Who is the best?
Army Paratroopers vs US Marine infantry
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Got to go with my alumni and say Army anything else and they'd have to take my blue ID back.
Shameless first self bump
both are zogbots
Only countries with a real military are allowed to post in here, leaf
t. proud of fighting for israel
Let em be. They sent more troops to Afghanistan than France.
Canada was the reason RC south turned into a violent shithole
>inb4 snipers
You really are a stupid mother fucker if you think your country is any less kiked than ours, Toronto has the 2nd highest jewish dispora after Tel Avive and Kiev
Gonna have to take your word for that. I've only been out in RC-N and RC-E.
At what?
Gettin some, of coarse
Both pretty amateur tbqph
Paratroopers, faster insertion.
>Who is the best?
You should take this to K.
But in general if you want to look at if something is more 'elite' than something else in a military just ask a few questions.
Which unit has more people fail attempting to become a member of that unit.
Which unit is smaller as a percentage of its parent organization.
Which unit has a larger budget per soldier.
So, units that have more people fail to enter that unit, are a smaller percentage of a larger organization, and have more money per member tend to be more 'elite' than organizations that answer in the negative.
When I was in Kyrgyzstan en route to Afghanistan with the 173rd airborne we were getting a combatives class next to some marines getting a marines combative class and their trainer challenged our trainer to a sparring match in front of everyone.
Our instructor beat the fucking breaks off of that guy. No contest. That being said airborne school isn't hard and marines are just up their own ass and basic training has been a joke since the 80s.
>BTFO you in our revolution
>Bitch slap you War of 1812
>Saved your ass WWI
>Saved your ass WWII
>Save your ass Helmand Province
Bongs have no self awareness
Lawn darts
I was an Marine Infantry. But in all reality it all depends on the situation. i'd trust marine infantry far more with an amphibious assault followed by taking a city.
I'd trust Army airborne to conduct an airborne operation and secure objectives behind enemy lines to precipitate a main assault.
If you want to ask the question 'who is the best of the elites' then you are really asking the wrong question. Because in reality true elite units are in general about equal. The real question should be 'who is better at X mission'.
See, there are only so many hours in a day. So assuming that selection process, training, and budget are about the same it really comes down to what the unit focuses on. If your boys spend all day doing room clearing/entry, then they probably aren't spending a whole lot of time on patrolling in the deep woods - etc.
The SAS have a fine reputation for what they do and you have every reason to be proud of them.
My unit took a Taliban castle (no shit 18th century castle) the SAS got repelled from, they aren't all that son and we were just grunts
Paratroopers, not even close.
Remember the time you got your entire airborne disbanded and your country kicked out of Somalia for sodomizing a Somali teenager? Pepperage farms remembers
Yeah, that isn't a failure of the unit that was the failure of the politicians expecting soldiers to be knights in shining armor. Shit happens
Everyone wants troops to look like recruiting posters and act like saints until they need something dirty and dangerous done.
I think it was a failure on the part of the 2 chugs who were ramming a broom stick up a teenagers asshole, like that is about as much of a failure on the part of the troops as one can get are you serious?
In a sense. But one incident ending a whole mission?
War is nothing but atrocities. Its dirty and ugly work. Americans are just too sensitive. The troops should've been charged and imprisoned, that would be the end of it. American public thinks otherwise.
Somalis do way worse shit to each other a daily basis anyways.
Lol dude I saw the shit the ANA did in afganistan, and I've heard stories from vets back to Vietnam.
A broom up some guys asshole is fucking nothing. Try watching Taliban tied to the back of a truck and drug at 40mph up and down a dirt road till they died... by their own countrymen.
War is always horrible. Just because you've been coddled your whole life doesn't mean the rest of the planet will cater to you, you fat pansy bitch.
In infantry school we had a lot of Marjah vets as our instructors. Their stories were pure gold. They emphasized that we were lucky for not having the Fallujah vets as instructors. I met a few Fallujah vets and they're some hardy men
Airborne would win that fight, but goddamn it'd be brutal.
I literally watched OGA cut 3 suspected Talibans heads off, fuck yourself boot
Can confirm, joined in '06 and all of my DI's and combat instructors cut their teeth in Phantom Furry when they were lances. Old school in every sense of the phrase
Welfare for the dumb but slightly motivated.
Army is full of nu-male faggots
MARINES. Not even close.
-Semper Fidelis comrades
Army and Air Force are full of nu-males, niggers and faggots. The marine corps is full of spics. The navy is the best.
>Doesn't know the Marine Corps is a department of the navy
>Army Paratroopers vs US Marine infantry
Straight up war criminals vs. Crayon Eaters
No but seriouslythe very nature of Parachute Assaults (Airborne) means Paratroopers are by nature designed to be deployed behind enemy lines.
So naturally when the 82nd actually has a combat drop, they kill or rape then kill everything with a pulse because leaving anyone alive means they can report your position and strength to the enemy
That's where you're wrong squid.
