Why can’t we have a free healthcare system? Europe and Canada have great healthcare systems.
Why can’t we have a free healthcare system? Europe and Canada have great healthcare systems
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>Europe and Canada have great healthcare systems.
no we don't because healthcare here doesn't work, is a massive weight on budget, wait times are enormous and nobody cares about quality of their job
Ours isn't that great anymore, and Sweden is supposed to be the posterchild for socialized healthcre.
Fuck off
>great healthcare systems
Because of your constitution.
also the healthcare isn't that great when it's free. People go to america just to pay for better healthcare while waiting to die in our socialized countries.
We already pay for the worlds military, and the welfare state, and the UN. Not to mention why the fuck would I want to help a majority of people who wpuld rather see me dead or imprisoned?
>Europe and Canada have great healthcare systems
egregious wait times and anything life threatening is not treated as quickly. Also europe is white which really is why a lot of their social programs work out well and canadians regularly come down to the US for surgeries because they rather not wait
There's that word again
Why can’t we have a free healthcare system?
>Prices would skyrocket
>Businesses would basically leave
>Our healthcare is already government funded and it's still shit
>Our healthcare used to be cheap and affordable until government "fixed" it the first time
>We're a heterogeneous, cultureless country unlike Europe who have a culture and a homogeneous population
>Some European countries are smaller than some of our states
>We have a welfare state that gives free shit to non-citizens
>We're still importing millions of poor people who live on nothing but welfare
>You basically have to sell your soul to the government for healthcare that is way too expensive
sorry but it's the same in Europe
..oh wait, you’re serious
let me laugh even harder
because it doesn't punish sickness
I wonder why it isn't great anymore?
Then why do they come here?
I've been to doctors twice in 20+ years. When you niggers can do that then we'll talk about socialized healthcare.
>all those Jews on the right panel
Also it's not free, I pay for the NHS through income tax. The NHS is shit though so I pay to have private medical care. So yes I am literally paying for some other fucker to have medical treatments and there's nothing I can legally do about it.
My healthcare is not free
>just got put on an 5-8 month waiting list at the hospital a few days ago
help me bros
id agree with the picture if you replaced all the people in the 2nd picture with jewish merchants rubbing their hands
i mean obongo care is basically mandatory insurance that raised the rates for everyone
Socialism could solve all of America’s problems but we don’t deserve it.
Here are average prescription drug prices from around the world.
Xarelto (prescribed to prevent or treat blood clots)
$48 - South Africa
$101 - Spain
$102 - Switzerland
$126 - United Kingdom
$292 - United States
Humira (prescribed to treat rheumatoid arthritis)
$552 - South Africa
$822 - Switzerland
$1,253 - Spain
$1,362 - United Kingdom
$2,669 - United States
Harvoni (prescribed to treat hepatitis C)
$16,861 - Switzerland
$18,165 - Spain
$22,554 - United Kingdom
$32,114 - United States
Truvada (prescribed to treat HIV/AIDS)
$559 - Spain
$689 - United Kingdom
$906 - Switzerland
$1,301 - United States
Tecfidera (prescribed to treat relapsing multiple sclerosis)
$663 - United Kingdom
$1,399 - Spain
$1,855 - Switzerland
$5,089 - United States
Avastin (prescribed to treat certain types of cancer)
$470 - United Kingdom
$956 - South Africa
$1,534 - Spain
$1,752 - Switzerland
$3,930 - United States
OxyContin (prescribed to treat severe ongoing pain)
$36 - Spain
$84 - South Africa
$95 - Switzerland
$265 - United States
$590 - United Kingdom
Too many new engineers, doctors and astronauts.
