Canada hate thread

Canada is the gayest country in the world, it's like a hologram of the US minus the 1st and 2nd amendments. Canada is so irrelevant, yet their people have this delusion where they think they are some European equivalent...if anything, it's like the Belgium of North America. Fuck these god damned snow Mexicans, on the day of the rake no syrup kike will be spared

Other urls found in this thread:,_Quebec#Demographics's population&oq=canada's population&aqs=chrome.0.0l6.4184j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Soon the snow mexicans will be more snowmexican with all the muslims spreading out

Sage this shit thread, quit your kike-like balkanisation of pol, snow Mexicans on our side are on our side regardless of what the normalfags in Canada think.


sharts mad they can't handle our superior bants

Canada's fuckin gone m8


Day of the rake when?

You goyim will pay for this

it's like anuddah day of the rake


We’re actually missing all the amendments. Also no real American would bother hating Canada. You’re just another Canadian traitor on a proxy.

Wow, Canucks BTFO

shut the hell up idiot

>If you troll your enemies, they win.


now please

Hope they’re related. We need a dictator like Castro.


Oops, wrong picture. Reminder

If only it was banter and not you faggots being serious about utmost retarded beleifs. Aussies bant, you people just shit the place up.

Stay mad little buddy. We forgive you for your little tantrum.

Trust me, you don't want any soy.

I was having dinner with my gf last night and we went for chinese. She used some soy sauce on her rice and a tiny little bit splashed onto my plate. I mean, just a minimal amount. It was like one or two drops. I didn't think anything of it, seeing as how small an amount it was. Once we were done eating, my chest started feeling itchy. We got home and my nipples were feeling really itchy and sensitive. I took my shirt off and my nipples were so puffy, and I could swear that I was sprouting little breasts.

Anyway, by the time we were ready to go to sleep, there was a noticeable change. My girlfriend was making fun of me, calling me princess, and saying that I should wear a bra. It was humiliating. Well, she did put me in a bra and my breasts had actually grown to be a full cup size bigger than hers! We went to bed and I had a really hard time getting to sleep. Partly from the concern of growing these tiddies, but also because of how uncomfortable the new weight was. But I did manage to get a few hours in.

When I woke up, my waist was obviously thinner and my hips and butt had more fat on them. My face had even gotten a little softer. I was honestly scared. Anyway, my girlfriend said she'd stay by my side which I really appreciated, but that night, when I went to go have sex with her, she just rolled over and said she wasn't attracted to me. I told her I was still attracted to her, even with all the changes and she said she just wasn't comfortable with a woman being attracted to her. That really hurt.

I told her I wasn't a woman, but she disagreed and told me that in order to make her comfortable, I needed to lock my dick in a chastity cage. I did it for her, but it was really frustrating and it even hurt a little bit. Now she won't unlock me. I'm totally overcome with sadness and embarrassment and I can't stop crying and she just keeps on teasing me, getting me so hard in my cage.

Don't eat soy, you guys.

I never used to care about Canadians (I mean, who would, right? They don’t do anything) but being exposed to them online has made me realize that their entire culture revolves around not being American. They have nothing else. Sad.

cool, another CANADA LOVE THREAD

The core of Canadians are to this day still wasps, you created us. So everything you say about us applies to you.

Even me?

10 seconds on Wikipedia unfortunately disproves the Castro conspiracy, as much as I want it to be true. Justin was 5 years old when his mom met Castro for the first time.


When I've visited scotland and england it's like traveling back in time 300 years visually and 10 years technologically. It isn't nice and gets old very quick. That and your government forces it to look that way and people have to pay out of pocket for expensive materials. Also I noticed nobody can really understand each others dialect even thought you live right beside each other.

Canada is cucked but why don't we take it away from the queen? It'd be 64 states



my mate left melbourne to move to canada about a week ago. he came back a year ago to try and convince me to go and i was like fuck that i live in the best country in the world why the fuck would i move to a cold shithole

>America: non white but has freedom
>Europe: white but no freedom
>Canada: non white and no freedom
Just fuck my shit up...

