Take the Amish Pill

>white values
>strong community
>immune to (((degeneracy)))
>moral and religious cohesion
>no threat of automation from AI
>good work ethic, pride in craftsmanship and a sense of purpose
>women know their place and are happy to fill their supportive role as nurturer
>the happiness that can only come from manual labor and a hard day's work

Why haven't you taken the amish pill yet?

If you took the Amish pill, how the fuck are you posting? Sage

via ARPANET, faggot.

Are their men circumcised?

they dont vote and they inbreed

The ethnostate will have a much bigger and sustainable gene pool.

Lived near a Amish Mennonite area for quite a while. They are mostly good folks but they adopt way more kids than they can handle and really milk the system. I worked at a video store at the time and they kept stealing dvd covers with any hint of sexuality on them.

We should also take advantage of the welfare system as much as possible until there's nothing left. Form a community under a pagan religion and get tax breaks too

When the SHTF, the Amish will be extinguished, and everything they possess will be stolen. You'll be fine 'til then.

They do vote you dumb fuck

No. Shit would be mad haram or whatever the Amish say when something makes Jesus cry.

They've started swapping Amish across states to fight the inbreeding. They are still kinda inbred though.

Do the Amish defend their lands or are they at the mercy of the people's land they live on? Is their whole existence based on assuming their neighbors will just let them be? If so, then it doesn't seem like they will last very long once the US becomes the next South Africa.

Dey inbred, doe

You're missing the point though. First we need to centralize. We need to take advantage of the system while we can.

also, they're pacifist i think

this. pacifism is no good when enemies abound

Doesn't mean we have to be. Take what works, adapt the rest.

A Christian cult so stupid that they choose to smell like shit and forbid things like rubber tires and electricity needed to pump their own sewage away from their living space.

It's probably impossible to find, but there was a great series of articles by an Amish wife (or husband? I don't recall) in a Catholic magazine of tiny circulation called Caelum et Terra about 15 years ago. The mag has long since gone belly up, but it was good while it lasted.

Taking the Amish pill is nigh impossible, btw. It's a closed community.

You have to be white to be Amish


Dont know much about them. I remember that Office show (US version) going out of its way to constantly ridicule the amish and that show was relentless kike propaganda.

Whats the amish attitude to jews?

That's why we start our own?


You forgot a point

>no power in society

When the time will came, they'll be erased by our enemies

And being amish is only tolerable for the state in USA I think

Bump. Amish are great, Mormon are better

Gibs me a kiss

They don't inbreed, but since they're all descended from around 100 people there is very little genetic diversity.

If you're on the road and have to pee, don't stop at a rest stop in Amish country.
The men's restrooms are filled with Amish trying to suck cock.

You need to keep that ID somehow
Also you didn't make the important distinction of whether the cock suckers are men or women


>implying the male shills here don't suck cock

I used to go with my dad to get sawdust from Amish sawmills, very common in Michigan. We would trade the twenty something old workers a case of budlight and a styrofoam cooler for first pick on their sawdust. Fucking love their alcohol. Pretty cool people desu. They do use electricity, but usually not directly. If we wanted to order some roofing tin we would call the guys neighbor, who would relay the message to the owner, who would then have the neighbor call us back and the Amish dude would get on the phone. There is an Amish auctioneer who used an electric headset for the speaker system,but it was battery powered and he did not set it up himself. We hired a crew to shell in a 60' x 106' freestall barn, it was 1/2' out of square after the posts were put in, they ripped out all of the posts and fixed it. One guy who was named Ore(not sure on spelling, pronounced like Oreo without the o at the end) was on the trusses with a kid named David, David slipped and fell, younger guy twenties, and Oree snapped his arm out and lifted David back up one handed. Would not believe it if I had not seen it, their bodies are wiry but extremely strong with an apparently really developed CNS. Finished the job with 1/4 of what the next guy wanted in a week. Normal contractors would have taken several. If you need a barn in Michigan look up Amos the builder, highly recommend. There was a small partyshop in Amish country that told us the Amish men stop and look over all the porno mags, but never buy them. He stocked them just for them,they don't buy the magazines but they did buy other things while there so he was happy. Just my experiences.

That was... beautiful. The chick I mean. Sauce?

Fucking idk, perfect for diamond d synthesis though.

I wish I had your storytelling skills, srsly. Like they say, it's all in the details. I don't think I have that level of recall for any event in my life, let alone a casual encounter with some Amish dudes.

>>immune to (((degeneracy)))

They do vote. They just need to drive to the polls, but usually they take the bus or taxis drive them.

>The Butter Pill
>The Shoo-Fly Pill

If you decide to come back you can't act like a degenerate or you'll be ostracized.


They believe the lies Nerf Herders told each other a long time ago, in a land far far away. Anyone who spreads 2,000 year old impossible lies is ignorant and should not be allowed to breed.