Is this unironically the best show of this season?
Also Cheerios did nothing wrong.
Is this unironically the best show of this season?
Also Cheerios did nothing wrong.
remove demon
remove demon apologists
Why is a zombie allowed to be this cute?
Cerberus sluttery when
This show give me DnD nostalgia of the best kind.
Based human king is based.
Why aren't nip producers make shows like this anymore? Nowaday all we have are moe shits, isekai shits, battle harem shits.
It's expensive.
little girls doing inane things sell. but this is a true adventure fantasy
I don't even mind the QUALITY. I just wish more anime have the kind of writing this show has. I'm tired of OP mc or hidden OP mc rolling over everything.
Is there confirmation of what gender Mugaro is yet.
I can't wait until Azazel learns the true meaning of christmas
Now this image just makes more sense. After that 10 years, Rita really wanted to start a family.
>wanting that royal dick in your ass this hard
Is there a chance Cheerios become like this because Bahamut killed his mother? There's a chance the grave he visited was his mother's grave, and the Bahamut incident made him the based king he is today.
Jeanne has the worst fate
>Chosen by gods to kill demons without asking if you want it
>The only one who cares about you beside trying to use you as a tool is Michael
>Betrayed by own king and used by a human-demon to kill Michael-sama
>Lose all your powers, knocked up by holy spirit
>Raise half-angel son, king decides to kill him
>Throws you in his personal rape dungeon he build for you
>Everyone forgot about you
>Even Kaisar who vowed to help you in need
>Even Angels you served and prays to
>Even own son who just hangs out with edgy demon
>Only one who even cares about you is king who arrested you, gave you clothes with cleavage so he can look at your breasts while visiting you every day
Why don't the demons and gods team up to fuck over humanity?
Oh because the demons are huge dicks and will fuck over the gods the first chance they get
>Why aren't nip producers make shows like this anymore?
Grand Blue? Also Bahamut is as generic as they come. They don't make shows like this anymore because they exhausted their stay in the 90's. Also both seasons did poorly.
Are you sure you can bear 10 'this kind' of anime with the same QUALITY of berserk 2017?
Because I don't. You know, in the end of the day anime is still visual medium
And you'd stop liking him if he gets confirmed a boy?
I'm amazed at how much shitposting, memes, and general bullshit you managed to fit into that amount of text.
The current Berserk season isn't that bad/
kiss the zombie
I'll get infected and become a zombie myself.
Nothing the user said was shitposting though. Fantasy anime were popular in the 90s, now they're not. Bahamut feels fresh because of that. Bahamut S1 did not do well, Mappa's making a S2 because they have tons of money and don't really give a shit.
then you can spend the rest of your un-life kissing her
Not worth it if I lost the free will to appreciate that.
it's not fantasy that make it good, Game of Throne is popular not because it's set in different world with magic but because of it's writing and acting, all isekai are fantasy too. Bahamut feels fresh because we're sick of looking at story of how 18 y/o nippon beta student arrived to different world and rolls over every problem by yelling hard and every girl wants to suck his dick
>Been on this thread shitposting since 12 hours ago
>Still not yet finish its actual episode
>Game of Throne is popular not because it's set in different world with magic but because of it's writing
Is this a joke? GoT has garbage writing, especially past the first few seasons where it turns to literal dogshit.
nice try satan, writing was good for four seasons until D&D started writing their fanfic. And Bahamut is GoT of this season, but Nips are all literally brain damaged from nukes so they can't appreciate how good it is
It is. Sadly, most nips that buy merch and support the industry are ronery hikki neet neckbeards who'd do anything to suppress their depression with absurd fantasies and waifu nonsense. That's why we can't have more nice things.
I really hope he sits on my lap
Yes, SukaSuka is a very close second. Funnily enough, both of them are fantasy with no isekai shit.
>Bahamut feels fresh because we're sick of looking at story of how 18 y/o nippon beta student arrived to different world and rolls over every problem by yelling hard and every girl wants to suck his dick
This strawman will never get old and it won't change the fact that Bahamut is still unpopular for the sheer fact it's something from a genre that exhausted its creativity years ago.
Knowing Rita has some genuine feelings for Kaisar calms my heart. She's top cute for a 200 years old zombie loli.
But the fact she has been hiding them for past 10 years really makes me sad. Now if only getting too close to her didn't mean being turned into brainless zombie, that would be great.
>falls for the prime fujobait character
Too bad for her
Wait wait, IF Mugaro chan can sense those female angels' presence why he/she can't sense Bacchus & Hamsa's?
Both Bacchus & Hamsa are angels too, though.
Bacchus & Hamsa are ex-gods, not angels.
What is it about lolis several hundred years older than you that makes them so great?
Kaisar better end up with Rita.
He/she probably can, but he/she doesn't consider them a threat.
Wonder what mugaros cunny looks like
>ex-gods, not angels
What's the difference?
They don't team up because they don't want to get smacked down by the holy might of the cereal throne.
As far as the logistics of this series go, no fucking idea honestly.
I think all of them are considered gods but have their own ranking stuff. Source: my ass
>exhausted itself years ago
your brain exhausted itself, supernatural elements don't make it old and busted if conflict between character is interesting and grounded in reality, just because oppressed here are demons are than humans doesn't make it hard to relate to
>he/she doesn't consider them a threat.
How can he/she so sure about that?
I'll just noped the fuck out from that place if I was Mugaro; just in case.
>Is there a chance Cheerios become like this because Bahamut killed his mother?
There is, but I seriously hope Charioce's character and motives are more complicated than this.
