Lauren is doing actual journalism, I was calling her all kinds of names and hated her for e-whoring herself, but she is doing actual fucking dramatic reporting. Watch this:
Unironic e-celeb thread
She needs to atone for her coalburning sins, but if she keeps doing things like this she'll be on her way
Stop posting this stupid e-celeb bullshit here. We have like 5 threads up right now about this documentary. Once a coalburner, always a coalburner.
no she's on a fucking vacation
There's only one and I somehow missed it while searching the catalog, nigger
Did you watch it? I almost teared up and the production quality is great.
There have been multiple threads about it. Mods are probably pruning them. Btw Lauren Southern has a voice like a fucking man and is a coalburning Jew, stop worshiping her
>There have been multiple threads about it.
So it's a good topic
>Btw Lauren Southern has a voice like a fucking man and is a coalburning Jew, stop worshiping her
I don't give a fuck about her, the video is amazing tho.
>Lauren is doing actual journalism
Yeah and she's writing actual books too.
Captcha: Solomon Post
That vid is a nugget of gold in a pile of shit.
Aye, I was surprised, didn't expect such quality stuff.
Why are these people staying there under this constant terror? Why don't they move back to Europe?
Hey Lauren, these niggers arent muslim why are they such animals if race doesn't matter?
Wish we could save the Afrikaaners from the savage niggers, we should trade all coalburmer race traitors like Lauren for good wholesome Afrikaaners and Rhodies.
>talks about white genocide
>refuses to mention and ridicules those who bring up/fight against the root cause
Your either naming the Jew or your not. Normies will watch this and think Niggers are the problem, without knowing about the real (((root cause))). Thus nothing is accomplished.
>Why are these people staying there under this constant terror? Why don't they move back to Europe?
AFAIK they can't. They are not allowed to stay because they are not considered refugees and most do not have the requisite skillset to be allowed to get a visa or to become citizens.
Worse, not only do they ignore the JQ but the alt lite cucks tend to say only Muslim niggers or BLM are bad. They don't tell u the truth, that ALL niggers are bad.
Sums up living under ZOG. Brown savages are welcomed with open arms whilst Whites are refused and left to be genocided.
>I was calling her all kinds of names and hated her for e-whoring herself
>up to date on her latest video
kys shill
Fuck you. Her career did a nose dive so her jewish handlers financed an operation to tug at the heart strings of her target audience. You build these phonies up, they purposely implode and cause drama, and then everybody laughs at how pathetic the right is.
pretty good vid
there is no conspiracy with Lauren southern, she's just a thot with occasional good content
>You build these phonies up, they purposely implode and cause drama, and then everybody laughs at how pathetic the right is.
Then they come crawling back, just a little more edgy than last time, saying 6 gorillion, but never exposing the holohoax, and tons of beta fucks go back to her because bobs.
A plan so sinister only a jew could conceive of it.
here have it my friend
>le jews control le world (despite only being able to get america and honduras to vote in favour of israel)
>actual journalism
you meaning going to Africa to get blacked under the pretence of journalism?
Maybe iwh*tebois shouldn't be hoarding all the wealth
regrettable, but that's just how it is whitey
That was dumb the first time you posted it
Yup. BLM is just the latest in decades of Jew run Black "civil rights" groups like the NAACP, designed to attack and weaken Whitey so the Jew can dominate. Muslims have around a 80IQ on average yet the (((alt-lite))) screams that the cave dwelling 3rd worlders orchastrated 9/11 and their own invasion of Europe. Why would Jews want Muslims in Europe?, they cry out, like the Jew doesn't welcome the replacement of the native Europeans, whom they hate, with easily manipulated Brown people.
I think the subconscious mind of the normie knows its the Jew, since its practically impossible to not notice the dominant, destructive role they have in our societys, but they deliberately ignore these thoughts as to swallow the redpill, leave the Jewish matrix, then confront it is very tough. Easier to cry on about Muslims or Mexicans or whatever who have no actual power.
