How could anyone support this?

After years of living in the U.S. For 30 years, a 39 year old immigrant in metro Detroit was deported this morning to Mexico. Escorted by Ice agents he said goodbye to his wife and two kids before boarding. He was brought to the US from Mexico when he was 10 years old, too old to qualify for DACA.

Feel shitty yet fuckers? This makes me sick of "winning".

Other urls found in this thread:

the government operated under bad faith, this is wrong.

however, i do not believe this story. if it is true, it is an exception. criminals and freshies go first.

Hahahaha the expression on his face is priceless

So why didn't this retad get citizenship in that 30 year timespan?

Dude kill yourself. 30 fucking years to apply for citizenship

Why the fuck do his wife and kids get to stay?

How do you do that when you're in the country illegally to begin with, you hopeless retard?

The end justifies the means.

Then maybe he should have fucking left.

why no statue of limitations

Dude its mexico. He's not getting deported to the bottom of an active volcano, or Africa.
Mexico is fine, especially compared to Detroit.
Just go back to your country stfu.

That means the nigger doesn't belong here. Go fucking rot Jewish enabler.

he had 29 years to get legal citizenship

I agree. Next time use your brain you stupid fuck.

he's married moron


Did he marry an illegal? Why isn't she getting deported? This whole thing seems odd.

Looks like the beaner in the other thread who needs a heart transplant.

Hmm turns out his wife is a US citizen.. Why not apply for a green card through marriage? ...

To whom, another illegal?
Kys idiot.

So he had 30 years to apply for citizenship or some kind of visa and never did?

He was deported for being a fucking retard.

He could've gotten one of those Jew work Visas while he worked on his citizenship right? Also if your kids are citizens can't they refer you or something like that?

>living in the U.S. For 30 years, a 39 year old
>was brought when he was 10 years old
what is 39-10 guys i forget

He has to go back.

then he wouldn't be saying goodbye to her she'd be getting deported too dumbfuck

I agree, it's a shame. Should have sent his wife and kids with him.

I feel wonderful, actually.

Now all we have to do is require you to be born to a citizen to get citizenship by birth, versus being born in the US and we can send even more back.

The only sad part is his family didn't go with him. So much for family loyalty.

the wife and kids can go with him

You're right user, we should have caught his parents for human trafficking in the first place. Better late than never.

The is not a citizen but a permanent resident, thus cannot help him.
Learn a law or two before being edgy fuckhead.

It's never going to stop, isn't it.

Kids are US-born, thus citizens (no idea on the wife, but she might be a citizen already anyhow).

US citizenship should be only extended to people born with a citizen for a parent, rather than "you snuck into the US to drop your spiclet, grats he's your American anchor baby!"


think about it pol.... would you?

Mexico is less of a shithole than Detroit so do we need to setup a go fund me to send the rest of his beaners back too?

Blame your parents, chicano faggot

>Feel shitty yet fuckers?
Yes, why are his wife and kids not deported too?

>break the law knowingly
>blame the law
>invade a country
>get kicked out

fags BYE

maybe he shouldnt have been in the country illegally have you ever thought about that

30 years to marry an American and get a green card and can't be bothered. Oy vey

For 30 years an illegal immigrant thought nothing about the consequences of not pursuing citizenship. When he gets deported for being a fuckup we're supposed to feel bad? Seems to me 3 decades is more than enough time to reflect on how your family will go on without you, how the cartels are going to have fun with a fresh and desperate deportee.
There exist countless companies that specialize in this shit, asylum status is any alien's golden ticket.

white Mexicans give us so much great culture though..

What the fuck are they even trying to say? Are you a dumb nigger?

To a gringa? He should have been able get something to keep him there. Especially with kids. InCR men wont be deprted and cant leave if tbe mother files a protest. Hes got responsabilities to the kids moneywise. This is stupid.

You were never "winning" tho

How much is 30 years of back taxes? If he has been working tax free for 30 years (this is doubtful, the working part), maybe he should be given the option to pay tens of thousands of dollars as an amends and a chance to be welcomed back into the society that he and his family have been fleecing.

>raising a family and building your whole life somewhere you know you could get kicked out for not being there legally at any moment


>think about it pol
I dont speak nog

Because he isn't American. I would've killed him if given the option. 30 years of fraud is too much.

Not condoning shit but he was 10 when he was brought in.

Uh let's see
>married to us citizen
>could have applied for green card any time in the last 30 years
>probably hasn't paid 30 years worth of taxes
>wife probably gets childcare welfare benefits
They take advantage of our system and wonder why we're pissed at them

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I don't speak wigger. What did that post say?

This. Those Corona billboards look pretty comfy.
>from where you'd rather be

He should have done something about it instead of banking on the feds never wising up to the colossal debt load that illegal immigrants dump on society at large and acting on it. It was inevitable. What did he expect, to live out his golden years on the startrek enterprise?

Can teaches 4th if school $100,000 is grade you.

Hope that clears it up.

Temporarily go back to Mexico for a year or two and get in on a family visa.

Find a family member who will forward all application documents to you so you can pretend you're living at their address.

