Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy

>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy
USA in a week TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Other urls found in this thread:

take me home where I belong

Go back to /bant/, Sven, you're drunk. Allahu ackbar.

only good thing thats come out of norway in my opinion.

soy skis are fun sometimes


xcountry is alpha as fuck, look at the Olympic races

alpinefag here mostly. also biathlon is kino.

I love this pasta

What new kind of new satire is this???!

I like it.
Very amusing.
OP should shitpost more often.

a fucking stealth barge

Amerifats you have 2 days to strender
The clock is ticking

Morsomt dritbrev



we are fucking sorry man!!!

Just kidding, Norway hereby declares war on the US. Pay debnts!

I give this shitpost about a 4 out of 10.

don't need to rate it, it's been around here longer than you have clearly.

Oh no, you caught me bro. Totally.

hello there (((norwegian)))

OP is obviously a faggot and keeps reposting this same typo-laden pasta shit. KYS shill and sage goes in all fields.

Ok OP I really gotta ask two things well three.

One. Why do you keep posting this shit?

Two. Why do you think Norway would start shit with us?

Three. What are you smoking and why aren't you sharing? America would curb stomp your country flat in hours.

There's more people in the US military than there are people in Norway.

Be honest, your women lust for American cock.


Bro, your country literally invited in thousands of shit tier people. Your country is actively being destroyed and you're shitposting on a jamaican breastmilk bottling discussion board....

and yet you can't even properly post the pasta, clearly giving away that it is pasta

Hahahha tanned norweigan.

>mfw you probably would crush our massive military of niggers and spics
>mfw you'd encounter the real resistance when you reach the mainland and half the population has guns aimed at you
Any country that tries to invade the US is going to be torn several new assholes. We will grind your flesh into burgers and use your bones for making glue. Come fuck with the fatties and see what happens.

So educated..

Trump loves you. Please bring more of your women to USA.

Even Canada would destroy Norway, wtf is Norway ayway? Useless country.

It's bait faggot. Everyone knows Texas alone could invade and conquer Norway

based NordicWar poster

So cute, I love her.

We have a base in Norway.
You don't have a base in the USA.

Our military spending is as much as the next 8 countries combined.
Norway ain't even on the list.

We have nukes and aircraft carriers.
Norway has none.

STFU and keep gobbling migrant cock like a good scandi.