Fuck off willy nibbler
i am sick of south african white trash cryin about muh white genocide.
if you chose to live in nignog-land surrounded by niggers you get treated like a nigger /sage
And yet it gets away with what no other country could.
*tips menorah
>Her career did a nose dive
It didn't though.
>so her jewish handlers
Why are you lying? She has no handlers.
>and then everybody laughs at how pathetic the right is.
Retards like YOU are what make the right-wing look bad.
>Lets ignore the total domination of our media, banks, political system by Jews, this irrelevant UN vote proves they actually have no power!
Sums up your average e-celeb watcher. Go back to plebbit now, the adults are talking.
Why don't whites make a trade? Black americans for white african farmers.
I wonder (((Why)))
But that's literally her logic.
reminder that everyone who is attacking lauren in this thread is either a shill or a retard. these are videos are the perfect entry level red pills for normies.
Wow, a private cam show for only 200 bucks a month? You know she's classy when she charges THAT much. This girl's got standards. Not like those OTHER cam whores.
Normies don't watch her and never will. It's just freaks like you.
Only a sith deals in absolutes. I was one of the oens you now call shills or retards, I slammed every single topic of e-celeb crap on Sup Forums. This video changed my mind, not everyone is a shill user, people can have differing opinions.
Lauren shills are out in force today. Coal burners are to be ignored. Research and educate yourselves in these matters, you'll get better info and build skills.
>hitler was like totally a SJW guyss, which is not cool
holy shit, is this what qualifies as a book nowadays ?
Literal complication of twitter shitposts
normies watch these videos when you send it to them. thats how you red-pill people. start slow or they wont listen to you
i dont have a problem with people attacking dumb e-celeb drama. but everyone who sees this video should understand how valuable this is for us.
>entry level redpill
>shills for Israel/Jews, refuses name the root cause and her own fans attack anybody who names the Jew
Making a video about Niggers being savages isn't a entry level redpill since literally everybody, even Niggers themselves know that. If she made the vid about Nelson Mandela being a mass murderer of 100s and a Communist, rather than a innocent persecuted by Whitey as (((they))) led the world to believe, then that would be entry level. Or our governments refusal to let in White SAs in favour of the brown hordes.
She's a coalburner. She can never redeem herself from that, no matter how many videos she puts on youtube
But clearly she does think race matters. Otherwise she would not be supporting ethnonationalists in Europe and worried about white replacement.
The vid is good, but Lauren is still shit.
Agreed. Obvious e-whores that do nothing, but muuh podcasts and sheeeit deserve only scorn, but quality work has to be praised. We are not the fucking SJWs to attack indiscriminately, wish people would get that.
>Making a video about Niggers being savages isn't a entry level redpill since literally everybody, even Niggers themselves know that.
Yeah, but no one says it in the open, nigger.
She literally admitted to working for military intelligence, faggot
How mad does it make you that this girl is doing much more than the white race than you and most people in WN circles are not low IQ enough to write her off just like that?
No she didn't you utter fucking moron. She applied for that school but decided against it.
Wonder if she uses a standard Hitachi or if she put in the money for a fuck machine.
Yet has no problems with the Browning of the USA so to not lose shekels from her primarily USA audience.
Vid is bretty good.
Rose is still the best Lauren.
yes, everybody deep down knows that but that knowledge has been supressed by the indoctrination of our governments and the media. everybody could see these things but most people have their eyes closed. this video is an eye-opener.
All white nationalists know that coalburners get the rope, faggot.
Prolly went to Africa to fuck more niggers
That doesn't make any sense. It's obvious her refusal to align with Spencer et al. is out of cowardice because those movements are perceived as having darker optics than the European movements like GI.
>15 mins skype call
i am not saying that lauren is good but that some of her videos are very useful for us and we shouldnt dismiss them just because we dont like her.
The mulattos in Canada weren't doing it for her anymore. She needed 100% pure uncut African nog to fill her mudsharking needs.
