There are people who consider this generic shit a deep masterpiece

>There are people who consider this generic shit a deep masterpiece
Can someone please tell me what the fuck is wrong with white people?

Another brilliant HxH thread.

Its this time of day again?

Nice baitu, user. Everyone knows it's black people who can't get enough of their generic battle shonen anime.

fucking strawman cocksucker, nobody is saying it's deep

Some people do.

haha white people haha

Serious question, until the Madhouse adaptation got popular was anyone even touting HxH as some "deep thought provoking deconstruction" or just a really well made Shonen manga?

kill yourself insecure faggot

As a deconstruction? no, because you have to be retarded to think that and madhouse is the one who brought the retards in.

Everyone thought it was the best shonen manga though, madhouse is the one who brought in the contrarians as well.

It's a very good adventure show which I enjoyed, I loved seeing the build up between the characters between the different arcs.

Despite CA arc being very hot and cold it's still one of the most enjoyable shows, Phantom Troupe were the best thing about it though.

>Despite CA arc being very hot and cold
>having this shit taste


babby's first HUMANS ARE EVILLLLLLLLL anime causes them to overlook how shitty and drawn out the chimera ant arc is.

>a few minutes in-story are dragged out over 30 episodes
>wrote out leorio and kurapika (the latter of the two being the only interesting character in the show)
>narration over every single scene detailing every character's thought even though the messages being narrated could be understood simply from a visual storytelling perspective
>no phantom troupe
>royal guard are annoying as shit, doubly-so after the nuke

If both the lead-up to the invasion of the palace and the invasion itself were cut in half I probably wouldn't hate that arc so much to the point of letting it retroactively ruining the rest of the series, which ranged from being mediocre during the exams to God-tier in the yorkshin arc.

>a few minutes in-story are dragged out over 30 episodes

It's way more than a few minutes, but even if that was true it wouldn't be a negative.

>wrote out leorio and kurapika (the latter of the two being the only interesting character in the show)

Not true, they just weren't part of that arc, or the one before. And if you think Kurapika is the only interesting part of HxH you should probably just go read Naruto or something.

>narration over every single scene detailing every character's thought even though the messages being narrated could be understood simply from a visual storytelling perspective

That should've been left out of the anime. Not the author's fault they were being overly faithful.

>no phantom troupe

Good job not paying attention.

>royal guard are annoying as shit, doubly-so after the nuke

Oh I see, you just have shit taste then.

>No Phantom Troupe
Sorry, user. I think you're either retarded or didn't pay attention.

>there are people

Oh right there were those 2 garbage episodes where they all tried to out-quip each other and see who could be the most random.

Great description of what happened in those episodes, user. It's clear you paid attention.

My question is when does this shit get good? I'm at the part where they learn what ren and nen are but it's been such a slog until this point.
>no interesting character except Hisoka
>most fights are skipped or ends really quickly
>shitty ass fuck character designs
>literally no plot whatsoever; a bunch of dudes meet at a test and... pass. Whoodee fucking doo.
Does this shit get better? I'm almost at the Gon vs Hisoka fight that everyone hypes up but so far everything is just boring as fuck. Seriously what am I supposed to be watching this show for? The characters? The plot? What is the appeal?

Yes it gets better. Right after that arc (which is almost over)

It gets better after that arc then quickly goes downhill




this honestly

>it unironically gets called a deconstruction

That's more because the people praising it don't have a big enough vocabulary to articulate what it does. It's slightly different from a normal battle shounen, but being slightly different =/= a "deconstruction". Though if you want to get technical, none of the anime that are called deconstructions are actually deconstructions.

Gon's transformation is literally Togashi deconstructing the shounen super saiyan trope. That's why it gets called a deconstruction

>most fights are skipped or ends really quickly
>literally no plot whatsoever
Both of these points are actually tied to what makes HxH unique among battle shounen. Unfortunately, the fanboys over sold it and you were expecting something revolutionary and amazing instead of just sorta off beat and unusual for the genre. HxH isn't the kind of genre defying that inspires awe, it's more the kind that makes you go "huh, normally it'd be THIS way, but instead he did it THAT way." and that's it. Togashi seemed to realize that gimmick wasn't enough to carry the story and that's why after a couple minor warmup arcs he threw them into some legit drama starting in Yorknew City. That arc is pretty straight forward even if it's still somewhat unusual for not really focusing on the supposed main character of the manga.

>Gon's transformation is literally Togashi deconstructing the shounen super saiyan trope.
See this is what I mean by you basically don't know enough to articulate an accurate opinion. This is just nonsense mixed with ignorance.

It gives cliches an enjoyable twist

>deconstructing the shounen super saiyan trope
This is the dumbest sentence I have read on Sup Forums all year. Congrats, HxH fans. You hold that record for the time being.

It sure is

So what is it called when you take a DBZ style villain like cell, have him be the perfect life form who the "heroes" can't beat, and then show that just because he's the best at fighting doesn't mean he's the best at everything with him being "defeated" by a blind girl who taught him that strength comes in many different forms? And then decide to spend the remainder of his time with a little girl as he and the remainder of his race dies from radiation? Or the trope where the main character spends the climax of the story having a staring contest, threatening to kill an innocent bystander, before sacrificing all of his potential to commit murder and then becoming irrelevant to the plot?

I'm genuinely curious what to call it when an established idea is taken apart and thought about critically, if it's not deconstruction.

It's subverting the audiences's expectation, yes. But that's something expected from good writer.

Using Cell's likeness to represent the idea of perfection was a nice touch.