Hey Russ/pol/, do you still hate the US? If so, why or why not?
Hey Russ/pol/, do you still hate the US? If so, why or why not?
Finland should invade Russia.
what are they going to attack you with?
>Bottles of Vodka
>Empty Krokodil syringes
>Spades and pick axes
I don't hate the US but I like Russia more
Nice try, proxy ivan.
>he does not know about propaganda
Russian TV says that Obama personally ruined the budget and that's why roads are so shit and there is no money.
I'm hoping for a Russia and China bulwark against the Jewish-American empire. U.S. will soon be majority non-white and your influence is already waning.
>American education
Russia's military is no longer a joke, it's not 1991.
I hate USA, you are biggest producers of degeneracy, nigger culture and globalism. But USA whites like Dylan Roof are bro tier.
Russia's everything has been a joke since the Soviet economy collapsed in the late 70s.
I don't hate white people of US, but I hate niggers and jews and liberals.
Are you interested in facts or are you just making a bait thread to post memes?
Listen, Oliver, we get it, just like every other Eurotrash country, you hold sentiments on days of old when you actually had a geopolitical stance on the world stage, actual influence, a true "oomph." And that now, in the last two centuries, that seat of power was quickly yanked out from beneath you, and that the only thing that is holding you together at the fringes is Uncle Sam. This infuriates you, it waxes rage and hatred for the US deep within your core, an impotent display of disdain for what is truly superior, and through its existence, mocks you for your insolence and weakness.
Daily reminder: Your country is lorded over by a small child and a frail old woman, and soon, by a sheboon and a ginger.
High five!
Why don't we invade Russia and just take their oil?
Sapernoy lopatkoi v ebalo.
Finn, this is ridiculous, we should be friends, you love vodka and banya just as much as we do.
>Invade Russia
Not habbenin', just piss em off and bottleneck them through Alaska until they give up. If invading Russia is historically and time-tested as practically impossible, the mainland US is thrice so, as many people who study geopolitics would agree :^).
Because you used to be a 1st world country once and you've lost your chance.
Now you're a 3rd world nigger shithole ruled by jews, filled with niggers and sissy faggots.
You have no military power no political power even europe is not your puppet anymore. Everyone in the world laughs at you.
Wait another few decades and your country will become le 5% white.
Good luck have fun xD :)
A tripfagging mutt, how cute.
Listen, Tyrone Rodriguez.
I don't have a problem with the USA ruling in theory, I have a problem with you ruling when you're a kike controlled cesspit of degeneracy that promotes multiculturalism, multi-racialism, and liberalism all over the world, at the expense of my people's future and the future of Europe. I know such concerns are difficult for you to understand because you have no real history, culture, or anything. Your entire country is a manufactured product, artificially created for money and business.
And don't get too high minded, you're already declining, fast. You've lasted a fraction of the time other empires did.
Your century of leadership is rather pathetic in comparison. You inherited an enormous geographical area with near limitless resources and you manage to self-destruct in mere centuries.
China is going to surpass you, it's inevitable.
Have a nice day.
Russia is a shithole, if you think they're not then visit and tell me it's not. Or you could continue eating propaganda that they're the BASED savior of the west and while you're at it tell me Bashar Al-Assad is going to win the war.
But it's still better than Russia
Indeed. But not for long time.
No, it's not.
If I had a green card and free access to your shithole I'd never move there. You have only few state that are still nice, others are already lost.
Russia has only one great opportunity: launch a nuclear war.
>rossiya is gun b so gud
We've got Putin in the office for the next 20 years now, do you know something I don't?
Where does this meme come from? Moscow, Petersburg, Sochi, Kazan are all dope places to live. The shithole towns are shitholes but still better than Detroit, Oakland and Eurostan by virtue of having less niggers.
Also, just think about this: why would anybody sane move to your cunt to live among niggers and mutts? Your children would be raisen among them, would go to the school with them, and your daughter could be blacked?
>Now you're a 3rd world nigger shithole ruled by jews, filled with niggers and sissy faggots.
Is ruled by plutocrat jew lapdog Putin and his stooges, that push for multiculturalism. Music business and film industry is 99% homosexual and/or degenerate
>You have no military power no political power even europe is not your puppet anymore.
Oh the irony
>Everyone in the world laughs at you.
No one even cares about your shithole, economy is half the size of London
>Wait another few decades and your country will become le 5% white.
Even more ironic.
>fucking BASED
>the SAVIOURS of Christianity!
Keep telling yourself that.
one thing is not good here is putin, but at least we are 99% white and christians.
I didn't say they're not a shithole, they currently are. I didn't say they're a saviour of the west, if fact, their values are diametrically opposed to western values.
Western values are multiculturalism, self-destructive egalitarianism, importation of foreigners, promoting sexual deviants, and so on. Russia holds older European values and seems to be doing so intentionally.
So we'll see how it goes, they could potentially create a bulwark against 'western values'.
how is belarus ? i m thinking of visiting minsk. am i gonna get myself a nice belarussian pussy if i show them my euromoney?
Russia has had Muslims in its territory for centuries, they're not the same Muslims that are in the west or in the middle east.
Telling myself what, Ivan, I'm looking at facts here, not some deluded alcoholic fantasies
>but at least we are 99% white and christians.
Keep telling yourself that.
You’ll soon realize that it’s impossible to separate those things from our culture, so you’ll pretty much end up hating the United States anyways.
t. Citizen of the U.S. who hates the U.S.
it takes time to recover from comunism ... besides , i think without PUTIN your country would be even worse . weak politicians are no good for russia
>they're not the same Muslims that are in the west or in the middle east.