Except for finnknight, good for you.
How when she doesn't name what caused this? The Jewish supporters/funders of Commie terrorist Mandela.
It's not a real name. It's not her real face. It's not her own ideas. She's the fakest fake.
Look at every post this poster has made ITT.
These are the kind of subhuman apes who will guarantee that white nationalism will fail in the US. This person has never had a single serious political thought, or a nuanced thought about any subject, in his entire fucking miserable existence. Every thought he has comes from memes hammered into his head by people 1 standard deviation above him in IQ. He is basically a nigger, ironically enough.
>her refusal to align with Spencer et al. is out of cowardice because those movements are perceived as having darker optics
His mantits have darker optics than anything else. Literally no one actually likes Spencer. He only exists so that dems can have their ALT RIGHT PEPE NAZI boogeyman.
Yes we should dismiss her. These cucks will have rolling lauren southern generals again if you let up.
Or, going on about how fucked Europe is with Muslims pleases her majority USA viewership/contributers. Literally deliberately walking around the Arab part of Paris telling her burger viewers she was walking in a random location. Sad you cant see the obvious.
first she needs to tell them what is happening. then we tell them why it is happening
I agree with that.
well done, Lauren. I still think she's a media whore, but aren't they all? this might very well bring the attention upon the topic which it so richly deserve.
I have noticed there is a shitload of anti-Lauren shilling on Sup Forums even when she does good stuff like this.
I seems to me the Jews that be are very afraid of mainstream youtube people like Lauren shining the reality of (((multiculturalism))) to normies, and are actively gaslighting the alt-right community. It is very probable that the alt-thot trend was started by them seeking to divide and conquer.
agreed, idk how people even view spencer and fucking identity evropa threatening, they are just a bunch of fags in suits who get into fights with some dirty commies.
Europe is fucked though. And she went to a "no-go zone" in France too where they were essentially told to get the fuck out of there.
No evidence refusing to name and defending the Jew, whilst blaming everyone but them magically leads people to the truth. Just look at the Hitler comments in her book, driving people away if anything. But shes a girl so its OK
Not everything is a jewish conspiracy for fuck's sake, you are worse than the niggers.
You have no idea of the political situation in the USA. Lauren Southern and others like her do nothing positive for us at all.
Ok jew.
Niggers are animals, probably lower than animals due to the fact that they can't even feed themselves and have degenerated into gnarly beasts. I am certain they are a creation of satan.
Meanwhile she casually talks about reading Julius Evola on Twitter. A guy who was a million times edgier than Spencer.
It is though if its anti-white. Mandela was a terrorist communist funded by Jews, and they managed to fool the world that the reason he was imprisoned is because Whites are racist rather than him ordering bombings that killed 100s of Whites. Unless you think Niggers were behind it all?
I really don't care about e-celebs, I don't have personal loyalty to them but whatever I don't mind some of the work guys like Spencer or even Lauren do. I'm not going to give them my money though.
Drumpf should work out a deal with S.Africa and the E.U where they pay for their lands and repatriate them to their ancestral homeland. The huge influx of whites to Europe will help increase the birthrate. Or, they can come to burgerland and give us the help we need.
Shut the fuck up ironybro
no id didnt watch it and im not going to. i dont care how sad it is, its just a dumb fucking whore exploiting people for goybucks that she spends on vacations and plastic surgeries
Well I guess we know where TRS stand with the NJF ordeal. What, if anything, does he learn from this?
NJF needs to learn how to work a computer properly if he's going to be a good streamer/youtuber. Kind of goes with the job.
>how does make-up work
we have to save these people, they're our kin
I also dislike lauren but this video is fantastic
>But clearly she does think race matters
Everywhere but the bedroom, apparently.
How much makeup does it take to get that "stung by bees" look?
>defending a LITERAL harlot who sells herself
Sorry, was she supporting European ethnonationalists and talking about white replacement 4-5 years ago?
AmRen also asks for monthly donations on their site. Are they harlots too?