The report also examined the price of medical procedures, tests, scans and treatments. Here are average prices for a few of these
$191 - Switzerland
$240 - Spain
$270 - Australia
$1,089 - New Zealand
$1,164 - United States
$2,149 - United Kingdom
$130- Spain
$215 - Australia
$455 - South Africa
$503 - Switzerland
$788 - United Kingdom
$811 - New Zealand
$1,119 - United States
$372 - Australia
$589 - Spain
$604 - Switzerland
$632 - South Africa
$1,301 - United States
$1,421 - New Zealand
$3,059 - United Kingdom
Prices examined in the study included those from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. The data for the report was gathered from participating iFHP member organizations in each country. Prices for the United States came from more than 370 million medical claims and more than 170 million pharmacy claims
>EU style
>expensive af and is taken out via taxes so its not free
>innovation stifled
>doctors at an all time low in the EU due to shitty pay and the environment caused from being a doctor
>9/10 doctors say dont be a doctor
>EU: "lets slash their pay, force them to work, and barely give them any coverage in legal aspects, That'll keep them in the medical field. :D"
>EU: "we dont have enough doctors, we need to import these mussies to sustain ourselves"
Free as in freely available to all citizens, not gratis.
True european style
Pic related
Why do you keep saying EU? I bet you can't even explain how healthcare works in Spain vs. Sweden.
You're too big for it. The wait times would be insane. And with your obesity rates? Very expensive
Its either similar, supports each other economically, has doctor shortages, or has a long wait time.
And I see that I was right.
In a complete unironic way, this isn't an argument
>Healthy Patients Above All
That's why whenever one of these rich eurocucks gets sick he comes straight to America right?
No we don't, we have a basic level of service that is deteriorating with the addition of every shitskin into the country
Canada's healthcare system isn't that great desu. Also it's not free.
We pay for check ups and medical tests through taxes.
We pay for medication out of pocket. Or if we're lucky, our employers offer a plan that covers most of your med costs.
>says its either one of these faults due to the fact that its a socialist based program and not a capitalist based program
>ignores and doesnt prove me wrong
Alrighty my dude.
Low prices mean shitty time for docs. Therefore doc shortages and long wait times
Ours is great, I love dying in the hallway or even better being sent outside to die on the street so shitskins can have urgent operations
Socialism is on its last legs, it needs to fucking die so all the brown people leave no matter where they came here from
>I love dying in the hallway
How overcrowded are your hospitals. Our aren't usually that bad, although it's hit and miss.
Lol is that actually a thing in the UK?
>1 post by this id
if you have some meme problem it's actually right
Why can't we have closed borders and not be the welfare state to pay for the world?
Very overcrowded. The population growth far outstripped the services, surprise surprise. Naturally we get a good number of doctors being trained up but that period is a long one. Hence why the liberals can then go
>look we needed these terrible foreign doctors to make up the numbers!
>[health scandals intensify]
Prescription prices are gouged because the companies that make those have to jump through so many hoops just to make it here and when they're approved theyve figured out the average persons dependence on insurance so they spike them knowing that insurance will cover it. Really there's a multiple bureaucratic middle men between hospitals and the average person which allows prices to be absurdly higher than even third world countries. Same problem with student loans and college tuition spiking.
The FDA can get fugged
Source your claims, dumbass. Do you anything about Spanish healthcare? Do you know anythng about Swedish healthcare? I bet you don't.
bitch please, i have to pay for that "free healthcare", and not just for myself, for every good for nothing gypsy too, and to top it all of, i have to go to a private hospital because the only doctors working in public "free" hospitals are worth shit, and the wait time is absurd, 6 months to get knee surgery
Because you have very high population compared to european states.
It wouldnt work.
>pop growth far outstripped the services, surprise, surprise.
Here it isn't quite that bad. The biggest problem is our hospitals are run horribly. Emergency should be for emergencies, car accidents, etc., right? Instead it is filled with elderly people who are in & out constantly. Docs up their meds & release the geriatrics to the care of family. Next week, same person's back again.
Shut the fuck up, you know nothing.
I just left euro and had to use their healthcare because of contracting strep, they are none of what you see in the second slide. Majority of public doctors don’t get paid by the patient, so they pump people in and out as fast as possible and don’t really test for shit, it’s like medical fast food that still takes forever to wait in line for
You are the one who is killing yourself m8.
