Why did the anime mostly take away the aspect of racism from his character? It's a big part of his mini arc.
He's a black kid living in the 20s
Why did the anime mostly take away the aspect of racism from his character? It's a big part of his mini arc.
He's a black kid living in the 20s
Japanese audiences don't care about American pre-civil rights racism.
Araki only cares because he's a Westaboo.
Because rightfully no one gives a shit
Yeah no one cares, it would have been distracting
Calling him brown was already pretty racist. I mean, was it really necessary?
>Calling him brown was already pretty racist
How so?
They already had that guy complaining about an animal stinking up the restaurant, and you don't really see much of Smokey after that.
Brown is a fairly common last name.
Why does he have straight hair?
Why don't you?
A lot of stuff got cut from the first two parts.
That's not racist, dude.
They cut out most of the mobster's racist ranting but still left enough in to get the scene across just fine.
Dreadlocks weren't invented yet.
Yeah and his lips are too big. That's pretty racist as well.
isn't a black guy one of the main characters in one of the jojos?
there's even a fucking monkey with a stand
Why does he have straight hair? Did he just conk it like Cab Calloway?
Advol? He's a black Egyptian (yes they do exist, although they're a minority) of possible Nubian descent. Weird bantu knots.
>Why did the anime mostly take away the aspect of racism from his character?
The cop that shakes him down calls him black in the BD version. This is a change from the broadcast edition that was not corrected in the official subs. Joseph also calls the cop a yankee instead of a pig (as in fat, not a cop). Episode 10 is the only one that had changes like these.
Making him black was pretty racist as well, I mean, being black is offensive in and on itself, right?
>Being black is racist
The circle is complete.
Blacks are pretty offensive.
I'd be offended if I was black too.
I found it amusing how the Stardust Crusaders anime added a scene showing he had also become Mayor of New York. It's extremely rare for someone to be mayor of 2 different places in their lifetime.
>show is pressed for time adapting both parts
>hurrrr racism