One of Polands biggest sports stars is a Muslim guy named Mamed Khalidov. He gets millions to fight and beat up bunch of polish guys IN Poland. His wife is Polish and muslim XD.
Poland Cucked by a Muslim?
Coming from a Swede
Poland is the Canada of Europe
Seems like daddy was cucked. Look at the son.
>99.9% white
>probably minority white already
Professional sports leagues are all cucked, globalist, money laundering schemes across all borders and nationalities.
The NFL here is openly anti-white and black supremacist. People who watch sports are degenerate and don't deserve any respect. Fuck the baby boomers for propping up shitty sports like Nigger Thigh Showoff and Nigger Collision.
>said the 5'7 feminine new world mutt
Poland is based in almost every way. They have a noble history of never being kind to invaders and preserving their history and culture. Polish men are masculine and proud and Polish girls are traditional and ladylike. This is everything your pathetic mixed race ass is lacking in your cultureless , soul-less city invented in the 1800s.
All our best sportsmen are Swedish, its only the state that is cucked. The average Swede doesnt interact with immigrants. The only thing they are good at is raping defenseless women.
>99.9% white
>100% pathetic and cucked
Holy crap
>Muh European bulwark against muslims
>Poland is based in almost every way. They have a noble history of never being kind to invaders and preserving their history and culture. Polish men are masculine and proud and Polish girls are traditional and ladylike.
And guess what, they're all going to lose that in less than 5 years
>Polish women are "ladylike and traditional
youd wish you had such a rich history as poland. your country is younger than most windmails we have here
>And guess what, they're all going to lose that in less than 5 years
Are you sure about that you effiminate mutt?
even in the unlikely event that they did, you still had nothing to start! lmao, any polak guy would humiliate you. you are not a man. American sluts are wet for slav cock
We do more in 10 years than Europe does in 100 years
>M-muh if it's bigger- i-it's better!!1
don't you realise culture, heritage, and history are things greater than money, power, size? You have a huge country because it was invented. It is the homeland of no nation. And we have seen your pathetic country in practise. See: vietnam, also see:being scared to wage war with Serbia in 1999
You seem upset, potato nigger. How does it feel being Great Britain's bitch your entire existence?
>potato nigger
kek if only. Even Ireland has a much more rich and respectful history than the USA. At least the Irish winning independence wasn't treason against fellow Englishmen. Because Lincoln, Washington etc tooootally arent english surnames! lol repatriate you cuck.
Polshits love being cucked
I would literally rather be this arab rat than be a mixed race feminine manlet mutt
>Ireland has a much more rich and respectful history than the USA
LMAO! Imagine being this delusional. Your history is being the shadow of Great Britain, getting a potato famine, and fleeing the country to America. The Irish here were treated like niggers because they are subhuman.
Spoken like a true eurocuck.
poland is in europe, of course they werent able to escape islamic colonization
ou niggers live in kike puppets. Cuckolds.
I meant to attach this
so when did this cycle happen?
definitely not bait
Yes, we're kill
>tfw being Pole, pls help
Poland is shithole already
We're not based, never were, it was all just a pretend
Actually we're a nation of cucks
We're poor
We're not even white :
>tfw slav
Don't come here, save your sanity
Even immigrants have it better in their war-torn shitholes than they'd have in Pooland
Please just let the world forget about our shame of a country
>tfw when German annexing us would cause greater depression than 1928's one
Just leave us alone, you happy now?
Yes thank you