Enoch puts to rest the accusation he's a jew, and BTFO's Styxx and 8 ch@n. And that's just the first 30min.
Enoch puts to rest the accusation he's a jew, and BTFO's Styxx and 8 ch@n. And that's just the first 30min.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shameless bump.
in before Mike Enoch is such a faggot he makes 3 threads to spam his shitty show.
>1 hour long bitching and screeching about 4pol, 8pol, skeptics and styx
red pilled af senpai a lama
Go to bed Styxx, and for Christsake put on a fucking shirt.
And not a girl shirt. Stop cross dressing.
I'm watching the radical agenda right now but I'll watch it later.
bump and waiting for the BND to stomp my door in
shut up shill
Mike Enoch is definitely a jew with ugly ass beady eyes. The SPLC has a history of promoting jew plants by publishing their fraudulent identities on their website. Alex Linder is another example of this, a jew spy for the previous generation.
Lol Mike is claiming he can't talk about the divorce because he's legally prevented from doing so. What a Jewish thing to say
Reminds me of (((Jonestein)))
I can tell he's lying when he denies he's a Jew. He gets super defensive and starts strawmanning immediately
Never seen a kike that looks like him honestly.
You're a fucking liar, probably the jew mike cohen himself. his look is only a jew look, no humans have such an ugly look, with his ugly ass beady eyes. Everything about him is Jewish. The self-importance, the dishonesty, the misrepresentation, an on and on.
And another thing, this jew is a fat ugly pig with low T. You can tell just from his face and body type that he's not the real deal, no pudgy jew soy boy like this would have the courage and temerity to really go against the jew system.
These people sound like whiny faggots.
Mike Enoch is the best voice for the Alt-Right imho. I've been listening to loads of TDS on my commute and Strike & Mike is GOLD.
who do you like as a leader?
nice. Haven't listened to all of it yet. Looking forward to finishing.
Suck a dick Styx. You're Whataboutism is just more status quo, do nothing because something might happen bullshit. You fucking embarrassed yourself the other day against Greg Johnson
Those beady eyes are Serbian as fuck.
That's a loaded question, you must be a shill for this psy-op. Perhaps people don't need a leader right now. The problem might require leaderless resistance first. And then we get a real Aryan man or several for leaders, not jews with faggy voices.
Why would the SPLC out Jews who are infiltrating a pro-White movement? Doesn't make any sense. If anyone actually believes what the SPLC says, they need a wake up call.
Mike Peinovich looks like the Jewish fag Harvey Fierstein. I don't know if you've seen Mrs. Doubtfire.
>This makes me so happy!
thanks, sven. i forgot it was monday.
>these 8cuck-tier arguments
>w-we need Hitler b-but we n-not right now
Fuck off you absolute kike.
They don't "out" the jews. They set up their fraudulent identities as White leaders, when in reality they're controlled opposition jew fags. Get real. You must be a Mike Penivich sock puppet.
Enoch’s eyes are way beadier
lol you're fucking autistic
What happened Strike and Mike? Where is it?
Yes, he's even more jewish than this fag.
oy vey, he sound pissed
8ch did literally nothing wrong.
why are you so anti Semitic?
It's pretty obvious that the Saudis did 9/11. Likely funded INADVERTENTLY by three-letter agencies which were ultimately directed by American Jews. 9/11 was not a Jewish conspiracy, but it essentially only occurred due to American-Israeli relationships brought on by Jewish American politicians.
There's fucking audio of this jew fag admitting that he's a jew. Get lost jew boy shills.
I don’t think it works that way. Enoch has like shark eyes. I’d believe he’s half shark before I believed he’s a Jew.
Wait does he complain about 8/pol/ and 4/pol/
Is he still mad that we weren't made into his obedient followers?
especially shouting handi
>have you seen my kippa
He never mentioned 4/pol/.
Jew fags of the aut-right (incomplete list):
Sam Hyde
Weevlos Faglos
Alex Linder
Mike Enoch
Mike Cernovich
Ben Shapiro
>Take every statement out of context.
>Call it proof.
We know your tricks schlomo.
only shows on TRS still worth listening to are FTN and Exodus Americanus. EA took a while but kind of grew on me. best show is Europa Weekly and they don't even post on TRS anymore.
>el goblino accusing someone of being a kike
Bobby Fischer
Lmao you're probably a fucking nigger or a mystery meat goblin. How sad.
If these threads don't have an attached megaupload archive of paywall episodes it's shill shit.
he hates the core of the movement
he mentions " the chans" several time
i don't understand how AltHype listens to this guy, he's clearly not as smart.
Ryan is 7% nigger, a gayfag and a literal autist. he probably has at least a 145 iq. it goes without saying that he's going to be the new leader of the AltRight
The amount of shills must mean Mike and tds are doing something right.
Why does he hate us so much?
all here are shills?
nerds arent leaders. hes gonna organize rallies? hes going to inspire the masses? hes going to lead men?
sorry. stodles makes terrific youtube videos, hes a big brained nibba, hes great. but he is not a leader of men.
Wow someone with an imperfectly nuanced opinion however many years ago
I've only recently started listening to TDS and I enjoy it. The quality is great. Nice to listen to some shitlords shoot the shit for awhile. The intro songs and merchant minutes are great too.
10/10 podcast
trs has done some things right. tds is just a dumb show. they relentlessly blackpill and punch right because they can't imagine the possibility of winning.
he soesn't clearly say, he's just sperging while saying we are spreading these """"lies""""
Tell me who is a better host? Who else should I listen to Chaim?
>Don't follow any person who fights for your interests, they are just tricking you!
