Operation purify tumblerinas pt. 3
Let's make women great again and show men who to aspire to.
Old thread
Operation purify tumblerinas pt. 3
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They have a long fucking way to go before I choose them over weed, vidya, music and books.
Bumped. Sup Forums has pulled off psyops before, but this would be the crown jewel in our collection of achievements if we do it right.
he easy meme is "she couldn't get a white guy".
white guys are literally most desirable. just keep reinforcing that.
dream wedding photos:
beaten up fat chick? #shecouldntgetawhiteguy
hot white guy? #masterraceman
hot white girl? #aryangoddess
hot couple (most dream couples are white): #masterracecouple etc
pretty much meme masterrace and unattainability of white men for low quality white women (= they want it more)
Current effort:
fucking this
Start a second tumblr, you can use some of the same images with those captions. Attack from multiple angles.
"Ohhhh godd" The whimper escaped from my throat, but it was muffled by his hand over my face. His other hand was pinning both my wrists above my head, and his dick was deep inside me.
"No not yet. I didn't say you could cum for me yet." His blue eyes were inescapable. I wriggled under his grasp, twisting my wetness around his shaft. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cum so bad, but he'd told me I wasn't allowed to. Not until he ordered me to.
I couldn't look at him, it was too much. His face filling my vision. In my altered state it seemed the face of a king, the face of a god, those high cheekbones with eyes set above, narrowed almost in a face of contemptuous possession, with eyebrows like two dark wings above. I wanted to melt for him so badly. That he should own me forever and I would bear him an empire, an empire for ourselves.
But he didn't want that yet. By my ear I feel his lips, in softened tone "You're going to cum for me like a good girl?"
"Mhhmmm, uh huhhh" It was a small cry. "I promise. Please."
I feel him exhale against my neck. He likes this. Down in my groin he's slowly thrusting himself, teasing me. I can feel his cock throb inside me, smell his animal smell all around me. He's going to let me have it yet. He needs my complete submission.
He's staring at me again with those ice chip eyes, regarding me, examining my face. With approval I hope. It's too much, and a I look away.
Firmly and gently, he takes my chin in his hand (his hands are so large!) and turns my face so I have nowhere to hide. "Look at me. Who's your man"
I'm whimpering. "You are."
"Whose pussy is this."
"This is your pussy. O god this is your little pussy."
"Tell me you're my little slut. Tell me you're my little slut and then you can cum for me."
I almost cry in gratitude and the words tumble out of me in a great wave. "Mmmm I'm your slut. Daddy I'm you're little slut." The waves start in my pussy and travel up and out in great waves. I'm screaming. "Daddy I want you inside me forever please cum in me please I'll do ANYTHING." My back is arched, nipples pressed into his chest, and in my groin is clenching his cock a hundred times a minute. I want him to fill me and own me and use me until the end of time I'm his.
Would it be beneficial to start shilling this on twitter in some capacity?
WTF I love tumblrinas now
uhh... so is this the thinly veiled masturbation fantasy sharing thread?
You can try but it seems more heavily moderated recently.
nigga this a serious propaganda
Yup we just need to keep the meme guns active.
There's shitloads of ways to meme white supremacy on tinder+instagram+tumblr, all we need is to keep this thread active.
/WWP/ white women psyops --- keep a thread every day and keep attacking on every angle.
Hot white girls with 'right wing guys only' bios on tinder to bait betas
Hot white girls on instagram tagging white guys with '#masterrace'
10/10 White guys on tinder with 'if you went black we dont want you back'
Dream couples on instagram with '#shegotawhiteguy'
coalburners with '#shecouldntgetawhiteguy' etc etc etc
most memes work just gotta keep it going
/WWPG/ White Women PsyOps General. Keep it going daily and we move the overton window after a few weeks.
OT: what happened to reverse the koran?
The best thing to do would to try and #ivorybulls or something related to the tumblr trending or at least big enough to get the tumblr more attention, but that's just my opinion.
yeah that's why you're posting your favorite homoerotic pictures and fanfictions right?
t. manchild
go read the old threads friend
Remember we're literally PsyOping women and betas who are the dumbest most suggestible people in the fucking world. All we need to do is keep it going for a few weeks and we're golding.
keep bumping the thread, keep memeing and we're good
You are welcome to read old thread to understand. Don't engage this poster as they are trying to derail.
Can girls even be betas? They all have like 2 orbiters at the very least, so that seems unlikely.
i skimmed and all i saw was shitloads of your favorite homoerotic porn
is this organized by /polgbt/ or something?
girls are kinda beta but have natural value so slightly trickier to lead, but more herdlike so easier to lead once you have a few on the hook. more suggestible, more herd behaviour, but more natural value and instinctive selective behaviour.
still, keep the meme guns running a few days and they'll all herd up very quickly
Fucking ruined it. We don't want women to be sluts. We want them to be dedicated.
