>The new doll which is sold for $2,2,89, a little over N800,000, is already getting some men excited. The doll has large thighs, breasts, and large buttocks.
Will this finally solve overpopulation?
>The new doll which is sold for $2,2,89, a little over N800,000, is already getting some men excited. The doll has large thighs, breasts, and large buttocks.
Will this finally solve overpopulation?
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Oh my god user, you are genius. We need to fund deliveries of sex dolls to Africa.
An african guy would be way happier fucking a white realistic sex doll than making eight kids with some ugly sheboon.
When sexdolls that thicc become a thing I'll genocide myself asap
>white sex doll
Is this the new rape training simulator for our next refugees?
How did this thing take over the internet so quickly?
>Will this finally solve overpopulation?
Yes, surely all the shitskins who multiply like cockroaches will each spend $2k on a sex doll.
No, this will make white people extinct. Honestly I want one myself because I fucking hate women. There's no way around this, sadly.
I hate to bring this up, but...wasnt that a rick and morty episode?
Probably because its one of the better looking dolls to date.
MGTOWs are hailing it as a step closer to their robo-chans.
Feminists are realizing their holes cannot complete with the coming designed perfection.
Everyone else is laughing at them both and a few others are thinking...hmm I wonder how much that costs.
It's like I'm reading r9k, are Nigerians /humans/ after all?
>be nigerian
>by top quality sex doll
>can't clean it when you finish cuz you dont have running water
I'm unironically buying one next paycheck. Hell may even ask my girlfriend if she wants to have a threesome with it.
It’s over
>be nigger
>clean anything ever
Sheltered northwestian detected.
It's like they're attempting reverse psychology but they don't understand how it works.
>its one of the better looking dolls to date
That's the best they could come up with?
>childless women
>having a reason to live
This. Cleaning is an alien concept to the negro subrace.
A weapon to surpass roastiedom
I can only imagine the new diseases that will develop in those moldy goop filled holes
Yep. Once women realize nobody wants their stinky meat pockets they’ll probably get depressed en masse and start an heroing like mad.
>tfw the average woman doesnt even look this good
sometimes i show my gf pictures of hot traps and it makes her mad cuz she knows she cant compete
Don't forget, you can even get it with a DICK
>fuck a white sex doll
>i wanna try the real thing now
>become a refugee
>europe gets cucked
>this attachment will fit into all dolls
top kek
None of us will probably never have sex with a girl with such a body. But for 2k you can disregard females, and acquire fuckable thickness.
>yfw niggers lose their dicks to gangrene as a result
I'm not picky, I used to fuck a pile of cushions when I was a young teenager.
Hell, I stole my dad's joke birthday present, an inflatable sex doll of a sheep and fucked that too.
>looks at flag
story checks out
>niggers are going to be fucking your dollfu
I think the thing I like about this Doll is that it looks very much like a super exaggerated version of Scarlett Johannson as Motoko Kusanagi.
If you're going to get a sex doll, always get one that caters towards your fetishes and tastes, with excentuated body parts.
These things are starting to look like my Japanese Hentais.
>what is Colombia, Brazil, and Venezuela
If there wasn't a large body of water between us, I'd fuck you too.
Issue is that they won't clean it, and then they'll get some dick-rotting Super-Herpegonnorsyphilaids later on. Hopefully it stays in Africa, but no guarantees.
Jesus you fuckers are stoopid and horny
>what a chad
damn just traveled to asia for good time
and new doll shows up in computer
I want one with a cock and one a vagine and make them fugg and it will always be rape because the vagine can’t consent and I’ll record it and title it The Sound of Music because who would watch that besides some stupid women who would be the very people I’d want to trigger by seeing 2 sex dolls have unconsensual sex in the first place.
Do not reverse search OP's image
>Will this finally solve overpopulation?
If the sex dolls get good enough they can slow down some of the over breeding.
Checked for accuracy. More and more people wondering if they can afford it or not
Pretty much this, and its normalization is another step towards the mgtow ideal of the perfect robowaifu. You wont reach that stage until there are multiple companies competing to sell you their 'more human than human' replicant.
Well that and other technology improves, like better bipedal movement, better battery tech so you don't have to charge her every 2 hours or give her a tail cord, etc.
This and in the ghetto in the US.
Sell it not as a sex toy but as a form of birth control so liberals buy into it
>Nigerians bringing the bantz
The real question is how heavy is this thicc as girl? I own a 100lb sex doll and I'm used to moving it around now but that thing looks like it's 150lbs. Almost seems worth it but my current sex doll is satisfying me already and it costed about the same and it's an "athletic" build as well with DD and a nice round ass. I'm pretty satisfied with it as a cum dumpster.
They'll try to get daddy warbucks in government to legislate hard against that. Not sure how that'll work but it's guaranteed to fail.
Ahahahaha it never ends.
>when are we going to fully exterminate the black race?
>Build gigantic assed sex dolls
>African birth rate plummets
Yes. Maxx thiqq
Nature just worked out that way. No one wants to admit it but being male can be a pain in the ass, kind of like menstruating. You NEED to cum regularly and if you don't you go a little crazy. And the need to cum is messy, expensive, and at times even dangerous. If it was a matter of choice or will, we would all be monks, even chad would be monk give the amount of crazy im sure he deals with on a regular basis.