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
I like mcfeels and and markus more. Ehy can't we dig up a nice good looking aryan man and grrom him for the role though? It'd put everyone elses minds at ease.
I heard your Jewish argument already. I can't answer that question well because I'm not the expert on alternative politic podcasts.
this shit is all chan bashing.
I think that he hates us for the same reason why most political groups hate us.
We won't become their followers and do what they say. They hate our independence.
>giving views and shekels to (((Kike Enoch))) and the TRSodomites
Truly living up to the cuckchan name.
i think we've left the public rallies behind for the time being. also, he seems to be getting his sperging under control to some extent and entering panels more often.
the alternative is Spencer, Spencer thinks he's bringing back the imperium and is going to lead us to the moon. he's a mook, and an obvious beta.
this has been and remains a 'leaderless resistance', we need leaders to instruct and weaponize our ideas not inform our actions.
Ryan does this constantly, his entire channel has a motif of, 'how to argue with liberals/conservatives/*-ists '. its objectively useful.
>Don't follow any person who fights for your interests, they are just tricking you!
So you don't find ANYTHING suspicious of a bunch of people, from a race who are historic liars, cheats and frauds; are trying to take control of a movement based off one that tried to remove their people from europe by force?
They are running against their interests for you? What do they get out of it?
Yes they do good work but so does any good infiltrater. I can see plenty of reason for people to be suspicious, especially when our enemies want us all dead, raped or brainwashed. In the end its up to you to decide but don't derried people for being suspicious.
he doesnt hate us. he browses pol. trs got many of their beliefs from here. he just doesnt like shills and recognizes a threat in false info and deliberate discord being sewn on the net. these guys understand better than most the avenues information travels today and the power of propaganda.
pic related
You misunderstand something pretty vital. The forum is filled to the brim with members who came from Sup Forums. Hundreds of active members.
Nobody hates Sup Forums users in general, just the spineless faggots who are critical of organized White Nationalism then in turn do absolutely nothing themselves. Moarpheus is a prime example. Hes just some sniveling little schizo who targets Alt-Right figures, but does absolutely nothing for the betterment of whites. The Common Filth cultists are in the same boat.
enoch , a true ubermensch
Moshes are doing their psyops 24/7.
That was to be expected.
Dont listen do the Moshes.
Enoch is not a jew.
People that peddle the claim that he is are jews.
>its objectively useful.
it is. it is great. but he still is no leader.
do you know any 100 iq soccer moms or football fans that will sit down for 28 minutes and listen to a numbers heavy argument about iq differences in populations? people like stodles inform intellectuals, informs the aristocratic and the high minded. those people translate that into something digestable to the masses. leaders dont just inform they also organize and inspire.
theres a reason trump is president and stephen miller is not.
His wife may have given him a clean divorce where she let him keep most of his shit under the stipulation that he never talks about their marriage in public.
i would worry more about american ren (who are still great) and less about trs for the jewish infiltration.
I like it but it's not as good as it used to be imo.
Mike and Strike is awesome
Amren isn't infiltrated by Jews. They pursue Jews and try to gain Jewish members.
i suspect this is closest to the truth. she probably didnt want to become a punching bag after she was gone.
Did you pay for the TRSodomite membership? How does it feel to give your money to a literally Jew, who lies for shekels, talks shit in private about the very people that support him, and grooms teenagers so that he can fuck them. You know they are called TRSodomites for a reason?
By the way, if you need to listen to someone to tell you what to think, you don't belong in ANY right-wing group and you are a weak piece of shit that needs to be cut like chaff from wheat. Read books and think for yourself, not listen to some Youtube internet whore who lies to you to get your money.
Guaranteed you're a kike.
We've seen all your shitposts before. Get new material, schlomo.
There is no evidence of him being a jew and this is the tactic the tribe often take to DIVIDE and conquer.
You attack Mike with the same attack points that the SPLC openly publishes on their websites. hrmmmm mighty fishy if you ask me.
This was my first post tonight but isn't that funny? You want to take down a figure in a movement because he's up to your standard but you have no alternative who does live up to that standard.
You are a fucking Kike and I just found you out.
>if you want to organize to act collectively youre a weak faggot
>be a good goy and go it alone
>that is true strength
>dont support a movement
>dont take any actions toward ethno state
>good goy
My issue with him is not that he's White nationalist leader, it's that he's a jew controlled opposition figure endorsed by the SPLC. Get fucked ya kike bastards.
The House of Saud is for all intents and purposes Mossad at this point
Not familliar with american ren but I do know enoch and spencer fancy themselves as top dogs. Leaders are a liability unless they are made of the stuff that isnt around anymore like an iron will. By the sounds of things though what people are chasing is a logistics and support network, and I dont think any media personality is going to do for that.
How much is Kike Enouch paying you to shill for him? Pretty fucking sad if you ask me. Don't even have a backbone. You literally stare this obvious Jew in the eyes while he fucks you in the ass, and that laughs about it all the way to the bank.
Sure, Moarpheus. Everyone who actually does something IRL is secretly Jewish or a CIA plant.
No white person could ever want to work towards political goals or organize unless they were a subversive.
The path forward, the true enlightened path to save the white race, is shitposting on Sup Forums while you live on NEETbux.
Yes and I asked for an alternative and you did not have one. Because you just want to rip down everyone in this movement
fuck styx, claiming jews had nothing to with 911 is pretty kikey
Keep believing that, goy
nah, Jews diddit.
or they could organise and create their own networks of people they trust. There's more that one way to do things. Dont try to force square pegs into round holes
Yeah no shit, both him and Spencer glow in the dark more than sushi from Fukashima.