Why didn't they let the aliens take over? They're clearly a far superior species

Why didn't they let the aliens take over? They're clearly a far superior species

>aliens kill half of Tokyo
>they kill your girlfriend's mother
>they capture humans by the truckload and bleed them dry, cook them into meals, shove them into hamster cages
>get the opportunity to wipe them all out
>Nishi tries to do the right fucking thing and you stop him, beat him up and leave him to die
>you do all this despite the fact that the aliens have fucked over your country's capital, your people, and likely the global economy for many decades

So what? They were basically killing rats

>Lose the war against god like aliens
>Invade earth
>Lose again
>Womyn and children will most likely get raped

We Germans now?

They lost, so they are clearly not.

Too big to be superior.
Their calories intake will make them suffer if they stay in our tiny earth.

If they're so great how come they lost?


>They're clearly a far superior species
If they're all dead, they aren't anymore
So what? They were basically killing rats
Rat would fight for its life too, plus rats are not self-aware.

Because when aliens are rounding you up and processing you like a meat factory and you have the means to fight back, you do so at any cost. Jesus, that shit was disturbing.

>>Womyn and children will most likely get raped

Nah, the "hero" destroyed the ship killing everyone.

I don't know what this is but. How can the be a superior species if they couldn't take over?

Do aliens have souls too? Where are they supposed to reincarnate if their species is dead?

How were their dicks supposed to work? They had 3 but only one seemed to be doing something

It's probably an atavism, just like the human's tail.

If the aliens really were far superior they wouldnt need humans to let them take over.

Because an even more superior species hijacked the body of a fat vegetable and gave humanity the ability to kill or deport illegal aliens.

Then they're not so superior any more.

I dunno. Inferior creatures like rats or mosquitos have been humanity's bane, but we don't regard them as superior.

Actually, I have to point out...Wasn't that completely pointless?

Kurono stops Nishi from destroying the tower, but the final battle kills all the aliens anyway when they crash their spaceship.

Like, we see the spaceship explode in space, killing all the aliens on-board. Doesn't that mean that Nishi is right? I mean, the same thing happened!

Both will probably outlive us, so there's that

those creatures kill humans by disease, call me when a rat blows someone's brains off

Nothing in Gantz made any sense. It is literally the worst story ever thought out. Especially after the "vampires" appeared, then it made even less sense.
Having any discussion about something so unimaginable stupid is not possible.

Yes, they killed a superior creature with something that wasn't originally their's. Had humans never gotten the gear, they'd have never survived.

If an alien species came to earth and uplifted ants then they would stop being inferior the second they put up a fight
you're just arguing semantics to defend your fetish for being raped by giant aliens

>i liked gantz for the mindless fun it was
>looking back it was pretty retarded
I have no regrets and would read it again.

so you don't care about effectiveness you care about splashiness? Malaria kills more people than war and terrorism do.

Difference is people still control the world.

>fetish for being raped by giant aliens
No, I just played devil's advocate because it sounded fun. Gantz was irredeemable trash. The only fetish I've possibly gained from it is yokai rape, if that's a thing.

Man, what a shitty ending it had.

>Especially after the "vampires" appeared
After the vampires the manga took a nosedive into nothing.
Seriously, what was even the point of all that?

After vampires there still were Ogres/Oni, Osaka and Muscle Rider. It wasn't "nothing".

Nothing good about it.
>Muscle Rider
I will give you that.

I liked the kid going Muscle Rider on alien asses and the vampire duo vs alien swordsmen vs Osaka edgelords. But yeah, the last boss was bullshit and team Osaka were like the author's statists: incredibly stupid, annoying and with no self-preservation, makes you think what kind of harmless aliens they were hunting before.

Gantz should have had more PLOT and less plot.

The final boss was strong, but half the team got taken out in half assed way.
Also they hyped too much the guy who completed the game 7 times.

He gave them a chance. It didn't have to end like this, but Gund was a douche.

I read this from chapter 91 but I completely see why people call it a mess, and it has such a "meh" ending after all that. of course I cant agree to call it trash but I could have deal without the "taechan" keichan" dialogue going on for like 20 chapters or so that shit was annoying. and the MC switching between badass and wimp was retarded
>badass during Gantz mode
>back to being wimp in human world
is that how that works?
and I thought Asians were big on the reincarnations belief

Not all aliens are enemies. Seems like you're more mindless than you think. Just because they didn't genocide vampires, doesn't mean it was pointless.

>vampires go hunting Gantz player even at their homes
>not enemies

Yes and no. I mean, yeah, it was ultimately meaningless, but it was more of a personal victory. Had he focused on killing all of them, he would have ended up as broken as Nishi and would have been unable to return to his girlfriend.

By that logic, they themselves will be forced to submit to aliens greater than themselves. It's easier to just fight.

The only good thing about the giants arc was the waifu alien.

Also Tae's bush.

It's like that french movie.

What movie?

Planet-somthing. The fantastic planet. Humans are enslaved by giant naked aays.

>humans end up with Giants' faces in Inuyashiki
The author somehow made his art worse at around Osaka/Italian arc.

cancer fanbase

Yeah because the womyn and chilluns are the ones that murdered your girlfriend's mother and half of Tokyo.

How did this make you feel?

Onion boy did nothing wrong.

To be fair, that's hardly a concern when thousands of people were dying every second. If Kurono had just killed all the aliens by destroying the pillar, the war would've ended hours / days before it actually did.

All that shit was for nothing.

He was the most evil character. Didn't want to share his onions until mutilated to mess. Horrible creature. Glad he got what he deserved.

I think the author was trying to please everyone which is why there was reika and there was taechan. but musclerider got the best ending.

makes me feel gantz was fun at a point.

>leader of vampire realize that gantz players aren't their enemies as they're being forced.
>realize this when he gets betrayed by osaka alien
come on,dude.

they're still enemies of mankind

>illegal alien trying to colonize your planet
>not enemy

Reika and Lara Croft were the hottest girls.
The author should just focus on making porn.

Tae is cute, CUTE!

>The only good thing about the giants arc was the waifu alien.
Nah. The arc had a great start. Everything at that point was pretty enjoyable. Cherry's rampage was also good.

So is this actually worth reading or is it just liked for meme reasons?

You can read the whole thing in 2 days, but don't expect much from it.

So, a space ship half the size of the moon explodes over Earth and then nothing.
Did the author not realize that the destruction the alien invasion brought, would look tame compared to the death shower that would hit the planet because of this?

Dude, Kurono and Tae traveled through the atmosphere with that bike while holding their breath.

And how about you try and see for yourself?
It's shit but with unmatched entertaining value + hot girls

>entertaining value + hot girls

Good enough for me

In the end, it's all rule of cool.

Giant mecha are used to attack the giant alien main tower
America saves the day
Main character has his ultimate duel of ultimate destiny with long-haired elite giant alien
Awesome space ride, because