>Posts porn
How fucking high do you have to be to try to type in /r/rickandmorty and end up with Sup Forums.org/pol?
The name works, download and caption images from the last thread for the current tumblr runner and for future ones.
step 1) reignite their natural racial pride and attraction to the most succesful race
step 2) meme them toward tradlife
1 step at a time
honestly seems like this thread was set up by degenerates to fap to their fantasies together to me
Propaganda for non-white women should be aimed at them as fucktoys and be aimed at white women as potential wives
>when your dad finds your homo pic collection
the state of wh*Toid 'nationalism'
You can do both. Women love this, it will get them interested, the idea was to post this to a different website.
You faggots LARPing as psyop spooks to push some project some dumbass fantasy is the ultimate cringe. Coming to Sup Forums with you mind in tumblr is also on another level of pathetic. Please return to tumblr and stay there.
Don't give me that white knight shit. We want all women to be sluts. OUR sluts. Even (especially) if you're married, you want your wife to be your whore in the bedroom and no one else's.
Tumblr girls are so far gone that being a slut for a white guy is a step up from what they had before.
+ nonwhite men as disqualification/worse than fucking an incel, + white men as hard to attain/highest value
These posters are trying to derail, expect no useful contribution from them.
kk shill. memes only take a few hundred people to push to get million+ momentum. now help or fuck off
aaaaaaand here come the shills. It's a sign we're doing good work lads, keep it up.
this entire post lmao
boomer invasion is no joke
incel faggots
watching you white men make fake accounts on some stupid website just to convince some whore girl who probably got blacked a dozen times with cringy photos only the loneliest most degenerate sad excuse of a men. Take a good look at yourself and say "Damn I really fucked up in life"
what do you want me to say? you are literally encouraging degeneracy in a slightly less degenerate way, you could do this slightly better (fetishizing impregnation by white men for instance instead of your weird homosexual and BDSM fantasies) but at its core it's trying to turn something jewish in origin to something positive: doomed
join @ discord TGaVFr
/WWPG/ White Women PsyOp General
The goal here is to increase the production of white children, faggot. Help or piss off.
lol ok nigger
any meme on our side helps. post something better or fuck off boomer
>don't use our tactics goy
>they definitely haven't worked for us
the point of this tactic is to DESTROY. you're trying to make it something that CREATES. in which you will fail.
You are retarded. A woman’s number one role is to be a mother and provide you children, not to be your sex toy. Stop listening to /r/theredpill type nonsense.
No, the point was to CREATE mongrels, and so by doing the same thing but with the opposite message, we CREATE white babies.
Lol, what? Fitness industry is skyrocketing.
bred that ass, son
White women already like white men the most, we are merely counteracting the subversion of kikes with our own.
This is such a bad idea I can only assume the person who came up with it is from /leftypol/ pretending to be one of us.
you don't know women
they'd rather be sex toys first
if you fuck her properly, she'll do whatever you want
stop replying to this shill.
Soros pays them by # of replies
that's not the only goal it had, this goes deeper to sexual revolution and how it was used to degenerate society by being so open about sexuality and change the sexual power dynamic. you are reinforcing this change.
Talk about topics, exchange, rid this movement of shills ect.
So you wouldn't say that most men could be more fit? We want all those men that society makes fun of to understand what is required of them to attract white women. We want to harden up our young men and let them know that if they do so, white women will desire them.
that has already won (for now). you win a war by taking back a city at a time.
get the dumb white teen girls to want to fuck white men first (time rewind early 1960s), then get them to tradwife mode (early 1950s) .. you cant skip the whole thing. 1 battle at a time shill
Most will ignore any sign of traditionalism as a sign of patriarchy. Most women do not become red pilled on their own, their man redpills them. So we encourage them to mate with fit white men (significantly more likely to be right wing). And even if they are lost, we will have a chance to fix their white children.
Fucking yes user.
I don't reply to convince him, I do it for lurkers. At least here:
He brought up something worth arguing
Holy fuck user. I know you're a dude but holy fuck user
fucking kek
they'll eat this up user, make more and post it on tumblr where they can see it
Remember, not all should be sexual, those will catch some eyes but some should also focus on the family aspect. Reinforce that the ideal is a white couple with white children.
All women are sluts in their own minds you dumb fuck. I can literally make a woman who's interested in me fuck my friends to get a chance to fuck me, and I look beta as fuck, and use Oxford commas like a cunt. All women are sluts in their own mind
I approve this
You're a wanna be nigger but I forgive you. It's a good cause user, troll along
Can confirm, my girl gets fucking soaked talking to her like this. Woman desire to be dominated but secure.
>t. 13 year old who just stumbled upon the “manosphere”
First off, the whole point of sex is to reproduce, you child. Continuing to seperate sex from reproduction only adds to the corruption of our society.