Thanks neighbour.

Weedman is redpilling many, many leafs.

On the day of the rope, you may have a bullet if you so choose. On the day of the rake, no leaf sill be spared. Can't take any chances. Nothing personal user

whoa im gonna need some sauce

There's 13

1. Newfoundland and Labrador
2. Nova Scotia
3. Prince Edward Island
4. New Brunswick
5. Quebec
6. Ontario
7. Manitoba
8. Saskatchewan
9. Alberta
10. British Columbia
11. The Yukon
12. The Northwest Territories
13. Nunavut

Would you like to tell me how many provinces and territories there are in Canada, brainlet?

I can take a shit with 100% surety that a deadly critter won't crawl up my ass and kill me

His dad met Castro for the first time in 1970 a year before Trudeau was born, and he was a well known swinger

i wish we lived in a world of only women. and then nothing could be gay. and you could have your paradise. women cant even fly fucking airplanes. and you think gay is bad

We would have to make them a terretory like Purto Rico, we don't need 34 million more liberals that would be like adding another California

My sacrifice would be well worth it considering you'd be getting rid of tens of millions of muslims, niggers, chinks, libtards and sjws.

her name's Judy from sudbury..I'll let her know ya like her

Just take alberta all the registered conservatives will migrate

The women would all be gay if you’re it for guys.

Sudbury is fucking greasy.
Stay away

ive never in my 30 years had a bug try and crawl up my ass. Ive seen one snake in my life. Ive seen about 4 kangaroos. So you should probably actually factually get out country right before you watch dumbasses like seth myers talk about how a dingo ate me baby


Thirteen, mutt. Unless you've picked up an extra state lately.

We like being irrelevant. It's called peace and dignity and not getting nuked. Go ahead. Ignore is. Forget we exist.

>chug art tattoo

lmao, faggot muttard hiding his shame on an anonymous board.

oh I fuckin know it

>implying chugs shouldn’t be fucking erased

b but..there's still that chance..

Holy fuck, a leaf ameriboo. Get a grip and save your own country rather than being an American wannabe.

Lol. Another internet traveller. No seriously guys. I learned open heart surgery on the internet. I can do it.
Ignorant git.

>mfw i legit sweat like that in 20c

>member of g7
>3rd largest oil reserves
>10th largest economy
>fastest population growth among g7


Good. Stay home. We dont need more lazy, no skill drunks shitting up ski season.

>fastest population growth among g7
We're just getting chinked though

Really? I can't find any record of a meeting until 1976.

Just sayin

Tens of millions? Read a book. Or wait until you graduate grade 7 to post.

That is an ugly ass flag, haters gonna hate I say.

They’re. It even a real country anyway

U still mad i fucked your wife lil dick burgerboi?

>tfw Canadians actually do die in 10° weather

I have to say that there are no words that can encapsulate how much I admire Canada. How did such a low-population country manage to get such a glorious leader of such high skill, extraordinary diplomatic ability, and incredibly good hair? This still mystifies me.

rd largest oil reserves
Yeah most of it is dirty Alberta muck that is worthless and expensive to extract
th largest economy
Have you been paying attention to reality since 2015?
>>fastest population growth among g7
Sweden tier white birth rates, 25% of Canadians no longer even born in country taking in 400,000 shit skins per year when you have California's population with most of your infastructure hugging the US border this isn't something to brag about leaf

Can confirm
I fucking combust when it gets north of 30

>“Pierre Trudeau's and Fidel Castro's paths crossed for the first time in 1970, when the Canadian government sought to negotiate the exile of members of the FLQ,

>Hurr leafs are so cucked because Justin cuckdeau is in charge

just because we're run by a retarded jew nosed 12 year old doesn't mean the entire country is awful, you fucking burger.