Same shit here. But then doctors surgeries are overcrowded also so people won't wait with a painful condition for a few days, they just go straight to A&E where they will be seen
It's a huge shitshow, I wouldn't care if millions died tomorrow
This. Someone could be dying while they wait 3 hours behind a bunch of foot in the grave geezers that are in there for the sniffles or a headache
Yes so great that if you get cancer you will die waiting for treatment. I pay for healthcare and I can walk right in get treated in the same-day. I have family in the UK they hate the NHS it's terrible and broken.
> love dying in the hallway or even better being sent outside to die on the street
We have the problem of people by passing their doctors too. Many don't have family doctors. I have one now but it took two years to find one.
Hospitals have tons of staff tho. Overstaffed really. The problem is disorganization and the standard bureaucratic, pencil pushing mindset.
A country can only realistically choose 2/3: Availability, Quality, and Price.
I had cancer last year and it easy fairly cheap and i got great care here in the US, but i have a decent health insurance plan. Dont be poor, buy insurance.
because we artificially restrict the number of doctors in this country. by law
I wish the NHS was like that
Don't get me wrong, it's still much better than the alternative, but it's not exactly known for being well managed or efficient (kind of like every other aspect of our government)
Stop right there you fucking illeterate and non cultured faggot.
You think health care is good in europe ? that it seeks wealth ?
In europe we have mastered the way of Buttfucking your ass.
Also Keep in mind that because of health care, your US income is mostly divided by 2 or 3 if you want an income as france has it (for instance)
says who mr. soprano?
Always strive for excellence
Canada's system is pretty bad actually. Worsening now under the strain of new immigration policy.
That's how healthcare appears to function though my lens of the world.
Because Democrats would go full retard, just like with everything else they do as of late. Healthcare Systems are meant to work like safety-nets, but Democrats wish to abuse them for non-essential bullshit like free condoms, free pills or free abortions (no rape necessary, you can whore around freely and get your abortion paid for by the state). It also only works if there are more people paying into the System than there are people benefiting from it. Something which is hard with illegals and work-unwilling dindus. It's the same for Germany, too - we are getting more and more leeches (i will leave it to your imagination who those leeches are) compared to fewer people working to pay into the system, so don't expect the system to last forever. It's also not all roses - if you are "staatlich Krankenversichert" (public healthcare user, as opposed to private healthcare), you get treated as 2nd class citizen by doctors and hospitals, since they make less much money from you than they could with others. Oh, you have a life threatening problem which should be acted upon in less than 2 weeks? Sorry, but your next public-healthcare appointment will be in 8 months. Guess you gonna die now.
said the cuck, off course is not great if you gotta give money to mudslimes, stupid cunt.
>free healthcare system
no, it's a ponzi healthcare system
someone pays for that shit you think is free cock sucker
It honestly just doesn't make sense at all to me that healthcare is not a public service.
>House is on fire
>Call the fire department
>They come put out the fire, no questions asked
>Husband has heart attack
>Debate which hospital to go to, who charges more to use the emergency room
>Charged for ambulance ride
>"What's your insurance, ma'am? You need to tell me that first"
>Charged just for occupying a room at the hospital
>And of course, the giant bill for what the doctor does
It's fucked. These are the people of our country's lives at stake. A matter of life and death. It should be as much of a guarantee as possible. I say this as the farthest of the far rights.
no its just basic speculation based on hearing about some shitty hip replacement price in spain and knowing the environment doctors are put in.
9 out of ten doctors recommend dont be a doctor
how to make them stay in this field?
give them higher pay
Oh look they stayed, ie USA
But lets look at what your shit is. Its socialist down to the core.
Therefore, pay is slashed regardless of what country.
Its slashed to a degree which will regardless make doctors leave the field. Therefore doctor shortages and stifling medical progression and long wait times. Canada's Free healthcare system's results are a big example of what I am talking about. The resulting example of a socialized health care system results in low amount of doctors, higher taxes, longer wait times, and a highly selective process that discriminates against the basic consumer.
My sources are Canada's free health care system. Regardless of whatever country that has socialist health care programs. There will still be a doctor shortage and long wait times. Regardless.
Because the medical research and development cost money, and functions best on a profit motive.
Because you would have to actually look after your own well being then, but since you just want free shit with no responsibilities you are just going to shriek at doctors who try to tell you that you should cut down on smokes, alcohol or sugary sweets and lose some weight.
