Out of every country to have risen and fallen, which country/nation/empire has objectively done the most to advance humanity, give the best living conditions etc.
Objectively i would have to say Britain. Britain spread freedom throughout the world whilst spreading white culture, technology and religion.
But I'm interested in your opinions Sup Forums.
What is factually and historically the greatest nation to have ever graced Earth?
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Britian and the US lead whatever but in reality everything they got was from continental europe. You fuckers are both degen countries run by jews.
Fucked us over, so no fuck off tea fags.
>which country/nation/empire has objectively done the most to advance humanity
The Romans
France from our birth ( baptism of Reins ) to Napoleon end
And this of course and we have to add the Greek
All your former colonies are shitholes except places where 99% of the natives were genocided and replaced by Europeans
The United States, until New Jerusalem
ancient Greeks, ancient China, ancient Egypt, Bailon (and co.), Romans, India, Britain, France, Germany and Russia. They all have made a great benefit in the human world. It's hard to say who has made more.
Ima go with England since they are the reason the US exists.
i humbly nominate Ireland
the only country in history to defeat the " british army"
also we control the US army and police
check mate faggots
ungrateful son
The US, it was able to achieve more in less time. Even whilst existing for a significantly lesser amount of time when compared to Europe.
Op here. I would say that there is almost a mantle of countries that have held the title of best country on Earth. I would say it started with ancient Rome and Greece, who then transferred their technology and culture over to Britannia who then formed the British Empire which gave way to America. I wouldn't say China because they've really not done much. Gunpowder? thanks m8s. Also, Chinese communism.
Atlantis of course, have you not read Plato?
France did win the most wars in history. At least that's what Varg said.
France was very influential in the forming of America and Britain, but alone they never themselves rose to absolute glory
1. USA
2. Great Britain
3. The Roman Empire
4. Ancient Greece
5. Egypt
Either France or the U.K since you guys basically controlled to entire world for hundreds of years, don't think anyone else comes close in terms of relevancy to our current world.
>What is factually and historically the greatest nation to have ever graced Earth?
It's Britain, no matter which way you look at it the Brits have done more for the entire planet than any other nation. look at the progress made technologically over the past 200 years, all of that came from Britain, of course other nations contributed, some of them massively, but overall Britain ahs given the most to the world.
You also have to take into account its size and relatively tiny population, for a nation like that to amass the largest land empire the world has ever seen says it all.
You could fit the roman Empire, Alexander's Empire and the Ottoman Empire combined within the borders of the British Empire and still have room for another Roman empire, all run from a small Island off the north coast of France.
Romans or Ancient Greeks perhaps
Viking age Norway is the source of all modern civilizations
we wuz vikangs n shieet
Rome has existed for the longest time ever and the living standards fluctuated a lot.
General consensus is that Augustus' reign was the absolute best era.
protestants did
It's not just about wars , if it were just that that would have mean we are not better that muslim or mongol
You can't place yourself without us every fucking thing you do is a counterpart/continuation of us and vice versa french garden / english garden for example or gentry and gentilhommerie , you make sports we make the competition and we can go on .Personally , i think UK began to fall after Napoleon you got lazier because for the first time you didn't have a true nemesis that also permit the jew to take over
Britain and France created the entire planet. I'm not even meming. Unfortunately, success comes at a price and we'll probably be the first Western nations to fall.
if youd have lost at trafalgar you wouldn't be saying this right now
Plus Britain don't have great men and this is a fucking negative point
Hahah fucking UK the first to turn to an actual caliphate
I recognize that America is pretty much the only super power today, but I'm not sure that they have necessarily done much overall good for the world. Its hard to say because were still living in Americas dominance period. America has fucked the Middle East, (some European countries are also partly blamed but its mostly America), European living conditions are still better then America, technological advancements are only propped u from America, eg the internet.
france was objectively better, all they had to do win trafalgar
Finland hands down. Shame what the hyperwar did to them.
Probably the roman empire
Hell it left such an impression on germans and the greeks that we both had empires larping as them
You're right, but we didn't lose, we kicked the living shit out of the frogs, and not for the first time.
Remember Agincourt.
No great men? Our boi Horatio Nelson btfo'd the fuck out of France AND Spain simultaneously at Trafalgar. British culture as a whole doesnt need to idealize our heros.
France was cool but again what did they really do? Try to conquer Europe? Massacre some shitty far off indegenous population. Baguettes?
>not controlling mainland europe
pleb tier
Rome - Foundations of the modern world
Britain - Builders of the modern world
America - Protectors of the modern world?
Yes, seems fair
holy roman empire
What do you guys think about Iran and the general Middle East?
They propagated early maths, came up with astromony and their Islamic faith was the precursor to Christianity.
seriously!? quads and no recognition, fuck you assholes
Congrats, here's a cookie
I could agree to that. I don't see that we do much else honestly.
thanks Dad
how has no one commented this yet
lmao they ruined Europe
they didn't succeed, had they won or at least fought to a truce then yes
Hahaa you got me there. The only thing you got going for you is your banter.
Not to mention a lot of non-brit europeans. If all the immigrants to the US were brits it would have been an even bigger shithole now.
Definitely Britain.
Egypt fo'sur famms... Dey was first to invent spaceship bro
They gave barbarians advanced weapons and technology. They spread an abrahamitic religion. Britain deserves a final solution. And christians are jews, just like muslims.
The US has no place among the likes of the Roman empire, the British empire and the French. I'd give it to one of these three, as they've contributed the most in every aspect.
Impossible , our last sailors were killed during the revolution and even with them it was nelson Again i don't deny Nelson who is perhaps your GOAT men but he's not in the same class of Alexander , Caesar , Charlemagne , Napoleon , Hitler who are GOAT men
Unironically this
Macedon under phillip and alexander.
Alexander's first action as king was to abolish all taxes of Macedon, his vassals kept paying, and he had income state owned slave mines, but all people from his native country never payed taxes again until after his death.
He paved the way for christianity and non brainlet civilizations.
He ended the threat of asian domination over europe for more than 1000 years
He literally defeated the hordes, his only mistake was to be a paranoid megalomaniac flamming pansexual bon vivant, but certainly he is with God now.
You can't blame someone to be a bon vivant , we all have one life it have to be live the fulliest way and that doesn't mean degenarate
Well, while I agree in principle, its suspicious coming from a frenchman
I know , this is one of our chronic problem
Atlantis, which was on Spain, so Spain
precursor to christiainity literally wut?
objective and obvious
>20 years as a dominant power until the decline sets in