Manga about raising a daughter are the best manga
Manga about raising a daughter are the best manga
Specially when said daughter asks to bear Daikichi's child.
Manga about beating a daughter.
Why is she pandering to ryona fags?
nvm found it.
Of course you found it. And that's why you should learn to search first, and ask second.
>and ask second.
No, I encourage people asking for help locating something when they actually did exhaust their resources. Of course only while also posting a screenshot as proof of their efforts and failure.
Fair enough.
I know, right?
manga about raising a daughter for the purpose of breeding are the best manga
came here to post this
delet this
I don't understand why you faggots are so eager to hide your image sources. It wouldn't hurt anyone to share it's name.
And I don't understand how you can be proud of your ineptitude. It's not difficult to reverse search an image.
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
You get her during her prime loli years and then you dump her off on some normalfag who doesn't know any better
Not if you raise her to be your bride.
A boy is not much better. There's no point in having kids unless you're a desperate woman with her clock ticking. And saying that you need them so you have someone to take care of you when you are old, then you're admitting you just want a worker indebted to you, cause if you saved the money you spent on raising them you could just pay for the best care possible no problem.
is this a pasta?
anything that is longer than 20 words is a pasta
>for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man
In current Western society, most girls tend to be "ravaged" by around 13 to 14. Some even as young as 11 as girls develop sexually earlier than boys do.
Yeah but (unless you're a prudish american) you get to have baths with her until she turns about 11-ish and becomes shy about her body.
Even then, you might be lucky here and there
There's a reason for most things.
That only counts if you want to bone your kid.
This is why Daddy kills their little girls boyfriend
Somebody's got to do it.
Manga about raising and then fucking your daughter while she is still pure and young are the best.
this is the famos Sup Forums pasta
>Who benefits?
Cancerous Sup Forums-speak aside, the answer is no one. Life is a pointless rat-race, not only for people but for every single life form.
If you can't enjoy life, then I pity you.
Nice meme.
Cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish. Only a retarded ape wants all the pussy for himself. Honestly, I get horny just thinking about my daughter having sex with a 6'3 tall, well endowed, white stud. When he's done with my daughter, he should fuck my wife too.
>white stud
Couldnt go the distance could you?
You're not a true cuckold.
What if user isn't white?
Thankfully we have no life here.
You don't really understand cuckoldry, you're just following what you hear from memes. Cuckoldry is about enjoying seeing a superior stud fuck your loved one.
I'm not a racist, but white men are just more attractive than blacks
You're not a cuckold, please stop pretending to be one.
>thread about one of the sweetest ongoing manga dies due to idiots replying to stale Sup Forums copypasta
>Latest Release(s)
>v.2 c.18 by tap-trans & TSP (344d ago)
Your fault for trusting translators.
You will read your Takagi and you will love it.
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san ?
Same as .
The full image should be easily reverse searchable. I found the name using the archive, yandex and google.
Your dog
>All I got from reverse search and google translate was "Thousand and Ten Thousand"
Why do you google translate titles?
>trusting any site with "baka" in its name
Ofcourse it is.
>ongoing manga
it's already completed though not fully translated yet
it's just one big research lab
is there a story what happens on the main land?
I swear that all the re c posts are deleted by a bot
>it's not difficult to reverse search
He's asking the exact reason of doing such a thing for some unimportant manga page. No one who has an ounce of dignity would waste his time trying to find an unimportant manga page except for weeaboo losers like you.
don't look for it then.