Star Wars: Lost Stars Manga
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I get the feeling this should've been earlier
Yeah it should be at the start.
Then again, it is manga, so things should be reversed.
All the pages are manually named so there's a huge potential for mistakes and that one definitely comes after the white one lol.
thanks user. are you going to be able to do this for every chapter that releases? make sure to let them know over on Sup Forums since they keep a mega folder with all the canon stuff
also i think they're supposed to be doing manga adaptations of the first chapters of Lords of the Sith and Heir to the Jedi and that's what this is about. readers can submit their art and whoever wins gets it published as a canon adaptation
I've posted my method:
Lost Stars
Instructions to access:
1. vpngate.net
Get a japanese openvpn config.
2. start openvpn gui and enable vpn
3. download fiddler 4
4. make sure https decryption is enabled and open manga.line.me
5. flick through ALL the pages in your web browser, I used chrome
5. filter for jpg
6. select all the images, file/export/raw files
7. rename all the images, by hand because fiddler and the site is a shit
Now you can also do it through the developer tools and network inspect but network inspect you have to manually download all the images by hand which is a gigantic pain in the ass.
Wonder why they're starting at the Battle of Hoth. Thanks for the scavenging, user.
Ok more information on ripping
Thanks, user.
Wow this is amazing, Lost Stars was my favorite new canon novel. I definitely see why this one was chosen for manga adaptation. And they're doing this for some of the other new novels?
How long has this been going for? Hoth doesn't take place until almost halfway through the book.
It always disappoints me how small the battles in Star Wars are.
There are entire planets that are densely populated, yet a battle to essentially decide the fate of the rebellion has 2 ATATs. They have an entire fleet of star destroyers sitting above Hoth but that's all they send.
They are just movies, user. They have a limited budget and that shit was pretty hype for the 80s.
I just want my Thrawn ;_;
Yeah, that was weird. I guess they'll flashback to the start of the book at some point.
>Star Wars manga
very cool.
I know, and to their credit, everything still seemed fairly expansive unless you actually sat down to think about the numbers.
>It always disappoints me how small the battles in Star Wars are.
did you watch TFA and the trailer for Last Jedi? it's full gigantic battles now with explosions and... explosions. you know, like those Transformers movies except you can tell what's actually happening on the screen.
there was a Korean webtoon adaptation of the entire OT, you can find it translated on Line. really nice art and it added some fun little scenes like Ben saving like from a krayt dragon as a kid
For the novels, there's a contest and whoever wins get a to adapt the First chapters of lords of the Sith and heir to the Jedi but that's it so far
Japanese Squadron made up entirely of A-Wings when?
sounds like you need the clone wars mate
They better make Jude cute
So you can down AT-ATs now by shooting them at the joints? Why bother with tow cables? Did this happen in the novel as well or is it a manga only thing?
To be fair, it was a smaller conflict because the rebels vs the empire was full on david vs goliath. In comparison the clone wars was two basically equal size factions slugging it out across the entire galaxy.
I think I have watched a few seasons of it. The 2nd Battle of Geonosis and the Battle for Umbara were hype as fuck.
>tfw I didn't read the book because I have a YA hateboner
No, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Still reading Tarkin.
Looks like that snow speeder kept firing at the same joint over and over again.
happened in the book too
he saw blueprints of AT-ATs when he was still in the Empire and was a good enough pilot to pull it off
Would you guys read manga about Darth Krayt? If he was canon?
>Yendor is supposed to be a male twi'lek
>looks like a female
I would read a manga about KotOR I and II.
I really want to see how far they go with the sex scenes
LOTS would be a kick ass manga.
Male twi'leks can be handsome, but that dude does look a little too bishy.
Then watch Rebels
Damn, I would pay money for that shit.
>Revan's desire to protect everyone from Mandolorians in the outer rim
>that descent into the Dark Side
>he could will everyone to be your ally
I probably won't read it because of YA.
I'll probably find some more good science fiction and dig up Tarkin if I get desperate.