Do you also believe that there are moderate muslims and other bullshit delusions?
Doesn't matter which shithole they hail from, theirs are as worse, chop heads, do terror attacks and get pandered by Putin
Only the ones from Volga region are somewhat tolerable. Caucasus is still nothing but trouble, we should've genocided the whole place in 19 century.
we coo? bruh
They'll probably think you're gay and kill you
>meme pictures
Also this dude said everything right.
Also, your country on the verge of another civil war.
They raped Moldova
Uh, Chechnya?
Unlike Western Europe i think it's 100% white.
russians are bros, there's no rational reason why we shouldn't get along with them
its just jews stirring up this trouble
They've already been invaded by mongols
I don't hate Americans. I hate British Muslims, pajeets and pakis, and sometimes Poles. And personally Sadiq Khan.
Chechniy live its own life.
Also, even Chechens are much whiter than you mukhumad xD
>Nemtsov was killed by Russian government
>Navalny's embezzlement charges are 100% fake
What do Russian anons say to their fellow countrymen?
>mfw we could have teamed up with Russia to purge all mudslimes but libs were too gay
Don't go that road, pls. Chechens are niggers and scum, justifying Kremlin policies in Chechnya is retarded
I wish Europe and Russia could have a nice economical relationship but the Amerimutts try everything in their power to stop this. Russia should be our greatest ally and not the Racemixing States of Amerishart.
so you have no problems with jews ?
Every Colgate poster should suck a dick.
A nest of vipers, kill each other, it happens.
Yea they are kinda monkeys but they are still white compared to the average american.
And the West rapes Europe with immigrants, what's the difference?
If we ally with Russia they'll give Moldova back
>Nemtsov was killed by Russian government
Wrong, he was killed by pro-government chechens, but without Kremlin's resolution. Putin was quite pissed off about Nemtsov death, actually
>Navalny's embezzlement charges are 100% fake
Yeah, but they still haven't thrown him in jail, so it does show that they are worried about his growing support
>Russia isn't influenced by the Jews
>Russia's military is no longer a joke, it's not 1991.
So nigger mutts are doing better than your country, thats sad
It's a century that bong fantasists never had, Nigelkhan. Soon we will strip you of the nukes we mistakenly entrusted to you, and leave you to the caliphate you are so lovingly embracing.
>Kek russia has always been slapped in the face for being anti-semetic why the cold war happened.
We are now officially occupying Poland, Ivan. The krauts are now fully cucked and servile, and soon your turn will come.
Russia only hates the US because we are their only threat.
Reminder to eurocucks: Without the USA, you would all be speaking Russian by now.
is it true that russia is big and even has tigers?
Russia and USA are same in many aspects. We need Juden frei white state with eugenics and cyborgs.
>Tyrone Junior talking about cuckery
>Now you're a 3rd world nigger shithole ruled by jews
Sounds like you are describing Russia
Better in what?
In economics? Yea, but it all was created by white people back in the days, when your country was 1st world, now the world has changed and you're not the center of universe and all new investors will think twice before invest their money in your economics.
In society you're complete degenerates and everybody knows it, look at your cuckafornia it's pathetic.
In military you're not. You got btfo'd in siria.
It's actually sad. that once the most powerful country becomes so shit.
Should I also show cherry picking pics with niggers in it on crack killing someone?
>Ivan takes a pull off the bottle and pounds the keyboard with impotent slavmemes
Your time approaches, subhuman.
What's wrong, did I hit a nerve, Jamal?
So russians and niggers are pretty much the same?
I like this plan
What are you talking about, you mutt?
Your country lost war to fucking farmers armed with sticks, Poland would exterminate your cunt.
>99% white
kek you're like 20% muslim at least, not to mention all the asians.
Can they at least adopt cute East Africans instead of chunga changa.
But that would be way too racist, user
Have they come back from LARPing /sg/?
>g-guys im still alive i promise
HAHA! You should do the same picture but put them behind the white house fence.
Russian Uralic Tatar paleo-Asian hapas are literally white niggers.
Russia is the last bastion of Christian Europe and will save the west.
America is doomed
your country kisses muslim ass
the usa has lost two thirds less than russia in war
if you were better than us then you're sure doing a good job of hiding it
>all those mexican goblins flooding America with their babies is a good thing now
have fun, Juan
You are stupid nigger.
We aborted subhuman alcohol-ic hapas without fathers
you are giving birth to spics and niggers
This map says it's from 2005...
>Do you also believe that there are moderate muslims
Actually Tatarstan muslims are decent nice people that like pork with their vodka on Ramadan. We never had problems with them.
I'm sure most of the average population of Russia hate US because of pathetic and absurd propaganda on the TV
>We aborted subhuman alcohol-ic hapas without fathers
So baicly bad living conditions that created the Jewish government, that can't even make good social conditions for population.
>Russia's military is no longer a joke, it's not 1991.
Yeah, I'm shure most of outdated military equipment can show those pindosians and gayropians who is boss here.
>a belorussian is talking shit about Russia
You quite literally still have KGB.
>He doesn't understand that pindosians and gayropians is not a meme anymore
It's much more worse for americans and europeans right now, we need to help these guys, not fight them
Shure, I will not deny that in Belarus there is almost the same terrible situation as in Russia.
But holy shit, this Slavic hypocrisy triggering me so much.
>I'm shure
Lol you'd better go back kartoshka-men.
>also he's an anime degenerate... wew
it alright