Afghans aren't whi--
Well, shit boys.
Afghans aren't whi--
Well, shit boys.
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The only chance that kid is white is if his dad was a Russian soldier. Why do you shitskins obsess so much about being "white"? Who actually cares? You're not fooling any real white people.
there are some indigeneous afghanis who arent mixed with russian and look like this
Or a white American soldier I guess
russians arent white
Afghanistan is one of the whitest Mudslime countries, and it's still a shithole. Go figure.
You're an actual moron if you believe that. Ethnic Russians come from Europe. The fact that they colonized eastward doesn't change their ethnicity
You don't see Trump taking white South Africans in do you? WHY? SA=Shithole!
or his grandfather was a British soldier.
In 20 years of war I bet there are fewer than 10 American rape babies in Afghanistan.
No Ahmed you are not white and never will be.
El ojo del terror...
t. Jamal Gonzalez
Chechens aren't human.
he looks like a mushroom
>Kalash people
>around in 4,100 in total in Afghanistan (34,656,032)
>0.011% of Afghanistan
>literal cherry-picking
There is so much history of human origins ans migration hidden in the mysts of time that we will never know. There is already so much history being black and brainwashed by modern, aganda driven social anthropologists. Out of Africa is complete bullshit.
>buttmad macedonian in every thread
kek stay non-white
>black and brainwashed
*black and brownwashed
descendants from Alexander the Great
Russian blood...
I'm just pointing out that you're cherrypicking by posting people that are 0,01% of the population of Afghanistan
bbbut ancient Greeks had olive skin, brown hair, and brown eyes.
Half the world spilled into those lands for millennia, they got all kinds of silk road cum collected there.
yeah, racial characteristics are probably more preserved when you're isolated tribe in the mountains instead of being a battleground for what, couple of hundred of years and numerous occupations (South Balkans), stop projecting
They are the only caucasian population with a nigga IQ
how does it feel to be out-whited by kebab balkannigger?
t. MONG'ED Rusfag
You really think 200 years of mongol and turkic occupation did NOTHING to your blood?
I recently met a (((refugee))) from Afghanistan and he unironically looked like pic related
t. buttblasted self-hating mutt
besides the fact that is very rare, the fact that they are not white is not the major problem. is that they are savages with ancient mentality and preconceptions (most of them)
Fun fact, that hat he's wearing is actually a carry-over from when Alexander and his Hellenistic successors were occupying the area.
lies, we are pure skythian phenotype
In reality you Pathans + etc are the only white people who possess the same genetic potential & quality as niggers.
>Look at my map above to find out
Perhaps his father is Argentinian.
google tocharian. blonde afghans have no connection to russians or alexander the great.
Literal descendants of Greek soldiers when Afghanistan was buttfucked by Alexander the Great. Something like 0.01% of the population. Eat a dick Akmed.
I would ask you the same
I'm Afghan.
Kek, mediterraneans are truly pathetic scum, they are as swarthy as middle easterners
>Three worlds theory based on GDP per capita
Dude, I'd trust my own eyes before some thumbnails posted by an anonymous on the nets. And very sorry to say, I have seen many Afghans first hand here in my beloved native country. And believe me, they're all a turd brown color.
There was intermarriage between the Russian and Tatar elites, and that's about it. Somebody who's actually from Russia or has a good understanding of Russian history wouldn't say such nonsense
Sweden yes!
No, descendents of the Afanasevo culture. Most of fucking Eurasia was Indoaryan before Islamic conquests.
Guys, really ... to understand proper racial theory of Eurasia you have to know about the Kurgan hypothesis and all the ancient Indoeuripean cultures which dominated Eurasia in the past...
You be like:
Russian rape babies, just like you Hanz
With that hat, he looks almost entirely like a mushroom.
Haha, that one is great! :D
and I am Greek.
Descended from European slaves or Alexandra's army.
Srsly if only Islam and Arabs had not fucked everything up...
Alexander's army, that is!
The guy on the right looks almost pure white
Why do people always say that? It is simply not correct. Before the camelfuckers and Turks zerg rushed Eurasia the countries all up to Mongolia were ruled by mostly by Aryans (or Indoeuropeans if you prefer that). Some of them managed by sheer luck to not become Arab rape babies until this very day.
How long since we invaded. (In 2001)
How old is that kid.
Also where's the pics of all the other Afghans, you know the non white looking 99%.
Why are OP's such a waste of time?
This is something that "White" nationalists will never be able to answer. What is white? There are people from the Caucuses and Middle East who can easily pass as southern European. I know a kid from the Levant who has blonde hair, white skin, and blue eyes
Wrong he's Uyghur who live's in West China.
For Christ's sake, Indoeuropean migrations. Those blonde people among all the Arab shitskins are simply remnants of an age long gone when Indoeuropeans dominated most of Eurasia. Paleogenetics has shown this quite convincingly.
The Tarim Basin is in western China you cretin.
>The only chance that kid is white is if his dad was an original mujahedin who fought the soviets
White as in European with white skin (tanned like a med or fair like a nord),light blonde to jet black hair and hazel,green and blue eyes.
You just gotta be European. The rest depends on which ethnicity you are.
Also must be caucasian,nothing else.
There are northern Indian (former India proper) tribes that are closely related to aryan whites. Also British semen.
WTF is that creature?
>It's white
No sweetie.
They used to be white Buddhists
Everyone in that region was whiter a thousand years ago
Google white Pakistanis for some o3rd looking fellows
I understand that, but there are people though from outside Europe that contain all of those characteristics. Are they not white?
This why does nobody fucking know this?
The Scythians show at the british museum had red haired bodies. There's red haired mummies in eastern China for a reason
Seriously no
Tocharians, yeah. Most recent archeological research even theorizes that China did receive the knowledge of advanced metallurgy from the Tocharians. The chinks do hate that theory of course, those mindless ant people...
They want to pretend everything in their borders is and always was Han Chinese
It's disturbing how no one seems to know any of this shit though
Yep it is sad. Maybe they arw afraid we could apply the same logic as the Israelis do ... this was our peoples' ancestral home and it is damn well our right to take it back by force. I have to admit I would be rather fond of that ... esse delendam.