He's so happy he's getting a free ride back to his Taco Utopia, envy of the world, while his children are stuck in a shit hole

>Feel shitty yet fuckers?
No, it makes me feel good because 1) the law is being properly exercised and 2) it's not that big of a deal since the whole family is still alive and if they want to reunite, they have the ability to do so, legally.

People who *don't, on the other hand, have any opportunity to do, well, anything, are the countless unborn who've been unfairly murdered inside abortionous whorebags by the hands of their godless, satanic administrators. For them, like the name of the second Slayer album, Hell Awaits... (ps, suck my dick in advance, faggot)

> This makes me sick of "winning".

How are you sick of winning when you aren't winning at all? It's obvious you're a faggot shill and you don't actually mean the line you've stated above.

Hahahaha get fucked spic

Why isn't his family going with him? What assholes! I have no special sympathy for illegals that I don't have for any other lawbreakers. We're all fucked by the law. Trump isn't doing anything any of those other cunts didn't do before him.

Now you can help pay for his destitute wife and kids you stupid fucker. Hes an idiot for not taking care of this but now youve got 3 zebras and a dumb woman on the gov tit. Make that fucker stay and work.

Cry moar faggots. I want to see you break down it tears. Its the only thing that makes me lol these days.

depends user, if ya stay over by 180 days its a 3 year ban, over that and its a 10 year ban
that's if we start following laws now......BIG IF
He will be on the next Taco Snuff video on liveleak before he see's US soil

Would he rather be in jail for not leaving when he turned 18? Why don't all American citizens get one crime wiped off their records?

We make things too easy for non citizens. My parents moved to the US from Canada fifty years ago. Neither is a citizen. They're "legal permanent residents". I love my parents but five fucking decades is enough time to do citizenship paperwork. They say there is no reason to bother since voting is the only privilege they'd gain and they'd also be obligated to serve jury duty. The
No one should be allowed to live in a country for over half a century without becoming a citizen. If the paperwork is too much of a hassle for something as great as citizenship in the United States, then it is obvious they don't value the country at all.

Bye, beaner

100% chance they have already been taking welfare for their children since they were born. He could have married an American woman and gotten a green card - even with his illegal entry - but he chose not to for whatever reason.

yeah thats a shame ,get those scumbags from California thrown the fuck out first....He looks like a stand up guy

like murder?!

>feeling shitty for people you don't know

Where exactly do you think you are?

Yet let carlos in prison. Live in a nice comfy cell with food provided for life.
>I think you should complain somewhere else besides /pol.

GTFO and take your wife and kids with you to whatever shithole you came from.

What's up with all those gross little shitskins who seem to form the 'rap scene' nowadays?

For true justice he should be forced to pay back all that money he's extorted.

30 fucking years and he never tried to get citizenship.

Let that sink in.

People should come here legally. Lets not create a north american union

>Now you can help pay for his destitute wife and kids you stupid fucker
Or we could just not.

>come on wife, we're leaving

Actually, I think I might just stay

>be illegal
>for 30 years
>30 fucking years
>10,950 fucking DAYS
>don't apply for citizenship
>just shit out kids like the rest of the parasites
>muh anchors
>deported by first goddamn president to give a shit that we have borders
>AY DIOS MIO I A GOOD HIJO! What about my familiy!
Come in legally or dont come at all. Fuckers should get the bullet if we catch them again, see how long it takes Mexico and Mexicans to get their act together if we build the wall out of corpses.

If a US citizen doesn't pay their taxes for the last 30 years of their life, do their children have to pay when they die?

If so, why?

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do not reply to slide threads
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Reminder that Obama himself said that illegals should go back to their own country before he did a complete 180

people should fuck off, we're full

If Mexico isn't a shithole why doesn't his family move back to Mexico with him? Is it really that bad that they'll sacrifice their dad/husband? lmao

Your laws are stupid as fuck. If she is an illegal too then why arent they all going? Anchor babies? I didnt rtfa i guess i should

Like you have any choice in it unless you are a gov leech too

Getting out of Detroit and into Mexico is called "moving up in life."

30 years more than he deserved, he should be appreciative.

and nothing of value was lost

Spic here.
I resent the sneering neckbeards.

But the law should be applied to its full extent.

>a 39 year old immigrant in metro Detroit was deported this morning to Mexico
... ... ...

No, your debt isn't transferred when you die. Now, creditors (and the IRS) *can* take money from your estate to cover debts, which you may have willed to your children, but if the estate can't cover all of the debts, the children get nothing, the creditors don't get everything owed to them, and the remainder of the debt (or taxes) is written off, and they cannot go after your family for the money.

should have obeyed the law. id launch them back over with catapults

I sure feel so much safer! Thanks Drumpf MAGA is now great again now that you kicked out some 40 year old spic dad

>1 post by this ID
You all are in a shill thread

Escorted by ICE agents to the airport to leave? Don't sound likely. If ICE came to get him, he would be brought to jail and deported.

you're right, better to just continue breaking the boarder laws incognito until you get caught and deport--- oh wait


dicky stiffy uh

facepalm my friend, facepalm