old thread Let's keep this going fashy goys
Brainwashing tumblrinas to have white kids Pt.2
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post feet
start posting potential pics people, to make this work
Not a white nationalist or supremacist but western civilizationist and anti-progressive. Gonna give you a bumperino
Some guy posted this in the last one. My favorite quote so far:
>I hear that white guy likes DRUMPF
>i’ll bet I could fuck that out of him
>but... what if he fucks it INTO me?
Forgot pic
Lol that was me
Women are recepticles. They love it. They fetishize it. Use it against them.
Why do you want Dumblrinas to breed? Fuck that, let them die alone.
Remember, this can be used in two ways:
>convincing white girls to date buff white guys
>convincing white beta guys to become the buff white guys that women want
You can target both with different captions:
>women want real americans
>be the man that women want
Another hung the white-knighters in he last thread forgot - you can’t win this with kiddy gloves. Get fucking dirty. Think like the enemy. Use the same tactics they do. Women like to be talked dirty to because most dudes are fucking terrified to do it. That’s why blacks and Chad’s are seen as vulgar. BE VULGAR. Use fetishes.
Here are other ideas
>FUCKED by the patriarchy again, and it feels so FUCKING GOOD.
>I don’t give a shit if he might be a racist, his cock is amazing
>Rackst white boy is gonna be so shocked when I’m not really in the pill, because he’s cumming in me at least twice tonight!
this but unironically
Good as long as it is targeted to white women. Do not need opposite race-mixing, wmbf. Nothing gets my girl wetter than when I take control.
I am not being ironic. It sounds idiotic to me too but you have to use that shit against them. Someone in the last thread mentioned Alexander the Great being so successful because he was willing to use his enemies tactics. That’s what needs to be done here as well.
True, but do not allow it to degenerate into this:
They are trying to subvert it to further push their mixing agenda.
Do you really think black women like that are on Tumblr?
Nah I'm just posting pics from my old fap folder, I've been on no fap for more than half a year now. Also I'm of the opinion this propaganda should target non-white women as well
exactly, to defeat the jew you have to become him
>autist incels in charge of understanding women
I’m with you. We should use ALL of the tactics against them. This could also spark separate nationalist sentiments on colored people and further the cause even more
That was me.
Best thing to do would be to also show there is market value in creating this type of porn.
Find some adult content creators, doesn’t matter if it’s traditional porn, cam whore couples, or deviant art commissions, and shoot them some emails.
Try for content creators that are more likely to make this type of stuff.
This can create a demand and supplies will go up.
Now, what you can also do is upload porn to the female categories on these tube sites for your edited stuff.
This means that the women that usually look at porn will see these types of things pop up on porn sites more often, so it will network it better.
Autists understand porn more than the Jews that make them, Jews don’t actually enjoy porn, they get hard from the money and watching society collapse.
I disagree on the basis that it leads to more mixed children who grow up unsatisfied with the culture and just furthers the current problem. We want to put the ideal white man as the goal for white women.
Yeah like I said. There should be a hardcore version for it. Basically hyper-stepfordization together with totally submissive addiction to a white man.
The man should be a caricature made to offend SJWs as much as possible. Ben Garrison with the physique of an MMA fighter basically. It cant be just a regular white man because the fetish is powered by transgression. For the SJW woman, this would be allowing herself to be totally dominated by an "evil right wing asshole"
Why not all women?
Did you read the rest of the post? More unhappy mixed children. Leads to a less homogenous society. More people to deport or fight in the future when they start attacking wypipo again.
Trying to get some ideas out of /fit/, give it a bump:
fuck nordic space elves nicca
only hot roasties.
Non-white women are easier to sway to this kind of thing, and when white women start seeing propaganda like this in the categories of porn they usually search for, they will start thinking non-white women getting with white men is the current trend. This would further anger any SJW women that would stumble upon it and make them feel hopeless and possibly even make them give up.
This all seems like a big stretch until you remember how clueless normies are on the internet.
If you guys really want to make this work you should use the swastika tattoo like the kikes use the queen of spades tattoo.
Also stop trying to make it so damn friendly.
The kink needs edge.
In the captions have women becoming more and more addicted to "nazi daddies" untill they become complete and utter slut slaves for them.
Muh dik!!
>Fake tits
I love these redpills, keep them coming
you should ask Sup Forums
What the fuck. This is crazy enough to actually work!
I-I'm actually quite willing to produce propaganda in my spare time if it would be any use. This could be pretty cool, and hilarious, to see the results taking place on the most liberal site in the internet.
Fucking rare
Go create a tumblr account user
start posting porn and watch the liberal cunts rub themselves raw over it.
Always said that Sup Forums is way more efective when it goes full jew, and embraces jewery, at the end of the day you guys are trying to turn hoe´s into housewives and let me give you a tip its not worth it.
Or at least you faggots dont get married to ex hoes, it never ends well.
You dont need these thots to become saints. You need them to put out white children. Any slut can do that
Good idea, although it has seemed all shill/bot posting to me for the most part, worth a shot.
Alrighty. I shall do this tomorrow as it is now my bedtime. I must rest before I create propaganda posters.
A good mind is a good kind.
wew jej rare
OP post feets pls
Well user, i understand the point that you want to make more white people, but those women will be future single mothers, and thats gonna fuck white people even worse.
Quality user not quantity.
bashkortostan? im on mobile so i can’t tell
yeah but we can post porn templates on Sup Forums. We can't post them here.
