This phenomena is apparent both in men and women.
>women tend to lean towards liberalism and feminist culture.
>Men tend to become either very conservative or develop feminine tendencies (opposites of the spectrum)
>SJW women being fat and unattractive and pollacks being brown or black and yet admirable of Hitler and Aryan genes is testimony to not being fulfilled intimately.
>It is very unlikely to find sexually productive men or women who care about politics to the degree Sup Forumslacks do or SJWs do.
In other words, Sup Forums is always satire meme is more correct than Sup Forums is always right depending on where you are on the foodchain.
I guess you could call this the cliche we call "red pill"
Correlation between not getting laid and being involved in politics
Other urls found in this thread:
Every serious conservative woman i have met has been a bombshell. And by serious i mean actively involves not just a voter.
hmm.... its almost like sex is used as a distraction to keep the masses in line...
Having game user can lead to be black pilled realy fast, or at least if you truly have your eyes open.
Theres a point that you go "really, is this really worth it?, because at the end of the day who fucking cares, and better use my limited time in this world to better myself" kinda way.
>hmm.... its almost like sex is used as a distraction to keep the masses in line...
so much this... but also government sanctioned cockblocking with top secret technology.
It's hilarious how the government keeps mind control tech secret, when every other nation on the planet already knows about it, and some of those nations are actively using it on Americans, politicians, military, etc....
And yet still, they are like "No it's not real, no need to protect yourself!"
pic related, this happened to me at work one day.... it's a long story.
>pic related, this happened to me at work one day.... it's a long story.
I know for a fact that rothschild was involved, and I think that Oprah might have been involved.
I was working at ocharlies, at the time, by the way, as a dishwasher.
I get laid but I shit post on here.
Must be a correlation.
When you keep accidentally stealing nice guy's women, you autoblackpill. There's no such thing as taken lads.
I don't care about getting laid I just want to help wake people up to the NWO
I think you may have schizophrenia there champ.
Brave New World was written by a member of the Huxley family. It is not fiction it is a blueprint that pre-dates 1939.
Long background skipped, yes sex is totally used as a distraction from globalisation, just like in the aforementioned book.
What ever gets you virgins through the night.
>I think you may have schizophrenia there champ.
voice to skull research was actually unclassified by the department of the army in 2006.
So you can go fuck yourself.
Great looking bear.
so da gubmint made you want to fuck a fat chick and it freaked you out?
Ya know, as degenerate as you think they are, there are alot of effeminate conservative males out there.
Excellent bait. Leafs, take note!
>pic related, this happened to me at work one day.... it's a long story
its coming
>so da gubmint made you want to fuck a fat chick and it freaked you out?
They tried.
They record your brainwave patterns and play them back in your skull with microwaves.
I saw what they were doing though.
it was literally the bitch in this picture.
High IQ men are less likely to sleep around
High IQ men are more likely to be repulsed by modern degenerate culture
High IQ men are more likely to be involved with politics
High IQ men are more likely to be driven by facts rather than emotion
The Fact is Hitler Did Nothing Wrong.
I'm not gonna lie I get super into Sup Forums shit when I'm not getting laid, when I started getting laid I almost ignore it entirely but the moment I stopped getting laid I'm back to spending several hours a day here.
this rothschild was there as well, although he looked a LOT younger, and called himself "Andrew", which I think was a reference to enders game.
I know only you'd notice Ivan. Brown bear master race. How can polar bear compete?
you mean their round and heavy but hollow inside?
he was trying to use the mind control shit to rape the chick I was actually attracted to.
high IQ... is another word for manlet.
High IQ... is another word for shity parents with shitty genes
High IQ.. is another word I can't approach a girl
High IQ.. is another word for I am a poorfag.
same. It's really a strange phenomena. I don't even know why ppl are taking offence to this thread. It's just a phenomena.
Tldr, the correlation is very high
Spergs reeee when you say it but it's true. Chads easily adapt to any societal regimes and are always chosen to represent and shill for them, whether it's communist propaganda or capitalist advertising. As the result they're always well-off, occupy high positions, swim in pussy and feel good about themselves and the world. Those who try to change the world are societal losers who think everything's unfair and slated against them.
Yes it's well-known that Asian men cannot get laid even in their own countries, let alone outside them
Unfortunately, since mind control tech is currently classified by the US government (and others), there is literally no way to protect yourself from it, because they refuse to acknowledge that the shit is taking place.
>because they refuse to acknowledge that the shit is taking place.
So rothschild mind controls EVERYONE, and no one will do shit about it.
Social outcasts tend to blame the world for their problems, and seek political change to fix their miserable lives. Feminazis and 1488ers should just fuck each other and solve both problems.
This is a bear thread now.
By being 100% carnivore unlike the faggoty omnivore brown bear
College commies get laid all the time.
>Social outcasts tend to blame the world for their problems
So you are saying that social outcasts weren't cast out of society by society?
I'm female autist so I'm interested in politics no matter if I get laid or not.
I had a very long dry period and I had relationships. My political views didn't change because my views are real and not a psychological coping mechanism
Your failures are your own. Your parents got laid, it's your fault you can't.
