Can someone explain to me what exactly is racist about this comment?

Trump is 100% right, those countries are shitholes, and we should question why we should bring in people from shithole countries.

Does the left just completely ignore reality? Do their feelings override all logic and reason? Do they pretend things like this are racist just so they can attack their enemies?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Does the left just completely ignore reality?
>Do their feelings override all logic and reason?
>Do they pretend things like this are racist just so they can attack their enemies?


He should've said third world country. Same meaning, different presentation.

all this stuff is pretty damn obvious to anyone paying attention.

Is it racist to require voter ID? left says: YES.

not racist to require ID for anything else though

It's not. If he would've said shitskin people that would've been racist. Saying that shit countries are shit is not racist. Liberals are retarded useless faggots what do you expect from them?

In a world where literally everything and anything is racist including fucking trees that stop golf balls from hitting niggers homes the word racist loses all meaning


He never said it, these are shill posts to try and convince us that he actually did.

It's not, he is right.

>He never said it
This is true but we live in a world of fake news and accusations with anonymous sources are treated are gospel
There is no escaping until we round up the “journalists” and impale them on spikes
Until then I gues we all can just enjoy the ride

>nounvulgar slang
>noun: shithole; plural noun: shitholes; noun: >shit-hole; plural noun: shit-holes
>an extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant place.
>"this place is a shithole, I hope you know that"

>noun: racist; plural noun: racists
>a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
>"I had a fear of being called a racist"
>synonyms: racial bigot, racialist,xenophobe,

Defining a country where a group of ethnically similar people come from as a shithole is denigrating the country and the people. Hence it's racist.

Defending stupidity is never a smart move.

Why has nobody proven he said it yet? you faggot

That is a possibility (that he didn't say it), but it sounds like you don't want it to be true that he said it.

I hope he said it. I wish he had said shitskins like suggested. Imagine the media meltdown? But I understand Trump has to keep his power level from showing.

Doesn't matter whether Drumpf said it or not. The fact is, these are shitholes no matter what he said, and the average person knows it. Drumpf's enemies are once again doing his bidding, pushing his memes for him. This fucker is a genius.

Its not racist. Liberals are literally hallucinating as if he said something else.

>calling geographical location a shithole

you need to kill yourself immediately

>he wonders why recordings of govt. meetings (if they exist) aren't simply available for any Tom, Dick or Harry to peruse....
>or why participants of those meetings who at best could lose their jobs or at worst face legal action are not prepared to leak any evidence (if it exists)

He was talking about countries - which denotes more than just a geographical location.
You should heed your own advice.

>Can someone explain to me what exactly is racist about this comment?

Because shitholes consist primarily of negroid's.

because it's racist to say they're invaluable! These shithole countries have people as equally important than people from norway.

And the my left friends said something about equating it to the Japanese Internment Camps

ethnicity =/= race, dingo fucker. also, places like 'haiti' and 'africa' do not refer to race, they refer to place of origin.

0/10 effort, retard. make an actual argument against the ALLEGED comment or fuck off back to your safe space.

The part where we question why we should bring in people from shitholes is supposed to be racist. You're judging individuals for the environment they come from. You're assuming they possess less merit because the country they come from sucks. And because all the shit countries are black and brown, that's racist.

Except for the fact that our immigration system is not merit based, and lottery visas and chain migration mean we go out of our way to take in people from shithole countries with no qualifications. That does not make our country better, it serves only to enrich people from shitholes at the expense of the American taxpayer. Questioning why we bother to do that is not racist.

>ethnicity =/= race
So if I'm Haitian I'm not from Haiti?

>make an actual argument against the ALLEGED comment or fuck off back to your safe space.
Here to point out the dichotomy of OP's attitude. Don't need to argue against the premise as it's immaterial.
See my points to other anons about the veracity.

>plz valid8 my argument m80

>Asking for the opinions of the leftis on a website controlled by rightiest

Are you really looking for arguments or just for confirmation of your political views?

>Does the left just completely ignore reality?

Nope, it's just a grossly unprofessional way to act and speak as a president.

doubling down on incorrect definitions is not an argument, moron. you're totally embarrassing yourself, little man. try harder.

Is your race “Haitian”? I’ve never met someone of Haitian race before. That’s a new one.

He never called the people shit, but obviously his point is that 3rd world shithole countries produce poor quality people. You can't deny that.

What the fuck does Jamal and Jeniqua from Haitian have to offer the U.S.? Where in the constitution does it say we have to bring in a certain quota of shitty migrants who are going to suck on the governments teat for welfare?

We are not the worlds babysitter. If we help people from these countries, it should be in the form of helping them with their infrastructure and education, so that they can eventually help themselves without our aid. But in my opinion we should not even be doing that. We should close our fucking borders permanently.

If the Clinton Foundation has been pumping money into Haiti for years, how can it be a shithole?


They think that because he used people's country of origin as a qualifier for them entering the country rather than their individual qualities, he believes there is something intrinsic to the races of people in those countries that makes them bad immigrants. He's fine with people coming from Norway for example because white Scandinavians are just intrinsically better than black people without having to know anything else about them.