And Sup Forums loves porn and tumblr they might actually join
>Quality > Quantity
Focus on the niggers. And the Asians. Whites are the minority right now, do not tell wypipo to stop fucking.
Well fuck my ass. That's pretty rare.
>>FUCKED by the patriarchy again, and it feels so FUCKING GOOD.
>>I don’t give a shit if he might be a racist, his cock is amazing
>>Rackst white boy is gonna be so shocked when I’m not really in the pill, because he’s cumming in me at least twice tonight!
lmao again
If I was a woman who looked like that I wouldn't want to have kids at all
Very true, bump here and post templates if you have them:
Here, but I recommend you save and read later as it isn't short.
Guys we have to use the same kind of shit than 50 shades of grey, but with the nuclear family twist
you should ask /gif/ it always has a fresh suply for shills to post here
Disagree, they may or may not be beyond salvation, but we have a chance to teach their white children.
well user, i know the problems that white ppl have, but you must understandu that white people right now are justin trudeu, bob chipman, anthony burch, soy boys, white people are bringing their own destruction by their own hands, regardless of jewry (those guys do too have a problem with their replacement levels but no one talks about it here).
Its like having game, you must be willing to loose to be able to win user, no other way around it, just try to rise children that are able to outcompete the other children, thats the best in the long run, that´s what jews did back then.
Gay thread?
Gay thread
True and for every white baby born a 56% Baby wasn't.
This is a win - win situation
Feel free, need 3 GIF/webms. If you have any saved or want to look for some to start the thread, then start one there.
wow this is a new low. like this is really embarrassing
Another thread derailed.
Should I write a Wattpad story?!
Women on wattpad always loved this sort of thing. There's already a semi-popular story where the Nazis won, and one of the main characters is in a breeding program where she is forced to marry this Nazi leader. All the other characters are kikes though.
A good portion of wattpad stories seem to be a cry for help from unhappy women trapped in the modern world.
Actually, Nazi wattpad stories is what attracted me to Sup Forums. I was 16 then. Now I'm 23 and have 3 white kids and a racist husband. Thanks, wattpad degeneracy.
I bet you just like it
this! sadly most Sup Forums tards will not get it ..
Your suggestions are welcome user.
I'm having a white baby but she's a single mother...
> 3 white kids and a racist husband.
Glad to hear it lol.
By all means write a story.
The more exposer this fetish gets the better. Make sure its as dirty or romantic as the platform lends itself to but over all have fun.
Write more then one if you like, and get those little liberal sluts day dreaming about hung ayrian supermen.
Its going to be a beautiful thing.
Disgusting flapjack tits.
Lose weight fat ass be an alpha male after you lose weight.That is why your dicks not wet.
Alredy started one leafing trough the archives
It's about getting more white males to lift as well, read the thread before posting
I just checked and Wattpad has DELETED all the good sympathetic Nazi stories. The popular ones are definitely gone. All the ones left are about Jewish girls, or are boy X boy. What a dissapointment.
Also, keep in mind that even J. K. Rowling has admitted to a Nazi fetish.
We'll this is the weirdest Sup Forums op I've seen... good luck with it.
What's wrong with her tits?
>Your suggestions are welcome user.
Porn is working Kind alike sex magick on the human brain. Every orgasm holds a lot of power. Cause in this short time our brain is more pen for new "inprints" (Konrad Lorenz).
The porn shuld Combine the Feeling of "home" "security" and joy with the visuals of an fit but average White male. After the orgasm theese Kind of "sex magick" will unfold suboncious and will lead them towards an healthy relationship.
I also would suggest to Infiltrate "Feminist porn" first.
Well it looks like you've got your work cut out for you lol.
I have absolute faith in your abilities to create stories more thrilling and romantic then anything they had before and in turn in the eventual rise of this kink to the forefront of erotic thought.
We will take this generation and turn it to the people of the future and in so doing we shall create our future.
A future whereby all whites everywhere reach their full potential on par with the hero's of the Greek epics.
And it all starts
with that story you are about to wright
Black person here. Don't care what page this is currently on. Bumping this shit because I don't want to live in Africa 2.0 if whites get outbred. MAGA
Can't make a ho a housewife
t. Virgin never held DDs
This man has the right idea. Women are animals.
Isn't that kind of a problem?
Theyre not peepees
This is basically just the White Space Marine White Sharia Rape Gangs meme applied to normies.
Bold. I like it.
Sadly, you're going to have to live in Africa 2.0 either way. At least you won't be a slave to Jews.
idk why but that put me into kek overdrive
A white supremacy fetish subculture already exists.
It's really weird.
Has anyone actually created a tumblr yet?
Yeah you can find A LOT of cuck asians with tumblrs like this, we just need to figure out how to market it to other races, sjw women and make white women in general have a nazi fetish
I created one but i dont know what to post and its getting late here anyways. Tomorrow will be fun
A little hard to read, but I will try to see if I got it: push fit white men as "home", "security", and "joy".
>how would you feel if this man was coming home to you every night?
We will create an African-American ethnostate for them, no one deserves to live with actual Africans.
Shills and faggots hate this one simple trick.
>implying that isn't just some autistic larper
Welp looks like we've got something to build on lads
repost some of the white on white stuff from this tumblr
we'll create more of our own soon
sry i am baked and tired but jeah thats the Point theese woman have to make an "Connection" bettween those values and white man.
another tool beside porn could be subliminal mesaages in Girl Tier yt Videos. i guess that These Kind of subliminal proramming is going on since i while so why shouldnt Sup Forums use it?
>pic sort of related