Why does the media ignore that Chile is thriving under a right wing government and a free market economy while Venezuela is a complete under socialism and is every day getting worse?
Why does the media ignore that Chile is thriving under a right wing government and a free market economy while...
do u even need 2 ask dis question
why? because you're a fucking retard that's why
IT's because they are too stupid to notice and report on that right
Chile and Venezuela stop flooding my country with your shitty people thanks
Argie bargies.
not real socialism
Because South America is the penultimate nigger of continents. No one in the first world really cares about you guys, except for Bernie Sanders when he praises his socialist paradise, Venezuela.
>utlimate nigger of continents
>not africa
Why don't Argies make helicopter memes with Videla?
Chile barely had a resistance compared to the Montoneros.
Please read that again.
yes my dear muttbro how can south america be the nigger of continents when there is africa
yeah wow. and i want you to apologize to me immediately
South America is actually a pretty nice place desu.
We need to put our god emperor kast in charge (unless a better version appears but for now kast is good)
Videla do shit to crush the subversives, also many people who weren't even communist were taken away. My father who use to be a manager of a big company told me that a general come to his office to take some people out, my aunt also lost a friend in her university.
People keep telling that he was a good goy bla bla, but the only thing he do was making us shittier that we were.
Oscar Perez, you will be avenged!
Also many of this so called "montoneros" are now running free around the country, and they are even in the government.
Also reminder that Videla was backup by CIA
The media here brings up Venezuela constantly.
do it
Delet this
Mainstream media used to report about Venezuela months ago until the protests stopped, which is weird because everything has just got worse.
Today Maduro claimed poverty was reduced on National TV. Fuck this guy
>right wing government
>free market economy
You just answered your own question, senpai
>Maduro claims poverty has been reduced
So they're back to eating their pets instead of people?
We didn't deserve him.
This country and it's people deserve whatever famine, disease and disaster comes their way.
I've heard Pinochet isn't actually liked that much in Chile, can a Chilean confirm?
As the most peaceful nation in Latin America, Peruvian history shows how we let Socialism and Marxism ideals take place in the political system only to choose a fascist state to fix the damage done by the first ones. We are the 101 experience of how the youth can follow the good ideals promoted by the left only to realise the horrors and repression as well as misery that left policies bring to the nation.
The difference between a Peruvian and many others is that we aren't afraid of a gun pointing at us, we will stay talk loud about our reasoning. In fact we like to argue a lot about food, but avoid physical violence.
There must always be social programs, but the ideals of utopian wealth distribution are took as a joke here.
>Venezuelans please don't let your commies come here too, send them to Canada not Peru.
This shit is messed up, and I am from Brazil, I have seen a lot.
There's mixed feelings with a tendency towards people disliking him, though there's very vocal groups against him (communist party and frente amplio mostly) as well as in favor of him like the UDI (the party created by the politician that made Chile's current constitution during Pinochet's regime).
Most people aren't as extreme in opinions in the country, some think that Pinochet was better, others say Allende, but agree that both made huge mistakes.
As a Venebro who can't leave this shithole just yet, please ask any chavistas you meet for their passports and burn it. Then call immigration on their ass. They voted for this hell, now they want to escape it.
Chile is socialist now, it just takes a while to ramp up regulations so the free market there continued on fairly well until the gov shuts it down.
It's a left wing country now and it'll fail like Argentina if it continues at this rate, sad to see but hopefully it inspires the Colombian hoards in the north to fuck off back to Buena Ventura.
Why is your parliament sabotaging the petro when it's Venezuela's best hope to get out of the sanction mess, the parliament are talking like sanctions are a good thing. What the fuck?
Obviously socialist fools go in the helicopter but... What Maduro is proposing could seriously save Venezuela economically and potentially provide a way for Fiat money to be exchanged for Petros and then onwards to btc.
same nigga who got deposed in the 1973 coup
Not it wouldn't, they already said the petro will not be minable and will only be assigned to members from a selective government list. It's the same shit they did with CADIVI, DICOM, and all the other iterations of the same thing. If you're a red, you get the dollars. If not, fuck off.
Also, the parliament(The Ramos Allup-led one) has no power left whatsoever, not that they ever truly cared, they just wanted to keep their positions. Fuck 'em.
Hey, leave us out of this. We don't want them either.
At any rate, I'd think they'd go to closer countries like Colombia, Guyana, or Trinidad instead of half-way across the continent.
I get it.. there's never anything fair coming out of the dogs breakfast we refer to as 'parliament'
Ours is just as bad except the forex system favours our currency so it seems like we're rich.
I was hoping you'd know how one goes about buying Petros if it launches, could you trade Fiat money for them and then exchange the petro for btc? Is there any framework being discussed?
If any country allows easy access to cryptos from national currencies we're going to see a massive increase in crypto market cap. Are you using cryptos now to pay for daily items?
>could you trade Fiat money for them and then exchange the petro for btc?
Not possible, since like I said, you can't legally get it unless it is assigned to you through a system of auctions. Also, they want to link petro's worth to the same thing the Bolivar is, so instead of just one worthless currency, now we'll have two.
>Is there any framework being discussed?
Not that I know of. They've said that the petro will be pre-mined, the government will have control over how many units of it exist, and how many they choose to sell to whom.
>Are you using cryptos now to pay for daily items?
No, they made mining BTC illegal on the charge of treason and economic terrorism. I've seen plenty of people get court martial'd and their equipment taken in by the SEBIN(basically, Venezuelan secret police), who then use them to mine BTC themselves.
You dont have to mine bitcoins to own bitcoin
impressive insight my friend
I don't know, I have been watching Argentinian news lately, and it's ridiculously infuriating, now I understand why people like Maduro are in power...they only tell them that multinational corporations are stealing their resources (which is false, because resources aren't theirs in the first place, are from the 1% club ),.... they envy Chile a lot, but they refuse see what Chile is doing to be successful.
dude, thats like asking if hitler is liked to this day in germany.
asking stupid shit like that makes me even more embarrassed to have the same flag as you faggot
good post user
now kill yourself
i fucking know what ultimate means now stop with this bullshit and apologize now