Post your best
Political compass thread
what the hell is irl cameo character and why am i in it
>down to earth normie
I'm okay with this
>I'm Who invited this guy
What did he mean by this?
The ones that are obviously biased are generally shit.
who invited you in this thread?
>tfw air traffic control
Where do i fall?
You are boring, annoying, or cringey.
I haven't taken one of these in a few months. I moved a little to the right.
I'm unironically a weak chad IRL
Hopefully nowhere near an airport I fly into....
>A radar traffic cop
Criminal Justice?
My personal fav
So basically blame the jews
best one so far
>Computer Science
>Bottom left
Gr8 b8
>computer science
Underrated, good job
>implying the field isn't infested with soyboys
compsci people are pretty much Sup Forums-tier from my experience (im compsci too)
If I can be improved with Nootropics, there really isn't much use to gauging it, is there? For anyone that argues impact on society by mixing groups with differing IQ levels, we could just start putting Nootropics in the drinking water and fix everything.
thats why google is like google atm
I’m a cyborg / office worker? This explains my love for robots.
google is like that because its taken over by shitskins pretty much, their employees arent white
Last time I took this test it placed me center and one square to the left, there's some bullshit in there some where.
Maybe its cause I'm pro environmental regulations
The Virgin Centrist & The Chad Extremist
The Political Compass Test™ is extremely skewed, don't take your results seriously. I got near-centrist as well and I think Hitler did nothing wrong.
The two best tests I've seen are:
>8 values
>Politiscales (pic related is mine)
civil engineer :DDD
economists are lower left and will support any government willing to pay for their fake science
Remind me where these quotes are from?
not related, but equally as gay
"Beware" by Death Grips
The previous generation, and even current generation, of compsci guys are severe lefties. But Sup Forums is making inroads, and compsci is one of the few areas that has begun the revolution.
>t. Sup Forums compsci guy
Praise Him!
biofags are always bottom left or bottom right in my experience
And This Is Why America Gets Trump, He's Your Shitpile Now Guys.
>Fatherland - Family - Work
Kek, that's the motto of Pétain France
>Post your best
> Mère Patrie - Famille - Travail
KEK, qui est la devise du français Pétain
Le Cake.
Yang Wei Song.
Suck It, China. I Told You There Was A Reason Why My Husband BEST Husband.
>literally Friedman
Feels good
did not know that, fucking based
>a pop tart is a sandwich
Huh. Technically I think that's right.
r8 me m8
Used both of the sites, the second one was by far the best I've seen so far. I've got almost exactly the same results. I guess its in line with most of Sup Forumss, luckly
Socialist cuck