Sex is probably the only time where I'm 100% happy
It's a two way street. If they weren't so autistic and tried to integrate in society they wouldn't be outcasts. But they think they're special and the world should conform to them instead of the other way around. This goes for nazis and SJWs.
>guys eating other thing is for pussies..
>Your failures are your own.
Tell that to the jews who died in the holocost.
As if, if someoe murders you, or sabotages your life, it's your fault.
You are rothschild, aren't you?
And you were posting that loli shit on the board, weren't you?
>It's a two way street
And yet you blame the outcasts 100% of the time, and never think that this may be a warfare tactic.
comfy bear thread with ivan
Did you actually think you made an smart post?
Jesus, lol. Spam a few more memes, bud. May get you some Reddit gold!!
The world isn't going 1488 just because you can't get laid.
It is though, not the bears fault that humans shit up his food and habitat, plus Polar bears have the largest brains of all bears. They're smart enough to open doors to Arctic research stationd without spooking the humans inside and make much noise. It's undoubtedly the most patrician of the bear races, browns are shit version of the Grizzly who's not fag enough to live in Eurasia
>an smart post?
nice... it's "a smart post", not "an smart post"
>The world isn't going 1488 just because you can't get laid.
So, you are saying that high IQ people are literally prevented from breeding by jews using top secret mind control technology?
your comment about 14/88 is very telling.
>hehe I see you made a grammar mistake
>now I don't have to address the fact that I'm a failure to my bloodline and will extinguish it despite my desperate attempts to get laid
>now I don't have to address the fact that I'm a failure to my bloodline
Who said I'm a failure?
We're winning the war, rothschild.
You're the first in your line that will die without procreating. Congrats, failure.
No correlation at all meme flag faggot
every time i Fug i scream TRUMP 2020 when i climax !
Neck your self faggot !
>So, you are saying that high IQ people are literally prevented from breeding by jews using top secret mind control technology?
How you got that out of my comment I'll never understand. I'm saying the world doesn't revolve around you. Society won't conform to you, you have to conform to it, or accept being an outcast.
>You're the first in your line that will die without procreating. Congrats, failure.
you can't stop us from procreating, if you are in jail for the rest of your miserable existance.
>I'm saying the world doesn't revolve around you.
who posted this?
>who posted this?
it's tavistock, isn't it?
But I won't be, failure. Who's gonna be inspired to the call by someone like you?
Thanks for posting the cool bear.
My favourite animals.
Assuming your thesis is true
What's your point?
>But I won't be, failure.
Yes you will, rothschild.
>people not busy in relationships or raising kids get involved in politics
What a shocker. You want a noble peace prize?
Polar bears are adapting, they're not going to go extinct.
The motherfuckers are super aggressive now, much more than they used to be.
My experience is similar, I stop coming to Sup Forums when I start consistently getting laid but the issues of our time that plague us are always in the back of my head.
ITT: zero sources save the ones pulled out of your assholes
So like every other thread posted by you bitter alt-right permavirgins?
Go make another MGTOW, fuck the blacks, or Holocaust denial thread.
this is basically just a Sup Forums shitpost thread and should be deleted
how far this board has fallen
>Those who try to change the world are societal losers who think everything's unfair and slated against them.
Apparently it is. You just said so yourself.
>Chads easily adapt to any societal regimes and are always chosen to represent and shill for them, whether it's communist propaganda or capitalist advertising. As the result they're always well-off, occupy high positions, swim in pussy and feel good about themselves and the world.
It's just your mind's response to stimulus.
Don't mistake it for causation. Everybody would always get laid always if they could.
When not hunting poon, this is an excellent alternative. No shame in either game.
>pollacks being brown or black and yet admirable of Hitler and Aryan genes is testimony to not being fulfilled intimately.
lmao what a pathetic assertion
Feminazis would bang 1488ers in a heartbeat if they were alone with them.
polar bears won't go extinct, if things get bad their lineage will be hybridized into the brown bears in the surrounding area. Hell something 50% of the population of alaska brown bears are 1/10th polar bear already kek
And 1488ers would bang 200lb+ whales if they got the chance
Why hate the chubbies? I certainly don't.
Fuck off polar bear is best bear
>piling shit on top of shit is perfect fine and really strengthens this presumptuous shit thread
Nah, you have an agenda and like most shills zero sources.
But you’re nu/pol/ and my first mistake was actually assigning you a standard you couldn’t meet even if you tried cuck boy
they are super ugly though. I did hear they are a curious way. Grizzly is a killing machine and they are pretty smart too.
Quite a lot of text to say nothing, friendo.
>everyone I don't like is a shill
Seek therapy
Purple pill is better because you get to live in the Matrix as Neo AND be Jesus in the slums outside.
Same same, but different.
Show your flag, you canadian piece of shit.
Magnificent creatures
>Seek therapy
have you ever seen one of these animations before?
what a shit shill thread.
its the same again and again.
you are all virgins,you are all peadophiles,here are some pictures of naked celebrities for you.
how about this:
White people have more to their lives than sex and getting drunk because we are not low iq people like niggers.
there really isn't tho. You jsut gave yourself a way you virginal hate-filled faggot