are intentionally kept from them, so as to get the feelings vote.
Friendly reminder to sage and report kike slide threads faggots.
Doesn't change the fact that's what you guys keep doing lol.
Lol, I know right?
Lemme try:
"My IQ is 147. I voted for Drumph but after I saw him eat two scoops of vanilla ice cream, even I had to admit that he's clearly racist for not having at least one chocolate scoop. Sorry /pol, I'm officially jumping off the Trump Train. I think my time is better spent learning how to calculate 5th dimensional physics, which I'm very good at already. And as a good Christian man, I'd like to say I hope all you conservative white devil ass-fucks die in eternal hell-fire and that the smell of your sweet torture reach my nostrils in heaven where I shall savor your torment for ever and ever and ever. Amen. God = love."