What the fuck happened? Its not being treated like an attack but how does an entire building just explode by accident?
Explosion in Belgium kills 20
obviously a bomb lab went off.
>20 dead
No where does it say theres anything close to that you retard
Must have been a gas pipe.
It's not news when bombs go off in islam infested fail states.
>Jew sold property two days before
Book it.
Sometimes muslims just spontaneously combust.
In rare cases this might lead to an explosion.
In western countries this is often seen as a terror attack, but most of the time it's simply a matter of methane that's accumulated inside the muslims body, because they are full of shit.
gas leak?
Kek good one kraut
Several things can cause it.
Odds are it was somebody going super saiyan.
Gas leak
top kek
Was in an italian restaurant so might be mob related.
It can be true, the Catalonia attacks started with a bomb lab exploding
Quick rundown ?
It's absolutely not how mafia would work
Because it's most likely not going to be an attack but some accidental factors that lead to it. Because once you even mention the word terrorism or any sort of attack the right wing nut heads will sensationalize the news regardless of the facts that has not been brought out.
I'm glad the people were ok but these attacks also happen all the time these days
Nice try Ahmed, we're whiter than you
>Alex strikes again
>methane that's accumulated inside the muslims body, because they are full of shit
So, does it mean, the immigration crisis caused by Merkel is part of our green energy program?
>16 August
>a house explodes
>some sandnigger dead in the rubbles
>catalonia police classify it as gas explosion
>a friend of those sandniggers does the attack driving instead of putting bomb inside truck
>night of 18 August
>other 5 sandniggers try a mass attack, get pentakilled by a single cop
>oh fuck that house
>analyze again
>it was full of TATP remains and gas tanks
Who are we to question the normalcy of spontaneous Muslim explosion? It is perfectly acceptable in their native culture, if only you could stop being such a narrow minded bigot then maybe you would have the fortune of being enriched by their explosive culture too.
Diversity is our Strength.
Could be a terror attack
could be a gas explosion, it's happened a few times here where a mentally disturbed person left the gas on and blew himself and the homes near him into smithereens
Holy shit i never knew that. I'm a burger and the media never said a word about it, also didn't read about it here. Does it even benefit the eu at this point to hide the fact there are bomb making operations going on all over it's shitty little union ? Wouldn't it benefit them to be like hur durr there's russian sponsored anti state terrorists all over so we're going to spy on you guys even more and search your shit without warrant
Nobody hid that there, it's simply that spain police didn't told catalan police that those dead in explosion were notorious terrorists
EU response is generally "we need more cooperation between police forces"
are you sure you won't get arrested for saying that Hans?
Gasleak, I honestly think we get one of these each year, usually in the walloons though. That or they lie that it's a gasleak and not a bomb that denoted early
This. Allah is merciful.