White Leaf here, offered job in SA
What's day to day life like there?
Saudi Anons
What job
Sultan's poolboy
Pipefitter General Foreman
You're gonna see women like this in every city except Jeddah
>Looking for people with no access to the Internet on the Internet.
And also:
>Interested in a shit hole country.
You should feel right at home with the smelly brown people
At least they can afford it, you gipsy scum.
Can afford what and why are you so angry, Muhammad?
All of southeastern europe should be nuked
Don't sneeze the wrong way or they'll cut your head off.
digits confirm
Hey Nordcuck, do you enjoy the mudhut life?
Don't even think about comparing yourself to the ancient greeks and romans, gypsy.
HDI of Romania is still VERY HIGH and we have the highest economic growth in Europe
Enjoy Muhammad knocking at your door
Not hard to grow when your starting point is 0. LMAO
>that was the joke
Kind of like living on a military base, gas and cost of living is really cheap and you basically get treated as a king
Currently a GF in Northern Alberta. What job did you apply for or SA?
You're going to live in a gated community with all the other expats. You'll never interact with the populace or have any social life outside of the designated restaurants and shopping malls. You'll go to work, then go home.
If you can keep your head down for a few years and make a some money for yourself then go ahead. If you need a life and social interaction then don't.
plz be my ai gf