We killed thousands of these during the korean war

we killed thousands of these during the korean war


>Anonymous (ID: oGx33WWg) 01/15/18(Mon)15:32:33 No.15
why would we have killed japanese girls during a korean war

Should've finished the job McCarthy style.

And we stacked them 5 feet high. Used em for sand bags. Maybe if we killed us a few more zipperheads, we wouldn't be dealing with this North Gook shit right now.

I know, desu. Feels bad. We should also have qt Koreans immigrating here but we get shitty niggers and dirty beaners instead.

still wasn't enough
feels bad

Probably did some rapes too. Hopefully.

Who care about these fake plastic women

nice plastic surgery

It wasn't enough


>plastic surgery will never look this good with white women

feels bad

go away gooky boy

Eylids yes, but I wouldn't call orthagnathic surgery plastics.

Because they don't feel the need to?


Sure OP, all those combatants in the north looked like this

She looks like a cute puppy


>english women
>not the ugliest cunts in the world

I do. So tell me how we get white women interested in being mother's again.

Wow. Look at all this wheat!

Fucking zipperheads. I hope we get to do it again soon.


Not even close. :D

Not enough given the feminists of South Korea

They will have the mind of a child their entire lives. We put them out of their misery.

Listen Sally, i get it. You don't like the American society and you want to lasth out and you choose advocating apologies to the North Koreans, but here is the thing, it was a "normal" war where the US aided one side in a civil war. It was bad but not in the way you think, North Korea depicts us westerners to its own people as Neanderthals who eate Asians but only after we fuck them for days. So relax we never killed so many of them.

lol dude look at the eyes if you're wondering. They look better because they look more like a white's.

>average american "women"

I bet when she turns around he can see her turd cutter.

Sam thread spammed for a whole day.. Useless faggot mods

East-asians are prettier when they undergo plastic surgery to look more like whites.


Women will follow the will of whoever is the most important and strongest man in their lives. The running wild of women today is the failure of men, and specifically the upper class men -- Chad shirked his duties. You "fix" women by just being respectable, desirable, dominant, and never ever changing your views to suit them.

not really. There wasn't any plastic surgery back then so they could look like that.

they look nothing like whites. if they wanted to look like whites they would get larger noses and would get lyposynction in the face to get that white meth tranny look that a lot of white women have

>Chad shirked his duties.

So we get them by acting like Chads. Acting like men who can never support a family. Acting like niggers.

Anything else and we're a beta. A provider. Who can support a family but will never have one of his own.

Neither of these roles result in healthy stable White families.

Try again.

you mean macarthur, right burger?


They look far more like whites than before the surgery.

Obviously we didn't kill enough since faggot OP is still making threads about them.

that girl would probably look more beautiful if she tried to look japanese

No, retard. Being "Chad" (Read: Men who are dominant in soceity by virtue of who they are) doesn't entail any of that shit about not being a family man. In fact, it's a problem that you think it does.

Nose bridge implants and face slimming are both among the most popular procedures there, along with the number one , double eyelid.

In other words, you're flat out wrong

Oh really. Explain that one. Explain how you compete with sexy dangerous niggers when you're off at work all day pushing pencils around?

>Women will follow the will of whoever is the most important and strongest man in their lives
And punish adultery with death.

have a (You)

Pic related

So you just have to out nigger the niggers... While pushing pencils all day, you have to somehow be more dangerous than the niggers.

So basically:

1. Be chad.
2. Be provider.
3. ???
4. Profit.

Not really. Just the North Koreans who don't look anything like that. Nice try with your D&C thread, faggot.

I'm not sure where you live but gangs of niggers prowling subabrbs for housewives to fuck has never been a big problem in the US. If a woman is unfaithful that can only be solved by her being reformed by a man with a stronger will than hers.

it fails in comparison to how many of THOSE the North Koreans or Chinese killed.

>What is le 56%?

And there will be one while you're out providing for her. Not can be. Will be. I've been the man coming into other people's houses.

waiting to blow up some more

I find south korean girls far more attractive, theyre basically real life fuck dolls.

Your best shot is a woman like Faith Goldy.

Yeah I'm sure she'll Deus your Vult just fine...

Nah, we saved them from living as slaves in Communism.

Nah, I believe that's YERIN. Korean.

You're a cunt

i bet it fat too

should have never fired macarthur


>weebs actually fall for the cutesy act

go oppa yourself

>How do I white women interested in being mothers
>Aslo I like to infrequently act like a nigger
A good start would be executing the dead weight of our race

So, killing all the women.

Great plan.


Or I'm sorry. Did you mean killing all the White Chads? Another great plan.

>during the korean war

dont worry, during world war 3 all white people will purge europe of muslims

kek what is neo doing there

I mean the moral degenerates who pay lip service to "fixing white women" but in actual fact have nothing but loathing for half of white people, and who themselves actively argue against white faimilies.

Not at all. I want White families. But "be a Chad" isn't a plan to getting there.

Without White control over White society we do not have White families. Simple as that.

Sure is a shame we didn't kill them all. Fucking niggers of the orient.

And we need to kill more of them for our Japanese friends.

Oh the painful jealousy. :D

All of women's behavior is just a result of men merely tolerating them. If tomorrow all men in America woke up and thought women should be stripped of their right to vote and be forced to live in cages it would be done by Thursday. The problem, as I see it, is that men are either not assertive about how they want women to act or that they do not care how women act. Either way the problem is with men, and any positive change will come out of the actions of men alone...

The White female is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a roastie, cunt, bitch, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But show her an azn qt and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “n-nice plastic surgery bitch!”

And as I keep asking, how do we fix that?

How would it feel to be raped by a Korean girl?

It would be extremely painful

Where my LOONA bros at?

TFW all the hot Koreans just got surgery to look white. REALLY MAKES YOU THINK!!!

Reform men, and specifically reform Chad. It sounds like a colossal task, but more young white men come to this website everyday. Many of the people on this board already are socially successful, attractive, etc.

kqt lives matters

bullshit. we killed thousands of flat-chested dinner-plate-faced ugly bitches.
Take some current north korean women, then take away their minimal make-up and dental work, and THAT was what south korean women used to look like.

You killed thousands of plastic dolls?

Where we tell them to unreformed Chads.

Sorry this is a twice board

Just watched some clips of the Korean war.
Korean women back then were hideous.

thanks op. now i know im going to south korea when im ready for a wife.

Tzuyu is the Sup Forums waifu.

>that cute little smile
Dammit Sup Forums stop making me find Korean chicks attractive by showing me the cute ones. I don't wanna be "that guy"

It wasnt enough.


*to be

I can't understand why people like "cute" women. You understand they've trained themselves to act and look cute with makeup in order to take your money and attention?

Why not both?

They caught Tzuyu acting Korean towards some black fans and they're sperging out about it like it's somehow unique.

Why does it matter as long as they aren’t having your mongrel children

I only know chuu and yves

>tfw you didn't kill shit, but you wish you did