Why aren't you holding her Sup Forums?

Why aren't you holding her Sup Forums?

I'm too busy snuggling with Misato after pumping her full of my nutjuice. I came so hard that I downed a gallon of Powerade.

She's not real

Yeah. Like yeah. Dude. You go to hug her and your arms touch nothing. That kind of abstract thought just flies right over my head.

Take off your trip.

because her heart belongs to someone else

I'm a Reifag

Hey. That's harrassment.


Asuka smells

To someone who strangled her and masturbated to her sedated body?
No thank you.
Don't bother us with your shipshit again.

This is the truly happy ending of that game.

I would like to hold Asuka under water until she drowns.

She doesn't want to

>t. Kaji-kun
Delete this.

Because you don't need to hug her. You need to slap her and shout at her until she feels angry. She doesn't need to feel good, it won't help her - rage and anger on the other hand would have allowed her to push through.

When troper tales was available, I found a female troper that claimed she was turn on by the infamous EoE scene of Shinji jerking off to Asuka's comatose body. That was the most fucked up shit I've found on the internet and I've been posting on Sup Forums for years.

>this spam every thread

I'm not holding her?

Because I'm already holding Rei

Because she's not mistake

Yeah, Kaji.

already got a real woman, her name is Misato

She's 2D and I'm 3D

I don't want to smell like trash

But Asuka has the soul of 3D.

>That scene
>Them armpits

You say it like masturbation isn't common among young boys.

she's underwater and I can't swim

Because she's got serious psychological problems and, not to be mean, but I've got enough problems already in my life right now to deal with.

She doesn't need hugs. She needs professional mental help...a lot of it.

Not as cute as this

She quite literally needed human contact that was given willingly or not refused from her
She didn't get one reciprocated hug the entire show
Actually, none of the kids did... Shinji got one from Misato after coming out of Liliel but he was too out of it to hug back

She doesn't deserve it

Gay boii please leave
but not before posting more

Special edition is so bad I think it had to be on purpose. Added scenes just straight up assassinate all the ambiguity that made Mana interesting and the new ending feels like a joke on people complaining about bittersweetness in an Eva game.

Shinji pls

I want a loli gf
I will obtain a loli gf

It's kind of forced, but still a better ending for Shinji and Asuka: for him because he gets to be with Mana, his main love interest, and way more suitable for him than any of the canonical EVA cast; and for Asuka, because she doesn't have to waste her time with someone as mediocre as Shinji.
It's just perfect for everyone.

But what is not common is to masturbate in front of someone who is in coma (or sedated). No matter how unstable he was after all the events with Kwaoru, etc. What he did was just unforgivable, and seeing people trying to justify it is quite disgusting.

I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else
But now through all the hurt and pain
It's time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything
So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
What's done is done, it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time
cos now the guilt is all mine
can't live without the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love and pride
because of that its killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down
In my heart of hearts,
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything, everything
everything that matters to me,
matters in this world

I wish that I could turn back time
cos now all the guilt is mine
can't live without
the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love and pride
because of that, it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down
It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down...

So, shipping images like that of GoS is not "spam", but replying to it is "spam" for you?
You're blind.

Women not uncommonly let their dogs fuck them. There you go.

Shinji leaves to openly live with Mana, who is inexplicably no longer a fugitive, Asuka gives up piloting to stay in Kaji's apartment full time, Hyuga's there to say he admires what Shinji's doing and he's going to start hitting on Misato, and everyone quietly forgets there was ever anything happening but dating. They're so dead. It's this sugary ending where they have like a month before the next Angel ends the world.

I hate this dumb bitch so much

Because I'm too busy avoiding getting shot and then burned to death by the JSDF.

>all these people discussing shipping, tumblr-tier masturbation analysis, insulting characters
Feels good to be the only person who gets what this series is about

This anime is about what happens if literally no one ever gave the kids tasked with the salvation of mankind a steady supply of hugs


Asuka > complete eva cast fight me

>kisses shinji and then freaks out and cartoonishly washes her mouth out in the bathroom right in front of him

from that moment on, she deserved every bit of suffering and neglect that came her way

B-but she was just trying to hide her tears... He seriously hurt her...

>ywn a dark chocolate Asuka

Why did shinji jizz over asuka? Why did he try to strangle her?

Because he knows she's wurst gurl.

Because she's shit.

And here they were wandering why everyone hates them in the last thread.
Fucking shippershit at it again.

because he's at the end of his rope and going to a comatose gril for comfortable familiarity is easier than going to a guardian whose personality darkened in the aftermath of her hubby's death or an undead girl who was created in a tank of LCL

because she was the only familiar thing in his life and even she wont help him so the only thing she's good for is to die like the rest of them
because even after he learned thats not a nice way to look at the world she choked the bitch again on the beach because he wasn't exactly sure everything was real yet


It's the same three people spamming.

Why haven't they killed themselves yet?


Because they live in delusion.

>even in this photo of what i assume is Grilfren of Steel this nigga still wont hold the the bitch
She'll never win

>Why did shinji jizz over asuka?
He didn't jizz over Asuka, he masturbated and ejaculated on his hand. Why? When he was left alone, with no one but his sedated friend nearby, he was reduced to his primal instincts. Shinji's a person who always does what he's told to do, because this way he may be sure that people will need him. So, he comes to Asuka's side, asks her to say something, even insult him, so he'll have someone to tell him what to do. When he sees her bare breasts, an awkaward situation, he doesn't know what to do consciously. Because consciously he isn't able to come to a conclusion on his own. So all he has left is his lust, his sex drive. It's hard tbqh.
>Why did he try to strangle her?
Because he spent like two weeks on this beach, hoping someone will come out. No one did. He sees ghost Rei and notices Asuka out of nowhere. This may have awakened suspiciousness in him, so he tried to check. Maybe. Also anger etc.

Thanks, Annoposter, based as always.

He'll never be suited for a relationship with a girl. He's too passive.

He's going to live his life being the boipussy of some rich old man.

>He's going to live his life being the boipussy of some rich old man.

because she ain't real my guy, though i'd like for her to rest her head on my shoulder or snuggled up next to me while watching a movie.