>nigger vs nigger
I thought we outlawed slave fights after the civil war. Oh wait nvm they're the (((army's))) slaves now.
Marines fight in a MAGTF. That means rifle squads, mortars, canons, fighter jets all simultaneously. Blitzkrieg warfare. Shock and confuse the enemy.
>Lance with a hashmark
It's basically comparing the most elite Infantry division of the army vs a regular infantry marine.
The entire 82nd is designed to operate behind enemy lines post air drop, there is a totally different philosophy - the Airborne isn't PR friendly either - it has to kill everything that could possibly be a threat to it's operations behind enemy lines, and parachute forces in general are less likely to take prisoners because they are cut off post drop
They are literal lawn darts
82nd fag here, so when we do joint training its with marines marsoc or force, never do we do it with regular marine infantry
Fuckin loosers
T. proud coastie
MEU(SOC)'s are made of regular Marine grunts although...
Airborne drops as low as fucking possible while fast movers fly higher and perform SEAD and cover their drop, they get spread out for miles, have very little in the way of heavy weaponry except for a few HMMWV's with TOW's and HMG's/GMG's and light artillery which is typically deployed by drogue chute (so Pathfinders have to find and prepare and secure a flat enough surface for this operation)
The very nature of BEHIND ENEMY LINES means they break up into smaller units and go fuck up shit in their AO, and boy do they fuck up shit. The 82nd is NOTORIOUS for war crimes committed after a parachute assault - they'll kill local police, anyone with a camera phone, destroy any moving vehicle, destroy any they can't commandeer.
Using the 82nd for a Parachute Assault is by all intents an EXTREME measure.
Marines, SOF, and Rangers are more PR friendly.
You drop the 82nd when you need to put 18,000 absolute fucking madmen inna warzone right fucking now - it's more of a last resort
None of these are good. Only soviets are good you Sup Forums tard
>C130 fires government lawn darts over enemy territory
>Scatter a few hundred paratroopers over miles
>Bunch are immediately hung up in trees/powerlines and captured due to separation
>Harass the enemy with hit and run tactics at best
Marines go in with MAGTAF and kill everything with grunts and CAS
lol you sound like the 82nd CG at a safety brief
Fucking love how you described it
I like both of them being blown up in humvees.
What part of behind enemy lines do you not understand.
Paratroopers aren't initially running into frontline enemy infantry.
They drop in areas where they will run into reserve forces and non-combat troops, areas where they can cause severe damage to the enemies logistics train.
The whole point of Paratroopers is to absolutely destroy an enemies front. Front line and quick reaction forces will have to respond to their shenanigans (killing everyone with a pulse, blowing up rail, ambushing every convoy ever, taking out radar, communications, logistics hubs, etc)
This weakens the entire front - now all those mechanized/armored forces on the front will be weakened because some will have to respond to the serial airborne rapists who captured their artillery fire bases and started firing on their lines.
Meanwhile conventional frontline US forces like Mech/armor and Marines have a easier time cutting through the enemies front because Paratroopers and SF/SOF have been absolutely fucking up the enemies rear.
>implying they aren't trained to cut themselves out of trees
>Powerlines, they don't jump on urban or suburban areas
>Marines go in with MAGTAF and kill everything with grunts and CAS
Airborne goes in 20-80 miles behind enemy lines with nothing but light weapons, light artillery, CAS and a dream - to commit war crimes
ya af blows
>What is a Marine STA platoon
>dan 'the man' blizerian
the SAS,yanks are shit soldiers and fat
navy is entirely full of flaming faggots and are 75% democrat
Thanks for Helmand province, you absolute faggots
You drop the 82nd when you absolutely positively give NO fucks and must unleash absolute fucking hell on the enemy - within 24-48 hours you have a brigade of murderous psychopaths on the ground with no accountability and no fucks to give whatsoever.
Within the week you have the rest of the 82nd on the ground while the Navy and USMC is still sailing in the ocean with the merchant marine transporting the army's heavy equipment.
Meanwhile - because airborne assault - Rangers/SOF and normal 82nd units should have captured airfields, the Air Force is potentially still flying in an air war conducting CAP/interception/SEAD/CAS and the army/af is flying in light infantry (25th ID for example) to land at these airfields in C-130's.
Meanwhile the USMC gets their 2 weeks later and gets to dig the mass graves and do AAR's
>Wears US multicam
What's it like knowing the best a leaf soldier can hope to do is LARP as an American in JSOC? BTW you guys were an abortion in Kandahar
Always pick the Marine to win any kind of combat. Marine infantry get more training than army specialists. They also fight for fun.
Depends on the unit
>Disorganized drops of scattared lawn darts
>12 hours later an entire fucking MAGTAF gets there
>Isn't captured and actually holds territory because of CAS
There is a reason there haven't been any real combat drops since WWII, that secured LZ in northern Iraq doesn't count
Very salty, m80.
I have no dog in this fight but am keen to learn. Explain Canada’s fuck to in Kandahar to me, please.
