What is wrong with immigration?
What is wrong with immigration?
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nothing, as long its legal
>What is wrong with immigration?
Nothing, as long as the culture of the immigrants is compatible with the culture of the host nation.
How are east asians compatible with western civilization then?
It's a short term solution to a long term problem.
You can't bring people in under the argument of an aging population because then those people age too and you get an even bigger aging population 50 years down the line.
It may have some short term benefits to the economy from a macroeconomic perspective, but to the man in the street it brings him a lower wage, unemployment, and alienation in his own home.
Their uncomfortable faces are so good.
look, i wont debate about details, what i meant by legal, is that its regulated, that at least to me says that the government knows how many immigrants can the nation withstand, for what ever the reason they want to let them in, first they have to asses that their population is taken care first before letting others in, this is where it falls to a black hole that no government wants to understand.
>How are east asians compatible with western civilization then?
They're hardworking slaves. Everyone needs slaves.
Also, by Asians do you mean poos? Cause most of them are not compatible with western civilization. I think only those poos who have studied in the U.S. and received a B.S., or a post graduate degree should be allowed to stay. The rest can go home.
>expecting blonde haired blue eyed aryan scandis
>get turd world niggers
There is something similar to this called Paris Syndrome, look it up.
Ask yourself, Would your village of 1000 ppl survive if you took in the average black person? Now if instead they were average Chinese.
Would there be a difference?
It's more about social cohesion than economics in our case.
The specific demographics ability to assimilate, factor in race, religion, cultural differences.
Meant to write 500 black people or 500 chinese
they seem so disappointed
You want pay more for niggas? They won't work for gibs.
Bad idea with the slave thing. We did that a few hundred years a go and now we have a nigger problem.
Migration and "race mixing" has always been happening all through out history and its natural. However forced multiculturalism is not good, people should choose and vote if they would like to live in a multicultural society, not communist "jewish" leaders deciding for them. Remember there is a difference between race and culture. Culture is geographical customs heritage and believes. "Race" does mot biologically exist. >White
Dosen't exist, skin color explained
Skulls can also be explained scientifically speaking. Race dosen't exist
People have been traveling and migrating to other countries for thousands of years
>What is wrong with immigration?
Non-Whites don't belong in White countries.
Immigration is not a right.
>How are east asians compatible with western civilization then?
Non-Whites are inherently incompatible with White civilization.
Are ideas immigrating with them? Pushed diversity over conformity is a subversion into allowing an opposing ideology to leak into a resonate state.
And with how targeted words can be weaponized it means that if you speak against these ideas then you are seen as racist. It is the idea of conservative vs progressive.
Progressives want no borders so that they can change the demographics of the voting force so that they can manipulate minorities in to accepting a bigger government to take care of themsevles.
This entails why democrats and progressives are the actual racists. They want to flood the market with untrained work so that they can stagnate their wages and keep them in a lower state of living by subsidizing everthing within their life.
Immigration is fine. Importing an underclass from shitholes is wrong.
>What is wrong with immigration?
Immigration is fucking cancer and it hurts both countries.
what is it about nigs that can disgust people who've never met them?
Ita either a negative for the host country (low IQ, low skilled, criminals) or a negative for the donor country (brain drain, loss of high IQ genetics, capital flight)