I hate fucking Canadians truly I hate them more than niggers at this point I hate them more than anti-white liberal Jewish feminists. My hatred for them is truly profound and metaphysical in nature. They are an unnatural abomination of a fucking country. They shouldn't even be a country. They are a fail version of America whose entire existence is leaching off of real America. If America was a shit tier beta nation with no accomplishments no victories or virtue of any kind it would be fucking Canada. They are leaches and uppity liberal faggoty leaches to boot, their entire existence consists of passive aggressive posturing against us. They should not exist. It's an abomination. Their existence is a crime against the United States. We are the only reason they are even a thing they have no military their entire economy consists of trade with the United States Americans own all their major businesses and they have the gall to be evil passive aggressive dogfuckers who come here and talk shit about us. Their country was literally founded by beta male traitors and cowards who pussied out of the revolutionary war. No other leach country like this exists. They are so much worse than fucking Israel, Israel is at least surrounded by enemies Canada shouldn't exist if we were any other empire we would have jsut taken all of that real estate by now. Truly I hate all Canadians. How can such a fuckinig non country even be allowed to exist? It's an insult to history and to humanity and the human spirit.

please just fucking nuke us out of our misery

You mad?

Jesus you look like a massive faggot. Most of all, why the fuck do you have an Australian flag wrapped around your noggin? Why do you struggle to recognize and worship the glories of your amazing leader?

I love Chinese women! I see so many of them in terminal city and I can't contain!y boner.

this post is very jewish

shut up

Seriously, are you actually mad? Is there something caught fully inside your anus?

>Language laws
>No natural gun rights or anything resembling castle doctorine
>High taxes
>Retarded health care
>Shit skins rampant in only relevant parts of country
>Limp wristed leftists abound

Don't fucking talk to me leaf. I hate you. I make a point to be extremely rude to any Canadian I encounter they become more passive agressive as a response and I become more rude until they break down

I've always been conflicted with my cultural identity. I've lived here my whole life:,_Quebec#Demographics

>Saint-Laurent is one of Quebec's (and Canada's) most ethnically mixed areas, with some 166 ethnicities reported to live there in relative harmony.[8]

>Mother tongue figures from the 2011 census of Canada are: French (29.7 per cent), English (15.6 per cent), non-official languages (54.7 per cent; largest linguistic groups are Arabic, Chinese, Greek and Spanish)[9]

>In 2011 the immigrant population was 45.4 percent, according to the National Household Survey by Statistics Canada.[9] It is one of the boroughs of Montreal with the highest concentration of Arab Canadians.

I was raised English and never really picked up French because as a kid I resented it and always planned on moving out of the province. As a kid I always thought it was the French that made me hate where I lived but as I got older I realized, no, it was the niggers, poos, muslims and chinks, and even the non Quebecois whites who all seemed to identify with their home countries rather than Canada or Quebec. Being Canadian or Quebecois meant absolutely nothing to everyone I met where I live. I grew up in a cess pool of shit, annoying cultures, and it's destroyed me because I've always wanted to identify with something. Every trip I made to America I felt more at home. The people were super friendly, everything was English, you had the right to protect yourselves against the shit skins that ruined my neighborhood. A country I could truly be a t peace living in. As a bonus, nothing is more triggering to the fuckers that live here than an American patriot LARPer because of what OP was talking about (the shittest aspects of Canadian culture are still very much alive here). Outside of where I live Canada is a nice place, probably 2nd or 3rd best country in the world imo, but America tops all. My life goal is to become America. Sry for blogpost

>lmao the burger shill is actually this mad's population&oq=canada's population&aqs=chrome.0.0l6.4184j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Broadcasting live from the psych ward.

lol you have a mass shooting every 2 months or so and have thousands of people dying on the streets.

well you got me there but
>shit skins rampant in only relevant parts of country
>implying toronto and ottawa are only relevant part
you are wrong about that

one day leaf

Sounds exactly like the new trash they let in there. Enjoy the needles on the patio poser.

You stand soloing

Minus the sourounding areas of Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Vancouver, not a fuck of a lot left unless you want to move into a 50,000 pop town in the middle of butt fuck nowhere

does it make you feel better that my vacation home in California is worth more than your only house LMAO

who said there'd be any fucken guys. what in the fuck is a guy