>Use Marines
An escalation, a quick reaction, typically MEU's are used as a threat of force or as an initial beachead/to secure a coastal city or major port - typically used as a threat against pissant turd world countries
>Use the 82nd Airborne
When you absolutely positively have to have it dead, destroyed and on fire in 24 hours or less.
The 82nd doesn't do PR after a drop. It doesn't do hearts and minds after a combat drop.
Divisional Combat drop plans nowadays are targeted towards near-peers
If you haven't noticed, even fucking ISIS is wearing multicam these days, not because they want to larp as americans, but because it's a damn good camo.
Same but Marines.
In reality it's almost like they have separate missions and skill sets.
Do you really think he takes time out of his day to notice things? The dumb fuck is to busy making shitty threads about some marine getting killed every fucking week.
>Be Canadian
>Don't fight major war since Korea
>Volunteer for most violent and strategically important province
>Fight with more experienced Brits over it, cuck them into taking sparesly populated Helmand
>REEE that reason war is going badly is because US forces are tied up in Iraq
>Repeatedly refuse to ceed terretory to US forces, including entire US MEB in 2009
>Finally leave Kandahar in 2011
>101st Airborne take yuge losses cleaning up their mess
a few leap frogs visited be when i was in the hospital for a couple weeks as a kid. those guys were cool. took a polaroid with me, gave me an autographed photo of them jumping, and a foam airplane. ill always hold jumpers dear. still have the polaroid
both are zog stooges.
>8 years service
What a failure
You sir are a world class certified faggot
If you Burgers were so goo why didn't you take on the county by yourself? I mean what could possible happen you have the most advanced army on the face of the earth and they are just some peasants with AKs.......
Shut up leaf, you and the bongs fucked up royally
The 82nd always has 1 brigade on constant alert readiness - for a drop.
There hasn't been a brigade/Regiment level drop since Panama, before that Grenada - and both countries lacked strategic depth and any real air defense so the 82nd was able to drop in heavier equipment fast.
The 82nd was first in Panama City.
There is a reason why we don't do more combat drops - War crimes during Panama and Grenada were suppressed (generally the 82nd just killed police and and POW's and cut phone lines and communication in the immediate 24 hours after drop).
There was a small drop (less than a brigade with supporting Rangers/SF) in Iraq, it was really more of a "look what we can do!" but it was an airfield siezure.
Jumpers have it rough
It's almost as if there a problems you can't solve militarily unless you killed every man, women, and child.
Airborne here. This is correct. We're also pretty well suited as light infantry for obvious reasons. You're alright, Jarhead.
Yeah and you boys fucking getting blown up because you mindlessly take the same patrol path day in and day out certainly didn't help.
Seriously if it wasn't for us it would be Vietnam 2.0
Who ever turns and slaughters the Jews first
SAGE this Zionist filth: no more wars for Israel
>two 56% mongrels who argue over who sucks more Israeli dick
Epic... Just.... Epic
There hasn't been any major conventional wars fought by the US either and Saddam gave the US time to build up forces in 91'.
Most combat drops are from Rangers/SF/MARSOC.
It's an entirely different story against a peer adversary.
If we went to war with Russia or China the Air Force would be in the air, the 82nd would be dropping behind enemy lines, and the Navy and USMC would be at sea for 2 weeks in the same league with the rest of the Army tyring to avoid AShM's and subs.
Most non-MEU marines and most US Army Infantry would be flown into central europe by C130 or contracted airliners
They are both excellent at raping the populous they are tasked with protecting, along with the same level of honor as the huns and tatars. I'd trade them for the Waffen SS any day.
>t. inbred faggot NEET
Canada had an Airborne Brigade once - it trained extensively with the 82nd, - it got disbanded for committing war crimes during peacekeeping operations.
The US made the same mistake of using Paratroopers for peacekeeping operations - in Kosovo/ FYS. The 82nd peacekeepers raped everything, ran a prostitution ring and basically did everything BUT peacekeeping.
Marines are professional crayon eaters, highly professional at combat but can serve in a variety of roles - hearts and minds, peacekeeping to an extent.
The 82nd? Straight up hell hounds. You let em lose you deal with the consequences. If there ever was anything close to an american SS, it's the 82nd.
>Would have been Vietnam 2.0 if it wern't for us
You leafs are the most delusional niggers when it comes to military history, like I have a Canadian friend and he thinks Canada basically won WWII (Juno was a sandy hill guarded by starving Soviet POW's and Hitler youth)...litterally the only major operation of that war you did was Medusa, and even that was a joint op with 10th Mountain and 5th SFG...you are useless cunts
Hammer Vs. Saw..... Which is best?
Lol you are literally sucking off the jew army. Join the military and you'll turn around user, trust me.
>If you Burgers were so goo why didn't you take on the county by yourself?
That's exactly what the US did. Took Kabul and ousted the Taliban government
UMMMM you do realize that the only difference between a MEU Marine and a regular Marine is being on a ship, right? They say "First to Fight" for a reason