Does this actually work like the conservative claim or is it just a meme?
Does this actually work like the conservative claim or is it just a meme?
To an extent it does. If you get cleaned up and learn a skill and not have too much holding you down you can get into a higher income bracket.There are a lot of factors that go into that though.
It is physically impossible. And boomers aren't conservative.
I use lace up boots so I wouldn't be qualified to answer this question
Yeah, pretty much. You can't do some of the shit boomers say though. Like you can't walk in and get hired and only very rarely can you speak to a manager directly and ask about jobs without them telling you to fuck off and apply online so the hambeast HR woman can filter you out for being a white male.
Getting dressed well and showing up a little early is very important though. half the population can't do this apparently.
Nepotism, favoritism, and networking is obviously the fastest way to success.
And above all remember, don't work hard, work smart and never give more than 100% on any given day. If you give 100% every day, you will be expected to do that every day. Work a little under, and when you work hard when it counts, it will be remembered if you're boss is not a total faggot. Learned this the hard way.
that was pretty funny
>never give more than 100% on any given day. If you give 100% every day, you will be expected to do that every day. Work a little under, and when you work hard when it counts, it will be remembered if you're boss is not a total faggot. Learned this the hard way.
this is probably very good advice
you have no reason to not give your 100% all the time. your boss will see it everyday instead of once "when it count"ed. this is how you move up in jobs. not by being a little cock.
its good advice if you want to reach comfort 20 years later in your shit life
The image I'm left with is of someone yanking their foot up and flipping end over end, landing on their face.
You have to be smart about it. I didn't even realize what I had to do to make money until I got into the workforce. All of this time trying to go the code monkey route, when a 6 month certificate would have me getting paid a decent wage to haul panicking, fat boomers onto an ambulance for a living.
I actually run a department at a midsize international corporation so I can give you real advice.
Yes, it’s the internet and obviously I’m lying but pretend I’m not.
There is ALWAYS a need for deeply skilled people in EVERY field. Most people get to C level depths in their fields - just enough to do the job. The people who put in the extra effort to learn their field as deeply as possible become indispensable, outside of doing something horrendous at the office.
So yes, if a poor person chooses a field, dives in and swims really deep into it, in a few years they WILL have a job and they WILL advance in it.
And people willing to do this relatively simple (but admittedly time consuming) thing are very few and very far between. And all it takes is dedication. Motivated people with dead average IQs can do it.
But most people would rather just complain that the world isn’t fair then go back to reading bullshit on the Internet.
No business turns down good employees. But the number of shit employees who consider themselves good is staggeringly high.
yes, it works. I've done it
it works if you are intelligent, which is why leftists and black people mock it
Statistically class mobility is rather low in the US. You generally end up in the same economic position as your parents. It's better than things used to be though, there were still medieval peasants in the 20th century.
Is this thread about Keynesian "stimulus" spending?
>If the government spends more money it will stimulate the economy
>The government gets the money by selling bonds, getting loans and raising taxes that take money out of the economy
just listen to Mike Rowe's advice. whatever job you have, take it seriously and take any extra responsibilities available. In 18 months you'll be running the place.
Just think back to any job where you or someone you knew was purposefully giving less than their all at their job. Was trying to get out of work or was half assing it to "be cool" or because "it doesn't matter". Did it work out well?
I can't get off Sup Forums and vidya so I dunno.
If you are smart or lucky. There was a time when any half-wit could be middle class with a factory job, but not anymore.
It works, but we need to talk about those immigrants, first.
Yes, just pull and you wil fly
No they are shit Chinese made boots....... They are faggot gay. If they where still made in Tassi maybe but now they gook boots.
this is bad advice. If you want to be snaky about it what you do is give not only 100% but do other people's work too. Do it so much and so often that people start dumping work on you. Stuff THEY are responsible for.
Then once the whole department is addicted to your work shut it all down, revert to just your own responsibilities, and be very open about what you're doing and why.