Because jews own the pharama industry and all your politicans.
only reason the US's hospital prices are through the roof are because of niggers and welfare
>*takes her to any hospital in anywhereville*
> "we cant pay these bills, we on welfare"
>government has to pay for Laquesha
>government then taxes hospital more cus they spent money on that hospital
>hospitals raise their prices to counter this taxation and keep up their employee's income
>government pays hospital's higher prices
>government taxes hospitals more
>hospitals raise prices even more
>repeat until the bubble pops or welfare gets fixed
user I....I hate to break to you, but I live in a bankrupt shithole of a country and I can visit the doctor as many times as I want and with no extra cost unless its a major operation. WTF you are the richest nation on earth and you can't go to the doctor, it's just so absurd that the insurance companies and big pharma have ripped you all so much, you should really stand up to them.
>We're a cultureless country
This is the most retarded statement in history. Anyone who says that has brain damage and doesn't deserve to live in this country. You're seriously fucking retarded if you believe that.
Sweden is actually pretty much like that but with just availability or quality.
We have (((on of the best))) healthcare systems of the world. Unfortunately you have to pay like 500€ per month for it, mandatory. When u're some nigger, unwilling to work you have to pay nothing and get shit for free.
why can't we stop replying to bait threads ?
I honestly don't care if I have to step over dying people in the streets at this point. The left should have thought of not destroying any semblance of national and community spirit before it wanted my money to help people I don't know. In the perfect consumerist society you might as well be a perfect consumer and tell everyone else to get fucked.
OP's pic related is total bullshit
In fact in Germany there are thousands of unnecessary back and knee surgeries done, because we have a system based on "Fallkostenpauschalen" meaning you get a fixed pay for every kind of surgery. Back and knee surgeries are easy and happen to get paid pretty well, even though other methods would help the patient more and be even be cheaper
source (in german) mdr.de
>surgeries done in 2005: 13.000.000
>surgeries done in 2016: 17.000.000
However our system still works far better in any means than the american, but OP's picture is just liberal propaganda
pop culture isnt enough to call yourself cultured, you swine
>Why can’t we have a free healthcare system?
1. It's not free.
2. Non-Whites and illegal immigrants shouldn't be given healthcare in White countries.
3. It's not the government's duty to take care of you.
4. You're a hit and run forum sliding shill.
>Europe and Canada have great healthcare systems.
Says who?
>why can't we stop replying to bait threads ?
Because Sup Forums is filled with shitposters due to fact that the lack of moderation drives off serious content.
Obesity and (((multi-culturalism))).
moderation is cancer, on second thought i'm glad all these bait threads are allowed if the alternative is to become a right wing reddit
although not replying to them does not mean banning them and requires no moderation, just self control and IQ
>Why can’t we have a free healthcare system?
Even though it's cost efficient compared to what we get, it isn't "free". And it isn't really a "right" we have either. It's a hard-earned privilege, built through several generations. It's not like the government one day said "Let's give our people universal health care!". It was shaped gradualy as we could actually afford it.
Today it is sustained with high taxes, low unemplyment, and oil-shekels.
It can't be built over night, and "simply taxing the rich", which is a suggestion I've seen posted several times by lefty Americans, isn't a real solution to financing it.
>Look at me, I'm a fucking retard
But Bernie Sanders said we could have free shit if we voted for him.
>europe and canada have great healthcare systems
>says the dude who has never used them
Canada has a great DRUGcare system.
Cheap fucking DRUGS.
It has a horrible healthcare system, fucking three weeks to get seen for pneumonia.
Year for a cancer screening.
Have fun dying waiting for real care.
we can
have to ethically cleanse all niggers and mexicans first tho
Because it isn't free, it isn't effective and it isn't moral.
I take care of myself, exercise daily. Diet constantly, and make tough choices in my day that reflect the level of risk I am willing to take for what return of enjoyment. Universal healthcare is just fat, lazy and stupid people demanding the responsible people subsidize their bad choices.
....aaaand Sup Forums takes the bait again.
Good way to respond to a 1 post by this ID repeatthread again.