Why are whites the only people that appropriate other peoples culture? Hair, language, dances, music...

Why are whites the only people that appropriate other peoples culture? Hair, language, dances, music, behavior why can't they be more like black people who know its wrong and stupid?

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But, here you're nigger ass is posting on a white mans board using the white mans electricity on the white mans computer. Quit being such an uncle Tom and go back to your mud hut.

Dip shit

Look at how many black women pay hundreds of dollars to have white women hair.


You are joking right? Take the afro hairstyle for instance. It was a hair style for Circassian women in the 1800s. Some of them were brought over to the US for circuses and then blacks copied it from those women. If a black woman dyes her hair blonde that would be cultural approriation as well. Also guess blacks better stop wearing hoodies which whites made.

Im pretty sure you mean jews. Not that theres anything wrong with it. Hell thats how hollywood was built

You are appropriating white culture for using the internet, and in most places for drinking clear water.

>virtually everyone in the world wears European style pants and shirts
>not cultural appropriation
The Saudis are basically the only people who don't appropriate white styles.

Whites have no culture of they own

>why can't whites be more like black people and claim cultures that aren't theirs(hebrew israelites, kemetic scientists, nation of islam, black moors, etc)?

>uses picture of raghead for op
>asks what whites are up to
this thread is shit and youre a faggot

shut up you redundant piece of farm equipment


because its only insulting when the oppressor does it

Are you high? The entire African and Asian make-up industry is build on looking more white.

what culture is she appropriating in that picture?

In large part it has to do with empathy and racial confidence. Whites, more so than other races, are able to feel for and with other races/cultures. They are able because of that to experiment and borrow from those cultures.

At the same time there is a certain level of racial confidence within the white races that is in general missing from other races. This exists at the individual level. So the individual white is not afraid (insecure) about moving in to other areas and cultures - joining other tribes or making them his own.

As for niggers, seriously? They literally have no culture. None of their own. Their inability to focus on anything as a group beyond sex and individual violence prevents them from doing anything on higher order that we in the rest of the world should consider 'culture'. Some of this is due to their own limitations, but we as white people should own that some of it is due to the damage that (white) liberals did to black communities with the creation of the welfare state and the subsequent assassination of the black family.

>he says while wearing pants



hiphop is built on appropriation of white culture. they use samples from songs made by white artists. blacks also use the white man's technology to make the hiphop. without the technology hiphop wouldn't be possible. jazz wouldn't possible without the white man's instruments. the saxophone was invented by a white man

but we created whites.

why do niggers use modern medicine and electricity? How bout they go back to the stone ages and we stop listening to nigger music and braiding hair.

Boy georges????

>but we created whites.
Still waiting on my reparations regarding that.

You stole that knowledge from us

>building worthless tombs for people whom you think are deities
>"wow what an advanced civilization!"

the ancient egyptians were fucking superstitious retards and lacked logic and reason like the greeks who wouldn't have wasted time and effort on building a worthless pyramid(regardless of how great you might think it looks)

stop coloring your hair blonde then niggers

98% of black women havemail straight hair like... white women!

>2000 years ago
You're actually retarded. 2,000 years ago Egyptians were greek/roman

That's not true. I know a Syrian dude who's fair skinned who larps as white. My roommates who are Indian tell me everyone's desperately trying to emulate white culture in India

Why are niggers the only ones dumb enough to come up with such a retarded thread? Pakis, spics, sandniggers; none of them come close to the sheer ignorance required to make such a retarded thread. Only niggers will ever write/type things that children know to be false. I once asked a jigger to name a Black Country she'd rather live in over America and she said Africa. These morons who never shit up about Africa don't even realise it's not a ducking country

What the fuck are you talking about? Every nigger, spic and Jew in America is culturally appropriating white Americans on a daily basis.

Not true. If you live in the west, and you're not white, by some way or another you're appropriating white culture because its OUR civilizations. This isn't conjecture or feelings, this is fact. You'd do well to remember who took over the land you're on, and whose countries you're in, and who you owe the potential to live like yu do to.

Us. Get mad, spew out ad hominem attacks, angrily quote random blogs I don't care.

Come home white man

dumb nigger or white/asian/spic cuck posing as a nigger, White people created everything you use you fucking parasite - so shove your cultural appropriation nonsense up your ass.


Ancient egyptians were more similar to Greeks, Macedonians and jews than to baboos. Mutt

I'm sick of seeing so many slide threads with soft porn/outight pron that the MODS are not dealing with. Starting a red pill general thread to counter the crap. I'll post a few to start. Post what you got.

Right of conquest, faggot.

Plenty of non-whites appropriate white people outside of the west as well. They wear western clothes, all businessmen wear suits and the others pretty much wear other typical western clothes. Non-whites appropriate white culture to such a large degree that its become normal.

That person is Arab, not white.

Black people appropriate white culture WAY more than whties do black.
Things like living in buildings, reading/writing, making music, wearing clothes, watching T.V, using computers, playing video games, etc.

she is not white you doosh

Rave culture

When? How? In a lab somewhere?

why niggers speak english?
why niggers wear cloth?
why niggers use forks?
why niggers read?

shiiet niggers stop appropriating

btw dread were created by vikings.. so stop that shit too

the only thing niggers are culturally entitled to is bananas, twerking and cannibalism

dreadlocks were a viking invention you stupid faggot

The international jew is the biggest cultural theif. And tell me asians dont emulate whites and nigs equally. Please.

post dickwashers pic


Why do nigger bitches wear blonde, and/or red wigs?

>the only thing niggers are culturally entitled to is bananas, twerking and cannibalism

right, keep believing that you was kangz


Because we are the ones who have the money to spend on traveling and hobbies? I mean really, we are a nation of many immigrants as well, so different cultures are around every corner in every large city. Why wouldn't we enjoy them? I thought that's the whole point of diversity... right? Ohhh I get it, you were being racist and trying to categorize white people as "uncool" exposing exactly what race you are... as your race thinks "being cool" is the only thing that matters and spend all your money on shoes.

Electronic music was created by whites including the instruments.

Inb4 you bring up a sub genre like techno which is not even the most popular form and is like saying whites invented rock and roll because we made metal.

Black people are scared of raves and look at any major event and it's mostly whites ever in attendence

Only degenerates copy that shit tier culture.

Scientists discovered and proved that ancient Egyptians and kings had more DNA tracing back to eastern Europe and the Mediterranean...lol you're more common with Egyptians now then at Any point in history. Continue to steal their culture like blacks do

Q "You hate people for loving beautiful things" en-q.