If you half ass everything all the time so that "it's not expected of you" you're going to get exactly what you wished for. Your boss thinking you're lazy and worthless. And all your grand reveal will prove, on the mythical day you decide to do your job, is that you were doing it on purpose.
Really depends on the job I think. Giving 100% every day will probably benefit you more, as in you'll get really good at what you do. But as far as recognition and promotions I'm not sure. I'm a software developer, if you give everything you have one week, I know for a fact my PM takes that as a baseline and assigns you way more work the following week. Then you are always the guy who can't keep up and can't get his work done in her mind.
It can.
It generally doesn't.
Social mobility is much lower than advertised.
Rossi, Redback, and Mongrel are still Australian made
Nope, nope nope. Your colleagues will HATE you for stopping YOUR work. After half a week of you helping out, they will feel ENTITELD to your help, and start to see it as YOUR TASK. Your tip is the most retarded thing I've ever seen in regards to work ethics.
You do have a point with "faking it too much" though. Don't work too far bellow your actual means, so you have some play-room when things get busy.
it's working for me, disclaimer: i'm white.
Most of what makes you a lot of money is not hard work:
buying and selling investments or real estate
programming a computer (it's all about offloading work to machines)
having a natural gift that people are amazed by or being naturally attractive
being a sales person or marketer who only needs to learn how lie in the best way possible.
All of these jobs are lucrative but not really about hard work as much as they are about smart strategies or just having a gift from God. Hard work almost always gets you a lower middle class position at best.
doesn't count then, your privilege made that happen
I always interpreted "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps" as pulling your boots tighter to prepare for heavy work akin to rolling up your sleeves.
That's what I saw it as, preparation and effort, not some physical impossibility that's supposed to negate any responsibility of self.
Am I retarded?
terrible advice. always work your hardest.
t. business owner
if you're a big guy
Actually good advice.
Time for me to stop fucking around and develop expertise in my field, senpai.
A legitimate thank you. I'm in the process of changing careers while being a father, working full time, and getting licensed for better opportunities.
That's like saying exercise doesn't work because not everyone is in good shape.
rm williams elasticated sided boots
My hardest means 4 people get replaced and you pay me the same fucking wage.
No, it's like saying that the average person will likely remain in the social class of their parents, which is what I'm saying.
Don't make up nonsensical false equivalencies because you disagree with the data.
Any person can make it in any society as long as they are sufficiently intelligent and motivated, social mobility can be used to measure how far above the average you actually have to be to surpass those above you.
Yeah, if you don't have any valuable skills or improve yourself. Deal with it, cupcake.
The equivalency is far from false, and fat people tend to have fat children. There are very few SOCIETAL obstacles in overcoming a disadvantaged background, but that's not to say that an individual's personal circumstances, ability, and motivation, can't get in the way.
>There are very few SOCIETAL obstacles in overcoming a disadvantaged background,
So why do different societies, time periods, political systems, etc. have different social mobility statistics?
Social mobility was historically higher for example in 1950s-1970s US than the modern US or medieval times. Access to education, share of wages spent on living, etc. play major factors.
If you want a specific example look at the amount of people who had a chance to transition into a middle class lifestyle via the G.I. Bill after the Vietnam war from poorer backgrounds.
Again, I'm not saying that it's impossible to become rich if you are from a poor family, but that an individual from a poor background would have to be superior by quite a lot to overcome someone who just happened to be born in a rich family. That's not really meritocracy.
But I suppose the "fairness" of the question lies in how much do you want your children's success to rely on your success or their own.
It can be done. I was once homeless, sleeping behind a bush, now I have a roof over my head and still have time to shitpost. Work for what you want.
That's dumb. Just dont be a weak faggot and tell them no.
you're thinking of people get work dumped on them because they're submissive and can't say no. Just don't be that person, and let them be mad. After you pull the plug your colleagues will probably be pissed but they're not the ones who'll promote you, and in any case they'll hate you just for being succeeding them anyways. I dont go to work to make friends I go there to make money.