Simply put male sexuality is a problem and not just for women but for men too. So if a sex doll make its a little more bearable, so be it.
dont buy chinese
Don't degenerate women already have vibraters and foot long dildos at their disposal ? Yet Stacey still wants chad to fuck her and pay her bills
i cant read this article if its not in pidgin english
Yeah but the IRL bots dont have wombs.
user do you wash it in the shower? Please tell some stories, not "I was pumping and oh wow" but about the handling etc. Also was the original building-together process hard?
Just asking for a friend
In Rick and Morty sex dolls where used to create babies for a woman only society.
Fuck you theyre Sex dolls.
>being a leaf
why haven't you killed yourself yet? seriously, kill yourself
>at times even dangerous
What is jerking off with nearby access of paper and running water for 200 Alex
no, THIS is literally Nigerian r9k nairaland.com
What the fuck kind of numbering system is this?
Here's how we do it in the UK
Holy shit even the Nigerians know about this? HOW MANY SEX DOLLS ARE THEY SELLING???
It's over for women
men have fleshlights. For some people something human like to grab and cuddle with is better and in a couple of years when they can move on their own and really fuck you it's even better.
I will buy one when I reach menopause
Nigerian men know de way
Shhh.... don't tell them our secret user
It's a tragedy you're an ocean apart. You sound like the living embodiment of a good time.
Yes but ur women also fuck trannies and horses
What I find more interesting than human like dolls are dolls that look like fantasy figures.
Rick and Morty did it first
trully a high IQ show
Men with sex dolls are men who aren't out raping. or some shit.
that's some grade-a negging
i wonder how many sex dolls are "black" and have African features...
Warning received. What popped up?
Posted pic from other thread and I forgot to put on the wig. I'll answer your questions
Yes you can wash it in the shower just unscrew the head first and make sure nothing goes "inside" from the neck. I prefer to wash it gently with wipes if I have to. I normally do not cum inside of it because it makes it harder to clean. But you use some safe cleaner that they give you when you order it and I spray inside after every time.
It came already assembled since the TPE material is covering the metal skeleton inside. TPE feels like real skin and warms up rather quickly from your own body temperature. I keep my room cold and it was still able to warm up where it counts. The material is jiggly and I'll admit it's nicer to see the bounce of tits than to grab it.
I haven't yet bought a nazi uniform for it or any other fantasy butt will probably do so soon. It's like having a prostitute in your closet that you have to move it's body for whatever position you want.
Some of the nig responses are redpilled as fuck
Would be pretty funny watching ghetto people wash their sex dolls out front of their house with a hose while they wash down their car. You know some will do that shamelessly
A you must not have seen the highly IQ’d T.V. show “Rock and Marty”
>Ladies, if you think you still have your slay game on, you are in for a massive surprise.
Ladies, if you think dem nna sex on, surprise no be small.
>A company, @sexyrealsexdolls, has created a new sex doll to give men optimum satisfaction.
Company @sexyrealsexdolls, dem make sex doll new dat nna get good feels.
>The new doll which is sold for $2,2,89, a little over N800,000, is already getting some men excited. The doll has large thighs, breasts, and large buttocks.
Doll be sell N800,000. Nna excited now. Doll give nna thicc, boom boom, and bum bum.
normally I'd say TOGTFO but you sound gross
We need to focus on the important questions here, boys. Will it be considered gay to own a futa sex robot?
You might be thinking of our shitty country. Women here are goddess tier and come in all colors shapes and sizes. I'm done dating American women, I'll never subject myself to that again
Sad thing is many redpilled blacks are also blackpilled on voting so instead of voting libertarian or republican they just stop voting.
Better than democrat I guess.
No bullshit, it only costs $2k... I might buy one for the hell of it in a month.
Only if it doesn't have bagina. And horse cock.
I'm Cuban so I know what you mean.
Sadly where I am I only have access to Mexicans though and fuck that. So white women are my only option.
>i bought chinese garbage and im surprised it didnt work out.
Buy japanese or american.
As has been said multiple times, women and men value different things. Women trade sex for a partner with status and assets to provide for them. Men want sex and caretaking. Both can only gain sex from fuckdolls.
If both sides have access to an easy sex alternative, then women will be forced to sell the caretaking that men are left in search of, and gender roles self-correct back to the male provider / female caretaker dynamic that has been present for most of human history.
gotta send one my way first j-just to check for quality
>Women here are goddess tier
seldom have i seen such dishonesty
no they will just buy a bot that looks like that one criminal who became a model
any movie about a plane dropping sex dolls like they would bombs?
You should see the white brazilian women. Way hotter than ameriwhores, still a bit rude and neurotic with personality disorders, but not as far gone as American women
No, user., they're not allowed to have a white sex doll. Look at the article as well: they're buying the one with the dark skin option.
Look at the article: they're buying a dark "skinned" doll.
What is Xuxa doing nowadays?
If you were American you would think you died and went to heaven. Or you would think god hated you so he made your default spawn to be in hell aka America