That’s not even true. Women want a strong man to lead them and make a family with. Our kike media is constantly gaslighting some of them into thinking they need to be a childless slut. They don’t actually want to be a slut, they just think it’s what they’re supposed to want. They’re told it’s the “empowering” thing to do, and yet we act surprised when female depression rates continue to skyrocket. I mean, just look at how many women are on pills.
It’s a direct failure of white men in protecting their women from kike influence. Grow up, stop being a faggot, and protect your women.
Think about what you're doing for a second guys:
You're actually trying to make a preference for White people into nothing more than a one of many other tumblr fetishes - to be no more or less significant than diapers or S&M.
This at a time when White Nationalism is actually growing on tumblr on it's own - partly because its so different to the porn and degeneracy-saturated rest of tumblr.
^That's why I can only assume someone from /leftypol/ came up with this idea.
cmon people start posting more white wife material, its necessary for the movement
>someone who hasn't read the previous threads
The goal is to show women the ideal man and to show men what women want. It works both ways. It is another tool to get men fit and counteract the push for race-mixing.
wrong. anyone with basic brains knows white nationalism is goat
however most girls are dumb af
and replacing race mixing with racial pride as a fetish / meme is a massive win
Exactly. Any “pro-white” message that isn’t based in traditionalism is Jewish nonsense.
the whole point is to make traditionalism more acceptable to them
While amusing, and some can be focused on this, many women will be turned off by nazi imagery. Not saying you can't, just be subtle and do it once in awhile to familiarize them with it without putting up their defenses.
be less obvious for fucks sake, you really dont know reporters read Sup Forums 24/7?
no. thats ultimate goal.
if youre pulling someone out of drug+alcoholism+complete depression you go 1 step at a time.
1) white sexual fetishization rather than anything else
2) white pride
3) white cultural pride = traditional pride
fucking basic shit
Just throwing ideas out there to see what sticks. Another angle to come at this from would be to larp as Latina/Black women thirsting for white cock. A lot of Mexican women are like this IRL anyway. They want a white guy cause they can hold a job. Remember that women are jealous creatures by nature so this works on 3 levels.
>1) Standard jealousy makes women want what other women have
>2) POC get special victim points on tumblr which elevates their status and makes their opinions more revered.
>3) Drives a small ideological wedge between colored feminists and white ones.
(Or for more fetishistic)
(Or something to this effect)
you would have to have a complete societal collapse for removal of the feminazi divorce court system
only retarded males get married these days as smart white males do not want to pay aliomony and child support to a bitch that steals their kids
We shouldn’t even be using Nazi imagery in the first place. It’s literally larping. None of us live in 1930s Germany. It was a movement for a specific time and place. We need our own imagery and symbols.
After seeing him, after the period where we'd lay in bed together and I'd stroke his chest, then go to his balcony to smoke a cigarette, after we'd done all that and I'd gone home is that I realized I hated him too.
I hated that I wanted to look down on him, as with so many other guys, to find some flaw of his with which to arm myself and give myself the right to laugh at him, but it was impossible. He was so damn handsome, so damn charming, and he knew it too. It was an arrogance that was as likely to cut for my benefit, as at some bar with friends- cutting down some other girlfriend who made snide remarks at me, as to be flickered out in laughing dismissal of me, of my politics especially. "I don't want to hear about any of that, it makes you sound whiney. Let's talk about what we're going to do tonight instead."
And that's when I hated myself too, for letting myself get de-railed so easily, so wet between the legs at a word and all my causes and passions put aside for the chance to entertain his wicked interest.
Thats an indian/south asian not a black woman.
No, this:
They have been indoctrinated to believe traditionalism is patriarchy. We have to break that.
Go away, Herschel.
Doesn't matter. Any chick who isn't white will work.
>replacing race mixing with racial pride as a fetish / meme is a massive win
Don't you see that is still making it a fetish? You can promote racial pride without turning it into a tumblr sexual fetish.
All you'll achieve is make real racial pride become as cringe as every other tumblr sexual fetish - so it will be dismissed as nothing more than than that.
I can practically see the Mister Metokur video on it already.
Once something becomes a tumblr fad, its only a matter of time before the natural contrarian response kicks in. That's why anti-SJW/tumblr-cringe Youtube videos became a thing.
>smart white males do not want to pay aliomony and child support to a bitch that steals their kids
Your future looks mean and uncluttered by possessions or company.
bretty good
No. Discussed this several times. This campaign is white only. We do not want more unhappy mixed children. We want white women to view white men as the ideal without jealousy.
Ok we need more hot chicks to get this movement more attention by people on Sup Forums regardless. Join the discord ^ and then discuss the tactics, this thread is good for recruiting, white chicks get people in
Promoting interracial relationships sure seems like an awful way to discourage white women from race-mixing.
right now the closest thing to a swastika that is acceptable is MAGA