This happened to me. I'm not just spouting wild theories. I was over achieving and someone who got a promotion I wanted tried to give me work they could take credit for. I just did it and made sure the higher ups knew I was the one who did it. He told me (in the affect of his superior position to me) to stop doing such a good job and making him look bad. I just said "no", and told him if he doesn't like it he can tell the manager I refused an order to work less hard. We weren't best buds after that but I ended up having a new position created for me to move up into and he ended up getting fired.
This is what people fail to understand. The new successful person is the worst of all. They haven't had my experience of "making it" and then being kicked down the ladder to zero. The only thing it takes is one serious health problem. One death in the family at the wrong time. One serious mistake. That's the thing. You might move up a "class", but unless your entire family is in that class, the first time you fuck up you're going back down. Nobody fucking wants to believe this shit. I get shit on everytime I try to share. I don't want anybody to know my pain. Zero to six figures back to zero. Fuck that shit.
Mike Rowe doesn't follow his own advice. His life is about being a celebrity. It's not in any way the life of the average person.
meme. You only get rich by birth, some special ability, or luck. Best you can hope for is one income bracket up.
thats your problem
You just end up pulling your feet out from under yourself and land on your ass.
Metaphors and imagery, m'boy. Prepare well, don't be a dunce, give a 100% at work, and know that no one is more in charge of your own success than you.
Yea but you can live comfortably if you work hard and dont't break the law. It is not hard to make 50-75k a year in the united states if you follow those two rules.
Yes, but he freely admits that and has also met literally thousands of people who have done exactly what he advises people to do.
Fucking retard.
this is more or less true. IQ has a lot to do with it, people tend to fall out economically along the same lines. but, essentially this is correct. generational wealth is a powerful thing
One leg at a time.
It does. Its just that the liberal version of work is barely work.
Notice that on all these American income inequality graphs that it started to take off in the 70s; right when women and men were going into higher education at equal rates. Smart/successful people tend to pair off with smart/successful people and have smart kids so it's not surprising why in America today we have such an inability to move up income brackets
Made 75k in these boots last year. With tax cuts and our new raise we got because of the tax cuts I'll probably make 80k this year. Chump change I know.
It works if you have the IQ and mental stability to make it work.
You don't know, do you? I hope you never find out. You don't go from rich to 50-75K. You got from rich to zero and then welfare if you're lucky. If your family is wealthy enough to provide a safety net, then yes maybe you won't fall back to zero. Otherwise, you are fucked. Your savings and investments might bail you out for a year or two if you're lucky and you might even get back on your feet if you can still work. Might. The world is a much harsher place than you realize and social mobility is the exception, not the rule.
equality is a lie. the only real equalizers are work ethic, ambition, determination, and sacrifice. so yes, to an extent, it works.
Yes, either from humble beginnings or being fucked over.
if you are not self destructive or really stupid you can get by comfortably in the united states. By comfortably i mean not worrying about next pay check. Yeah you might still be living paycheck by paycheck, but you are not trying to figure out how to get by those few days when your account is overdrawn.
To be doing well (you don't give a shit when you get paid, everything is on autopilot financially) you either have to work hard and long, be smart, or be lucky.
To get wealthy (multiple homes, you work to generate more wealth, not to survive) you have to be smart and work hard or smart and lucky, or lucky and work hard.
To be rich (multiple planes and yachts) you need to be luck. Yeah will probably have had to work hard, you might have had to be smart, but without a lucky spot here or there you would only have been wealthy.
>I’m lying
no you're not you fucking liar. Everything this guy said is pretty spot on.
hard work doesn't mean just physical work, but can also mean mental hard work. Solving problems is harder than moving boxes around a warehouse.
IQ and general mental health are hereditary. Most people who have the ability to be in a higher class already are.
That’s the sad part. The opportunity to move up is there for everyone. But if you don’t have the ability, no amount of hard work will help you.
If you have not put boots on before you are in for a rough life.
google search horatio alger myth
t. usury kike
If you're born to lower class parents it will usually mean you have neither
>Getting dressed well and showing up a little early is very important though. half the population can't do this apparently.