Charioce is bent on removing all restrictions setting humans back. He doesn't fight Demons because he wants revenge, but because for millennia they have been tempting and using humans for their own ends, efficiently rendering them weak. He doesn't stand against Angels and Gods because of hatred, but because they would never allow humans become too powerful as they need humans to revere them and if Charioce makes humans as powerful as Angels, they wouldn't need to bow to them.
And another restriction, this time set by humans - if not for Bahamut, his lowly status would never allow him to become a king.
Charioce wants to remove everything that bounds humans - traditions, Demons, Angels, even one's past. Maybe he believes that if not for all of these, humans themselves would be able to protect themselves perfectly well.
Kaisar's approach is better in theory. However for humans, Demons and Gods to work and live together peacefully there must be a balance of power between the factions.
Mugaro is becoming bigger mystery with each episode, if he sees other angels as a threat does it mean he intentionally "got rid of" Jeanne? Since she's most likely to give him to angels
You will never ask slouching zombie out on a date.
To be honest I dislike several-hunderds-years-old-loli character archetype, but I really got attached to Rita.
Don't bully the zombie.
Seriously though, I wish they'd bring Favaro back already
It's pretty boring without him
I think he's trying so hard to genocide both of angels & demons because both of angels & demons are the one who can actually wake Bahamut up with their power.
So, human will in eternal peace & Bahamut will not get unsealed again with the absence of both angels & demons.
Kaisar is similar to his mother.
Especially eyelashes are ...
Bacuse RIta is actually mature character trapped in little girl body.
Not just some bratty underage loli archetype.
I would like someone who is more into SnB lore to explain this as well. So far we've seen gods, angels, fallen angels, many different kind of demons, dragons, humans. I also wonder how aging and reproduction in case of more powerful races like gods or angels work.
That probably is the case, thanks user.
If he thought they were a real threat he would look more apprehensive when leaving.
She is 200 years old but Rita is cute
>Bacuse RIta is actually mature character trapped in little girl body.
>Kaisar comes up to her with legit issues reaching beyond her mundane romancing shit
>throws a hissy fit and beats him up because her cunny comes furst
Not anymore apparently. Seriously why is Rita such a cunt to Kaisar just because her cunny is not his priority? Why is she suddenly just like any other woman who sees so furhter than the tip of her nose?
She actually snapped after that line. Rita is the most selfless character in SnB and everyone takes her for granted. Give her a break, she deserves to be pampered too.
She's more of a hard working housewife no one ever appreciates of.
>asks her out on dinner
>builds up his question
>am I good enough captain?
She's not a cunt, if he wanted to ask if he's good captain he could just ask it. Rita expected one thing, he talked about other, of course she will be angry that he's autist who does not believe in himself
Shouldn't Mugaro be genderless. What did they make it female.
Friendly reminder that if you are aiding demons you are literally LITERALLY an enemy of humanity.
Mugaro is a boy, he's copy of his father
This is a really poor excuse for taking out her frustrations on the guy. In another situation where those expectations wouldn't have been built she would not have snapped like that. She is not being rational and is acting like a bitchy brat.
That's reaching. Besides, Kaisar hardly makes her do shit for him.
Geez. user, you seems never interact with an actual girl at all.
No offense though.
Rita is for hugging petting and kissing. No bully Rita and her crush for Kaiser.
I wonder if a time will come when Nina gets jealous over Bel having Azazel's attention.
>That's reaching. Besides, Kaisar hardly makes her do shit for him.
That's why she was excited when he invited her on a lunch. And when she found out he did it because he wanted to complain about his situation, she got a little bit angry. It's not like Rita doesn't have plenty to take care of. He could've just come to her lab.
You just don't understand woman's heart, user. Especially 200 years old woman's heart.
Fact of life: Women can make your life pretty miserable if your relationship with them and the whole romance shabang isn't your urmost priority.
Mugaro and Rita a qt.
It's a boy.
Boys can be cute too, without any trap bullshit or the like.
stop assuming genders
user, you're thinking of rita as a 200 y/o man in loli body, but she's a woman and likes Kaisar, of course she won't do most "logical" thing there and just listen to Kaisar bitch about Azazel and Cheerios, he doesn't even ask Rita's opinion
You've been visited by the smug dragon of smugness and scrooge mcsmug
Generic doesn't mean bad. Bahamut isn't special, but it is good because it had engaging characters, good visuals and good music. It takes a simply premise and do them properly.
You just got used to it after the 1st season.
Ducks are the best protagonists.
Best smugs this season for sure.
>She gave it life so she's the mother, it came from Kaiser so he's the father
Kaiser better get his shit together and marry her by the end of this season.
Nina should probably stop bullying Hamsa before he gets mad.
This is the exact same argument people were using during the Civil Rights era against white people supporting equality for black Americans.
It holds no water.
>2pp do nothing
This is Mugaro,
Wrong. Supporting black rights made you an enemy of capitalism, which depended on cheap suppressed labor to make profits.
A demon is a demon no matter how delusional you leftwash that shit. They ain't human and never wuz.
What purpose does Rita's tiny hat serve?
That's a cute girl (male)
>You will never ask slouching zombie out on a date.
It hurts.
accessories serve no purpose other than to be
It's probably going to be the other way around, especially if he spouts one of his misleading lines to Nina in front of her
Nina also has zero respect for Azazel and is unaware of his previous status as a high ranking demon so Bel might end up hating her for it considering how much she respects him
>200 years old necromancer loli who thought she'd lost all hope loses last additional bit of hope she didn't even know she still had.webm
and to answer your question: she obviously wanted to look nice and cute for Kaisar