Two days until the best troll of all time
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CNN takes the cake
Do we have a link for when it goes live?
I don't want to miss it.
23andme gets an award for backtracking under kike pressure
(((Brian Ross)))
Fucking retard old man still roasted because the journalism girls blew him off in college.
Aww u a tad triggered bitch?
I predict most anons will die from hypertension this Wednesday.
Keep a low sodium diet for the next few days.
You're so gay that it's going to seriously hurt you one day. Stop before it's too late.
Hosted by Julian Assange
Echoes go only around the last name, newfriend
Would love to see this be a big production awards ceremony like an Oscars-light
Hand out 'fakies' for 4 hours
Go cry on your MAGA pillow Cletus.
I think this guy's got a good chance of placing.
hope fully that olbermann get an award, and when he walks on stage the strobe lights go off
lol, is this a real trump thing or just another fun gag from user?
>trump walks on stage
>calls out all of the fucking swamp
>shows evidence of how fucked up it all is
>pedos get arrested in mass
>we return to a gold standard
>I cry tears of joy and laughter all night
this lads. wwf style. intro music and all.
Why would he be mad that girls were blowing him?
Is Trump the most petty, childish president in the history of this country?
No, but your post is the most petty, childish post in the history of Sup Forums
stop reading Sup Forums‘s fanfiction
HST would have taken a sheet of acid and skullfucked you, faggot.
CNN wins.
So what channel is this going to be on?
Stop being a shill.
this guy blew his own brains out because he couldn't deal with bush. good thing he did too. he was cool for his time but would be considered a total faggot now.
Go read HST's series on the Pulitzer trial, kid.
>he fucking despised rich Palm Beach fuckwads like Trump
You don't think it was because Paul Bonacci's testimony was gaining public traction and he didn't want to be known as a man who shot child rapemurder snuff films at Bohemian Grove?
Agreed but, he was fucking scum. Adrenochrome, where do you get that from? Other Pedo fucking scum.
the best part of all of this is that the likes of CNN are obligated to cover the 'fake news awards'.
Fucking this!
Thanks user
I didn't mention Trump. I said he'd skullfuck you -- for being a grotesque fraud who isn't born in honesty. You don't belong on this board, so gtfo.
WW3 causes it to be scraped. Sad.
i dont know about that shit. i've heard other conspiracy theories about some next door saudi glassing him though.
Let it be so this white nationalist video i made...PLEASE, for the love of white supremacy and to take down the satanic jews!!
The ultimate troll would be getting elected and giving yourself the number 1 spot for the fake news awards. The stupidity of the American people
Trump has never even mentioned PizzaGate, the penultimate creator of the Fake News Jew narrative. We all know he is a kike shill and a pedo.
you look like a cringey Jew.
>ESL much?
Take this one example and apply it to everything. Now you know why Jews think it's ok to jew you and pilpul every argument because in their fucked up heads they're not lying they're just distorting the truth in a hilarious manner.
OK, watched video, pretty funny.
are you a hoarder?
Any dumb nigger who would pay a company $100 to "analyze" their DNA, when the science behind it is complete BS is a novelty whore POS.
Nah, just the goodest of goy. I don't even think they're aware they sell the data to insurance, drug companies, anyone thst will pay
Laughing why they Cry.
Love You, slapping Your hands.
>Reporters get seated, commotion dies down as the livestream starts.
>A few minutes of agonizing waiting, each second feels like an hour.
>The sounds of footsteps draw closer.
>The doors open.
>President Trump walks out along with Robert Mueller
>Trump exclaims "We've got some special guests joining us this evening."
>Robert Mueller takes to the podium and says he has concluded his investigation.
>"There is no evidence that President Trump or anyone within his campaign broke any laws relating to "Russian Collusion".
>He takes a pause
>"...However, what I have discovered of the last several months is a grand conspiracy that threatens the very foundations our country was built upon"
>"The Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Pulse Nightclub, USS Liberty, JFK.
>Out from behind the door, out walks another person.
>Julian Assange
>President Trump exclaims that Julian Assange is going to be pardoned in full and that the information wikileaks possesses was crucial evidence in Mueller's investigation.
>"Julian would you like to say something?"
>"His name was Seth Rich"
I think I remember reading something about multiple shots being heard, so it could have been murder instead of suicide.
The foundation of western civilization is if it can't be done in an ethical manner, then it is not ethical.
This cannot be more true in our day and age.
If CNN doesn’t have this in the bag then they’ll feel like an entire year was wasted.
Nixon and Jackson were pretty bad.
Neat side, they were also the two best.
>Nixon and Jackson were pretty bad.
Fuck off kike.
What did he mean by this?
I hate numales like him.
I still can't believe this timeline is actually happening.
I want this timeline so badly.
You're using a bunch of words but I don't think that you know what any of them actually mean.
Anybody who's ever told him he was wrong, regardless of whether or not he was wrong.
Everybody paying attention knows "fake news" is just code for "facts righties don't like"
You're in it.
I really hope they actually make awards. Like actual trophies they mail out. It would be great to see the (((social media))) posts of these faggots being proud of their awards.
>he doesn't understand the bigger picture that surrounds him
You'll learn one day bud. After that, you're here forever.
Is it really confirmed that the media is fake desu ka?
What preparation is going into this event? Is this going to be an actual thing or is it just going to be some Trump rally with half assed awards?
my prediction is that a 70 year old man, butthurt at his media portrayal, will send a series of bizarre tweets and everyone in this thread will cheer.
am i close?
close, Trump is 71
My feelings on this matter are specifically grounded in a time in my life I almost swayed to the right. I gave you guys a chance and was not impressed, and you've only continued to lower the bar since then.
That's what I'm wondering desu. I guess we'll find out Wednesday
>Adrenochrome, where do you get that from?
it's fucking fake and probably was just some kind of mix of speed and GHB
adrenochrome as a human-derived intoxicant is a debunked fairytale
hunter S was still degenerate though
False flag to distract and derail Fake News Awards. Check em
Why does this monkey eating a banana turn me on so much?
wait, this is a real thing thats actually happening and not just a Sup Forums meme?
Leftist media will try to invent a scandal to distract that public.
I don't get it
Is this going to be on television? Is Trump broadcasting it from the white house?
Where's this at?
not much info so far
im guessing it will be a video shitposted to trump's twitter
Damn that thread got archived real quick.
That would be worth losing my small investment in LiteCoin for!
I told my wife already that if something as amazing as that happens, I'm going to jerk all of the computer screen and there's nothing she can do about it.
Petty is a good thing
Don't bet on it. It will most likely be a press briefing that becomes a little autistic showcasing all the MSM outlets. The real question is if Mueller and or Assange shows up.
>claims to have been disappointed
>stays anyway and continues to post
I was hoping the FNA's would be at a rally with Hope Hicks and KAC handing out awards to the losers.
Wasn't today supposed to be some big announcement on corruption according to all the "mass arrests" shills shitting up this board? Seems it always gets pushed back.
This would make me feel again
trump's a cry ass bitch that graduated bottom of his class.
>bullshit story made up by a bush crony
try harder bohemian grove faglord
Heavy shilling confirms incoming happening.
I expect this will leave craters. Destruction of the propaganda machine begins.
i would give up all my furry porn to make this true