To them he should have said something like "why are we letting people with bad qualities in" or some shit because then everyone is judged as an individual without preconceived notions about their origin. I think all this is completely stupid and naive by the way, but that seems to be the reasoning they use.

The memeflag faggot you're responding to is technically correct although he framed his statements poorly.
African isn't a race, it's an umbrella term for all sup-races which come from Africa, congoid, negroid, capoid, etc, Africa is fucking huge and until only the last 2000-3000 years people developed more or less in total isolation from one another, there are a few dozen distinct Y chromosome haplogroups which derive from Negroid-Africanid

It isn't racist. The left tries to make it racist by inferring that the only person that could say such a thing is someone who hates black people.

Haitian isn't a race numbnuts

Judging some ones character and ability to contribute to a society based on where they are born is racist.

Those countries are indeed shit holes, but Why the Fuck would you rather want some one from norway in your country?

If you cant fucking make it in norway of all places, you arent a very great contender for immigration.

>He uses strawman arguments

There is no controlled by here faggot
Nobody is censoring peoples views here you cock smoker

Can you prove he said it?

Most Americans if you look back in lineage were migrants because their country was a shithole. jews leaving Russia at the turn of the century? yup they were leaving a shithole. Irish leaving Ireland? also shithole. Most Chinese who left their country left because it was a shithole for them. People don't leave their countries if their country is successful, they leave their countries because their countries fucking suck.

I pray that he said it. Someone fucking needs to. American polotician attacks her own citizens calling them deplorable and no one says anything. American politician calls shithole countries shitholes and everyone freaks out. I hope he said it.

Nothing racist about calling a shithole a shithole. I use the same word to describe West Virginia and Kentucky.

Trump did not say this comment. It was a misquote.

If their lies about this are taken as gospel, what other lies have they told that are taken as absolute fact?

Their is a correlation between shithole countries and skin color, specifically blacks.

Thus, just as pointing out the higher violent crime rate of blacks in this country is racist - pointing out that some countries are shitholes (and usually blakc) is also racist.

> (OP)
>The part where we question why we should bring in people from shitholes is supposed to be racist. You're judging individuals for the environment they come from.
People are a product of their environment, but their environment is also a product of its people.
>You're assuming they possess less merit because the country they come from sucks.
You're assuming that's what we are assuming. Why is it that you have to use countries like Nigeria as proof instead of Zimbabwe?

Noice ad hominem. Is that cause you had no counter argument or just because you lack the mental acuity to understand what's being said?

Generalising about race (oriental, Caucasian or Negro) is a bit pointless as ther is no "true" race of either 3. It's a bit like calling the Ainu people Japanese - technically it's true but realistically they're a totally different people.

>You can't deny that.
I haven't and I don't. I just like watching /r_td refugees trying to go the mental gymnastics to justify some of the stupidity the comes out of the Orange Oligarchs mouth.

I did deliberately avoid addressing that point breddy much due to what you've said. You put it more succinctly than I could have.

I think shitholegate was a redpill for some people. the media's reaction was unlike anything I've seen. they were completely unhinged.

False. There's a correlation between shitholes and U.S. government funded socialist tyrannies.

i hope he did say it, it's the truth

The Left prays on the easily manipulated. Part of their propaganda campaign is trying to make the public believe the radical Leftist ideas have great public support. While many are still manipulated, more and more people are becoming aware of just how evil and disgusting the Left really is.

projection is not an argument, squirt. you've got absolutely nothing and you know it. how mad does it make you that you've been totally and effortlessly exposed as a low functioning retard?

soy boys be outraged

It's kind fo like calling Islamaphobes "racist;" in a vacuum it really wouldn't be, but we totally notice you guys only noticing shitty living conditions and religious fundamentalism when it's brown people. The fact that they'll draw attention to shit like that while purposefully omitting anything that could make a white anything look bad.

Requiring context to be removed for their talking points to make sense is a key part of conservative thinking. They try to set up these black or white scenarios with no room for grey, because that grey is where their downfall lies on pretty much every topic.

Many Americans (most of us, actually) have roots in countries that used to be called shitholes.

True. Let’s stop funding them.

>and we should question why we should bring in people from shithole countries.

Did anyone answer his question? Anyone?

Ya, just about every white person with a brain would consider most black countries shit holes. To many butt-hurt libtards, and fragile millenafagz.

We need to encourage these people to move to these shit hole countries and see how many minutes they last.

Fuck off leaf.
You really think he's the first president to utter the word "shithole" in a closed door meeting.

You're literally suspending reality so that you can hate the guy some more.

Go screw, Mackerel Eater. Most of our immigrant ancestors left their homes because they were shitholes, and when they got here they had to sink or swim, there was no welfare tit for them to suckle.

>Do their feelings override all logic and reason? Do (((they))) pretend things like this are racist just so they can attack their enemies?

well obviously