>sexdolls unveiled at CES 2018
>feminists on suicide watch
How can feminists ever compete?
Are womyn obsolete?
Other urls found in this thread:
>wow you invented something that will do the things I don't want to do?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>can sex dolls do all this?
Can you?
City people are retards
>implying women do this
If they did we wouldnt be at a point where men in society consider buying 100lbs of thicc silicone to cum inside of.
It's afraid.
Seems like a great deal for feminists.
Men that enjoy being around women will continue to do what they've been doing. Men that hate women will fuck sex dolls. Everyone wins.
I can do all those things far better than a woman, aside from having children though. Most women in 2018 can't cook to save their lives.
>implying a man can't do any of these.
Women are shit at arguing.
>I am a strong women I work all day
No they don't :)
Show the porker examples!
>her point is being made by forcing herself into traditional gender roles.
>a piece of rubber is tricking women into knowing their place
Everything is working out.
Like modern black relationships have anything to do with those things listed
They look great, but what's the price on this one? The only issue i have is price. Anything above 1k is shit because in the amount of time i enjoy the sex doll, i could just pay some decent hookers until the next best sex doll ( and more affordable) comes out and just buy it then.
It honestly sounds like she's telling women to be women if they want to get a man and not talking shit to men.
oh no what will women ever do?
Literally every one of those things she listed can be done by a machine.
This shit is pathetic
It looks like a video game character come to life. How fucking desperate are you people? Might as well join the MGTOWs.
I'm VERY fucking glad I went to Asia when I did. I had a couple friends with benefits and they still cleaned my apartment and treated me like a husband. It was amazing.
Will a sex doll cheat on you
will it wipe out your bank account time and again on useless cloths
will it bitch at you if you forget to do something will it bitch at you for a bad dream it had
will it give you aids because its fucking someone else on the side while you are working your ass off to pay the bills
Although to be frank most modern women do not do these things anymore as they become strong independent career women. Maybe this will wake them the fuck up.
Found the roastie
The problem with this is that women need male attention and resources(money+power) more than they want sex.
Men only need something with curves and to nut into.
Found the useless roastie
Fuck women. You are so insufferable and annoying that you have been replaced by a vastly superior piece of lifeless plastic that merely mimics anything you could possibly have to say (of value).
The amount of asshurt sexbots are causing already is monumental, I honestly thought it was just a meme
woman trade sex for power and status, you complete retard...
>tfw your wife does all this and more
If someone broke into your house and raped your waifu doll, would you take her back? To what severity should that kind of crime be punished? It seems pretty fucked up. They basically tarnished it for life.
>resources(money+power) more than they want sex.
Men having these thing in the 2018.
Do they care? Last I heard a dude version was in the works too, always seems to be more crying about those then the female ones.
Meanwhile women are unhappier than ever with more toys available in their history. The beauty of this is it only benefits one side. Women cannot go without the social reinforcement men provide. And yes only men can provide it, women do not respect each other or actually give a shit what the others think, just what the guy the like thinks. They will drop all their friends off a cliff if the guy they are crushing on said he'd ring it in exchange.
Modern men are losing both of those to women.
Are there places you can rent one?
The only true answer
implying soy boys will be able to dress one like a 10 and not just put their tighty whitey or period soaked cam whore lingerie on it....
absolute disgust for robo fuckers
They can, most just don't. There is a difference between having the ability and having the will.
This is a great idea...
A sex doll whore house...
Sloppy seconds are gross though
>Are womyn obsolete?
For casual sex/masturbation, yes.
>How can feminists ever compete?
They couldn't get the job done alone much less with competition.
Thats already a thing and the sexdoll gets more customers. top kek
Oh, so now they're talking about the Housewife role ?
That's worse. Consider themselves replaced
Retard ranting.
All these butthurt roast beef smugglers...
You liberal, nigger-worshiping cunts think you're going to take our guns and free speech away, but in actual reality, we're going to take your voting rights away.
If we don't, the sand niggers will. You're on borrowed time. You won't be so smug and entitled when you're sold into sex slavery by the shitskins you worship as gods. Doubly so when they tie you down and shit in your mouth while screaming DIE WHITE WHORE, FUCKING PIG
>all those nigga twitter responses
Looks like the black birth rate will go further down. All it will take is for one of these expensive dolls to appear in a rap video
I don't know man, you're dealing with rubber; you can always bleach the fuck out of it. Meanwhile, good luck telling a woman she needs to clean better.
