Cute girls doing knight things

>Cute girls doing knight things

Where does this roller coaster end

Other urls found in this thread:

Shoujo Kishidan X Knight
>Not posting the name of an obscure manga


Well, this one is completely ridiculous on many levels in just two chapters.

Yes but it's a good kind of ridiculous.
Unabashedly ridiculous is always welcome (I'll miss you, Keijo).

>Yes but it's a good kind of ridiculous.
It feels like someone in Japan watched "Game of Thrones" too much
All this stuff is just silly, beside traveling in real armor (hohoho, she's just an air-head, you know), or goddamn pseudo-medieval-europe school, which even has it's own dungeons.

I would really like to read something about Japanese interested in European swordsmanship, or saber fencing, but not something like this.

It just tries too hard for me.


>Tries too hard

It's just a dumb excuse to have cute girls fighting in armor.

Burn yourself alive



Shit meme poster uses mangafox. Pottery.
>I-It was a joke, s-s-seriously.
I'll prove it by acting retarded and renaming shit with tumblr names to show I'm only cancerous, but only ironically.

>gaijin blowing up japanese grown men with sticks
Instant deportation.

Hopefully in DEUS VULT


>this is the author at a signing event

ugly faggot too afraid 2 show his face h4h4h4h4

He just wanted to draw cute girls enjoying the same hobby as him

I'm a little offput by how cringey this page is. Is it really a power fantasy in Japan to confront and stop a train groper? That's kind of sad, on many levels.

God damn. This almost makes me want to take up larping. If only it wasn't just Civil War reenactments here.

>guy draw cute girl partaking in his favorite hobby in a silly situation
>"hurr cringey durr power fantasy SAD"
You sound like a really fun guy.

I think you misunderstand. I was saddened by the notion that this mundane situation could possibly pass for a power fantasy, given its prevalence in Japanese media. Of all the things that could be a power fantasy, why stopping a train groper? That's so low key and meek. If you're gonna fantasize, why not go big?

Post Half swording.

Groping in train is a recurrent and widespread problem in Japan, so why are you surprised? Same reason American fictions are full of hard men killing muggers and burglars.

>white knighting when you're only 5'11"

If I may, I see this problem, not akin to hard men killing muggers (close) and burglars, but to stopping someone from littering. Like, if I were to picture some Superman-esque figure flying down and having a little scene telling off some guy for littering, I'd feel the same cringe as I did for the page in question.

This is actually fun, thanks OP.

>Chivalrous female lead
Greatest tag ever conceived.


gee bill, two weiners?

>user accuses anime of not going big with its power fantasies

>user unironically compares sexual harassment to littering

Sick opinions, bro.

Author is an edgy piece of shit hentai author.

He won't be popular. Edgy hentai authors don't really become accepted mainstream because their past haunts them.

Am I the only one who found medieval shit boring?

Except he always draws girls in fucked up situations in his hentai.

Obligatory "fight with school ojou who was angered by MC". I hope we're entering the era of cute girls in armor.

I don't think they did it yet?

Deep South?
Because I saw even Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth reenactors in US.

Sooo, what is it?
Weird page composition doesn't help.

But Tsugumomo is popular user

>Vol.1 Ch.2: Act 2 05 May 2017
>Vol.1 Ch.1: Act 1 22 March 2017

This is hell.

Sometimes the goal isn't to be mainstream. Look at Zun.

Where did Superman steal all those bikes?

tfw no one is translating it and I cant into moon. Life is hell

I'm guessing he problably has a bike-summoning eyebeam.

>this is what white knights actually believe

Nothing from the raws I have, probably saving it for later fights.

Look at the end of chapter two.

Kind of ironic how /u/ his manga is considering the type of hentai he draws. Or maybe it makes sense?

I'm in the same boat. I might import volume 1 anyways just for the novelty of having it.


Funny enough, the original tl script from /u/ horrible and took a decent amount of time to fix.

There is nothing wrong with mangafox, I use it all the time.


if only japan actually won battle of nations once.

T/S here, the translation for the first two chapters were floating around since summer/fall? 2016, didn't seem like anyone was going to bother translating it, so I worked through the scripts (which were pretty shoddy in some places) with some people that knew moon, then typeset it.

Granted I've been looking for a translator, but nobody replied for two months. Now I've got a guy who's interested in translating it, but it's not a high-priority thing, so any semblance of consistent releases probably isn't going to happen. Enjoy.

Midwest. I may just not be looking hard enough.

why's the knight such a manlet?

Because the knight is a little girl.

>I-It was a joke, s-s-seriously.
then go to mangafox and find it if you dont belive me

Didn't translations stop for this manga?

Read the thread faggot

Those pages are from a different manga than most of the thread you retarded faggot.
It's been about a year since the last translated chapter.

yuri, right?

It's not gay when one of them is wearing armour.

But wouldn't it be hard to cuddle while using armour?

Depends on the type! As you would expect, there's a lot of variation in lesbian armouring, depending on the preferences of the lesbian wearing it.

The MC is wearing armour that's more set up for cuddling. Note the soft cloth tabbard and chain, which means the cuddlee doesn't have to worry about pointy edges. Long-croissants on the other hand is wearing a pretty respectable breastplate with greaves and gauntlets and various accoutrements, but has left off her codpiece and is only wearing spats. Ideal for sitting on the faces of disrespectful kouhai.

>Mortschlag = Pommel Beat EX
Don't see that move everyday.

>any non-roid abuser woman ever making it as a knight
This is strenuous on my suspension of disbelief on level far higher than any magical bullshit Isekai out there.

I might enjoy as long as it remains some kind of nonsensical farce instead of attempting anything serious.