I am definitely going to read: Thick as Thieves (Fantasy/YA?), An Echo Of Things To Come (Fantasy), Raven Stratagem (Scifi), The Stone Sky (scifi/fantasy), Tarnished City (Fantasy/YA), Provenance (Scifi), Oathbringer
Currently reading: Slaughterhouse Five (scifi), Downbelow Station (scifi), The Stars My Destination (scifi)
TBR (backup plans if I can't find something new): The Complete Robot (scifi), The Second Foundation (scifi), Peter Watts' Rifters (scifi), Children of Dune (scifi), Zahn's non Star Wars books
TBR (very on hold): Tarkin (scifi), Dandelion Dynasty (fantasy) - from the guy who'll be doing the new Luke novel, Brakespeare Voyage (scifi)
Just finished: Thrawn (scifi), Cyteen (scifi), Regenesis (scifi), Ninefox Gambit (scifi)
his ally* Damn I'm tired.
So, was it supposed to not be boring or something?
Western cartoons are way too juvenile, CG/bad art, safely written and black and white in terms of their morality.
An Ahsoka manga would be cool.
Honestly a lot of the new canon books seem good for manga adaptation
>black and white in terms of their morality
>Star Wars
SW is pretty damn black and white. The movies, really. The EU sort of, kinda, maybe, perhaps helped broadening the setting but they can hardly be taken as significant at this point.
Needs moar imperialfaggotry
I guess I wasn't being clear. I completely agree with you. You can't complain about black and white morality in a fucking Star Wars cartoon where it's literally dark vs light.
They'd sure beat most of the Marvel comics (though Kanan was pretty good and Maul is shaping up nicely).
Tarkin looks like Fuyuzuki from Evangelion there.
He really does.
I think that guy was complaining about black and white morality and not about SW particularly. Like, lamenting the fact that it's stuck to that.
One reason I really hated VII was because they ham'd the villains to such a ridiculous level that it became a caricature. For that alone, I wanted the 'bad guys' to win. Also Rey&Co were boring and clad in ten tons of plot armor.
It's about as intricate in the moral department as a fairytale but it tries to be deep and serious in everything else. It really ruin everything when it's always about 2pure4u vs ZomgEvilz all the time.
VII was pretty disappointing in general. There's paying homage and then there's copying.
I was mostly complaining about how Rebels amongst the other main SW movies focus strongly on the segregation of bad guys and good guys.
If you look at Japanese story telling, there plenty of sophisticated story telling. For example in Zeon vs the Feddies Zeon isn't constantly portrayed as the antagonists. You have insight into the thoughts and feelings of the antagonists and some episodes, particularly in Gundam Thunderbolt, for example, show the opposite is also true, some of the Feddies are also quite villainous.
Each side has motivations. You can see the feddies suffering and you can also see the zeon suffering.
They took a step forward with Rogue One but the villains are still disappointingly clear cut.
Episode VII's biggest problem is the first order is basically the underdogs story-wise but they have to come with a bunch of dumb plot contrivances to make seem otherwise. Like why is what was once the rebels now the resistance when all they are resisting is an insurgency? Why won't the actual republic forces help them squash the first order? How the fuck did this small insurgent group secretly male a super death star? All of this is just to show the audience that the protagonists are somehow the underdogs despite fighting a group that is far smaller than theirs.
That's actually not anywhere near the top of my gripe-list for the movie, but yeah that was dumb too. It's not like they had no inspirational material laying around.
In some interviews, Schmuck McBoring (one or many of the directors) said it was supposed to be an 'homage' too, just like that. That it was supposed to get the new generation interested in going to watch the old movies. All I could think was how VII would absolutely RUIN their experience with anything made before. Not that some of them even needed to be worse than they were already.
I had to pause the movie and rewind at the point where they called themselves 'the rebels.' I thought I had misheard. What the fuck, you are a fucking state-funded militia! Even my brother who usually doesn't perk up to details said that it was dumb.
The movie also made no attempt to expand on the political scene of the galaxy either. We see worlds blow up and I have zero clue if it's supposed to be a big deal or not.
Oh, and the Bad Guys have no clue about Area Denial and Interdiction. The 'rebels' get the jump on them like they just pounced out of the fucking woodworks out of nowhere.
Way to throw any semblance of tension when everyone can magically do surprise attacks... from across a flat, open body of water!
Is that Mon Mothma? Why does she look male?