Can anything really top the Anglosphere?

>Men and women of Australia...we are at war with Japan. This is the gravest hour of our history. We Australians have imperishable traditions. We shall maintain them. We shall vindicate them. We shall hold this country and keep it as a citadel for the British-speaking race and as a place where civilisation will persist. -John Curtin

Is there really anything more superior than these 5 countries? (6 if you really wanna include Ireland). All share history from the fatherland of the British Isles. I welcome all nations of the Anglosphere to this thread. Long may we prosper.

>In days of yore, from Britain's shore,
Wolfe, the dauntless hero, came
And planted firm Britannia's flag
On Canada's fair domain.
Here may it wave, our boast, our pride
And, joined in love together,
The thistle, shamrock, rose entwine
The Maple Leaf forever!

What does a couple acres in the English countryside near some trees cost?

Daddy where am I?

Killing white farmers

fill me in burger

The last great empire on earth.

We ceded you to Africans, God help us.

No, seriously, the next great project of the "alt right" is to pressure the UN into granting white south Africans and white Zimbabweans refugee status. You need to leave south Africa and we all need to watch it collapse into a third world country, only then will the normies truly understand.

Well I was thinking about maybe moving back to my ancestral homeland. Is countryside property outrageous expensive? I don't need to be hooked up to power or sewer. I can set it up myself.

The dutch really are inferior. Jesus christ they suck. Should have just genocided the natives like our cousins who went to America.

>I don't need to be hooked up to power or sewer. I can set it up myself.
I'm sure there's a law that mandates you have to let paki laborers set it up

The 8 million of us can kill everyone else and turn it into a prosperous white ethno state. You'd be surprised what amount of whites in SA are red pilled.

>only then will the normies truly understand.
They won't understand until it happens to them or someone they know

You have to get to the point where you wouldn't be an international pariah for doing such a thing. If it happened tomorrow it wouldn't end well.

Trees are illegal in bonglandia because they contain wood, which can be used as an offensive weapon.

Why have the yanks added themselves to the Anglosphere?

My jaw hit the floor reading this. I can barely believe it. Niggers are really something else.

That part I know. I don't expext it to happen tomorrow. I expect it to happen you all, the west, are busy fighting each other. 2nd american civil war and the EU collapsing and the faschist right doing something in europe. That's when we do our thing. I mean jesus think about it; basically the entire white race taking back what was theirs around the same time. Australia should also chime in and hang a few traitors.

You oughta know by now

More expensive than you can afford burger boy
It's usually AT LEAST £5k for one acre, be it farmland or woods. But it is hard to find land for sell in small amounts. You will probably be unable to build due to being a foreigner yank and no planning permission
Just stay in America, you can afford so much more shit there for hardly any money and I envy you

I could tell they were chimps but really reading into the details just still shocks me.

Can't be topped won't be topped

Someone, also american, posted this on a thread about the H&M thing a few days ago. Horrid shit, really.

Do you still have a lot of whenwes in SA?

I know a few of them. I know one guy lost a 5 million rand business overnight because he had to flee Rhodesia. 5 million is a lot.

CANZUK unite!

Bumping before some Quebecois or Torontonian ruins the thread.

God save the Queen.