I agree, I am not defending lazy roasties whatsoever. Its just a simple fact a sexdoll can not do those things at all because they are inanimate onaholes while a roastie can but just refuses.
>implying women do any of that
A silicone cunt can't birth my übermensch children
Women have offered less and less to men over the last hundred years to the point of offering nothing at all while their demands have grown exponentially. Men are starting to wake up and tell them "no" though to the point of disengaging from them altogether or as much as they possibly can. Yet not one woman I know has figured this out or asked what they can do to resolve that, instead reacting by increasing their demands. It's going to take a number of years for this to play out and a whole lot of men (myself included) are never going to find the partner they'd hoped for but a change is going to come and the next generation is going to have a much better dynamic to deal with.
Maybe if women actually did that stuff and cared about creating a family we wouldn’t have sex dolls in the first place
Talk about one-sided you ok user?
It's silicone, and bleach would probably ruin it
You don't have sexdolls because you want a housewife, you want a sexdol because it has big bobs that never sag or wrinkle and doesn't mouth off to you when you want to fuck it.
for some reason this comment made me laugh so hard
after implying that women don't need men, you post something where women will literally PAY to pretend that they have a boyfriend
do you even logic
They certainly are niggers and other retarded subhuman scum.
>ooga booga
Get fucked roastie. Your time is over.
More niggas getting redpilled on women
The artificial womb is what makes them obsolete.
Tfw better cook than any gf I've ever had. I love cooking.
You don't know shit about silicone then. Bleach is recommended for cleaning it, sucka.
They already made something like that, but a feminist group shut it down because IRL prostitutes couldn't handle the competition.
Very true. If anything artificial intelligence will benefit our society like never before and bring forth a new age of natural selection in which only roasties who can prove their value breed. Imagine having waifubots advanced enough to be taking your order at a resurant.
Fuck man, I dunno
Leaf-tard thinks it isn't trash.
I want to be told I'm special, I want her to look at me as if I'm the best thing to happen to her life. I want her to become dependent on me like a drug and think of nothing else, I want her to be my emotionally dependent slave.
This is not something you can program a robot to do. It will never be real and only someone severely immature could delude themselves into thinking so.
Then again, this isn't something feminists can do either so they can still kill themselves.
Why would you want your waifubot working at a restaurant? She should be in the home.
Yeah right. And bleach plus ammonia equals cool crystals. I'm not falling for that one again.
>ITT: Sup Forums cheering at the newest kike psyop
fuck this place has become a shitty hybrid of Sup Forums and /bant/
Women already have sex toys. It isn't a replacement for what they seek from men (attention and resources).
Looks better than your fat roastie ass
Finland is just a Canadian wanna-be that never was.
It's called competition, you filthy socialist.
Not MY waifubot, a COMPANY waifubot. There will be ones for private and business uses. screencap this post it will be the future. No more ugly niggerboons spitting in our burgers just happy and cute waifubots.
I want picters, picters of fugable robets
>thinks city people are smart
>doesn't realize cities hold polarized intelligence distribution of both extreme low speed and extreme highs
>doesn't realize most city people aren't land owners who have any real stake in the betterment of their society because they can't just leave if the going gets tough
>doesn't realize city people only vote for their short term best interests even if that means stripping the rights from others and do not even realize it.
You aren't very smart.
Is this the new evolution of the infamous finnknight, a blind defender of feminist biocunts?
Nobody is taking your guns away, and given the right wing's attitudes concerning a free media lately it's rich as fuck watching you snowflakes try to Darvo that shit onto us
Ah, I see, I see. The future is truly bright in this case.
How long do you have left until 30? I wouldn't use a rope or pills, those can both hurt a lot if you do it wrong. Research what an "exit bag" is, and use that. Use helium or something, can you can sound funny while going asleep.
I love how the infograph shows Trump's overwhelming lead.
I loled at your delusion
Seek mental help nigger
Pure helium is harder to come by than pure nitrogen or argon, which would do the same job
I honestly don't see how it could go wrong, you can even make them stronger than the average man so they can do more manual labor too.
>in the future construction sites will be employed purely by waifubots
I'm going to the police to report a break in and vandalization
How long until they conflate fucking a doll with rape?
>dolls cannot give explicit consent therefore RAPE
Ah who am I kidding they've already done this havent they
Because the only reason men ever cared about those things to begin with is because it could secure them sex. Today that is not the case, so they have no motivation to acquire them. Men don't actually enjoy working full time wage slave jobs or anything. They only did it for females.