Being reliable is just about one of the most important things you can be. Even if you're not great at your job as long as you always show up on time and only call in sick if you're genuinely unfit to come into work then you will have a lot of value.
you have to have boots first.
Both. The conservatives that claim it usually had mommy and daddy help them out enough in life and then tell everyone else to do it on their own. Normies romanticize the idea of independence and self-making but they're too lazy and low-effort to make it reality so they pretend REALLY HARD that they're doing it,
>Nepotism, favoritism, and networking is obviously the fastest way to success.
And Halo Effect. But hell will freeze over and thaw out into a paradise before normies admit tot his though. They like pretending they succeed because of their own professional actions, not because they're person the boss drinks with after work.
>making yourself valuable in a capitalist society where there's multiple systems that help people pull themselves up with their bootstraps.
Literally just work your ass off like you're from a third world shit hole and you'll be successful.
But you aren't taking reality into consideration your argument it's to pander to people rising above who they actually are, instead of dealing with what we are in a hope the masses follow your enlightened vision.
Lol, follow your advice and you are guaranteed never to see a promotion.
Do too good a job and you become indispensable - there's no way any company will move you higher and then have to find someone else to replace you. You'll get all the low-end, thankless, boring crap nobody else wants to do while the lazier guy has the time to spend sucking up to the big bosses or networking with clients. Lazy guy will be a VP while you're still a grunt.
Yes it does, you fucking nigger.
No, but it is a really shitty analogy.
>I ...made sure the higher ups knew I was the one who did it
That is the only smart thing you did. Now ask yourself why the other guy had gotten promoted ahead of you.
If you already have a stable safety net that supports you throughout that time, then yes, it might actually work.
There is not a single company that will ever NEED you unless they employ less than 5 people. These business owners can afford to lose and replace you, even if they are cutting off their nose to spite their face, and they will do so just to prove that you're a lowly pleb shekel slave. Why? Because they think they're better than you and you deserve shit treatment for not being them. You're an idiot if you think otherwise.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class. Our research shows that of American adults who followed these three simple rules, only about 2percent are in poverty: at least finish high school, get a full-time job and wait until age 21 to get married and have children.
>wealthy parents the post
not meant to discriminate your work ethics!
>b-but muh boss really likes me guys
unless you are highly specialized, with years of experience AND good at what you do, this will always be the case
Just because you're not a minimum wage employee on welfare doesn't mean you're "successful" or not in "poverty". You're not going to live very comfortable here in the US for anything less than 65k.
>No business turns down good employees
>There are people who actually think this
>>wealthy parents the post
What about his post makes you think he has wealthy parents? Seems the opposite, that he's realistic about the state of things and doesn't make any illusions about how the real world works.
You on the other hand sound like a naive retard.
thanks for the free labor, suckers
I am 36 and make 17 k and live ok. I jist do enough to get by and I am pretty happy. I split a house with 3 guys and sell weed. Total bills each month are like 400.
Your life sounds like utter shit, you're just completely oblivious to the reality of your situation. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.
At least I dont have to work
I cant picture not being able to lay around all the time. I have never worked more than 29 hours in a week. Sounds miserable
Those boots are gay
No other Auscunts here wondering why they've used a pic of my old work Blunnies?
Dude EMTs make dick, like, just go for your RN srsly
Just be better than peers, which is usually pretty easy. Show that you care and put the effort to learn new things, but don't work yourself to death.
In some industries 100% all the time is a bad idea, especially if you're proficient at what you do. Many people suck at their jobs so they need to put in 100% anyways to be average.
Marketers, managers, businessmen will look at past history and will use some baseline to create estimates. Help create an estimate that will generate a profit, not one that will skim by just barely because they used a historical budget where everyone went at an unsustainable level.
My boots only got one bootstrap and it works like a charm. If you're privileged enough to have 2, there's no excuse.
>t. shit employee
When you look back on life what will you see other than a blurry haze of an existence?
How much money would you have made if you were obese?